path: root/mpv/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mpv/scripts')
3 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mpv/scripts/autoload.lua b/mpv/scripts/autoload.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe6ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpv/scripts/autoload.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+-- This script automatically loads playlist entries before and after the
+-- the currently played file. It does so by scanning the directory a file is
+-- located in when starting playback. It sorts the directory entries
+-- alphabetically, and adds entries before and after the current file to
+-- the internal playlist. (It stops if the it would add an already existing
+-- playlist entry at the same position - this makes it "stable".)
+-- Add at most 5 * 2 files when starting a file (before + after).
+function Set (t)
+ local set = {}
+ for _, v in pairs(t) do set[v] = true end
+ return set
+ 'mkv', 'avi', 'mp4', 'ogv', 'webm', 'rmvb', 'flv', 'wmv', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'm4v', '3gp',
+ 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogv', 'flac', 'm4a', 'wma',
+mputils = require 'mp.utils'
+function add_files_at(index, files)
+ index = index - 1
+ local oldcount = mp.get_property_number("playlist-count", 1)
+ for i = 1, #files do
+ mp.commandv("loadfile", files[i], "append")
+ mp.commandv("playlist_move", oldcount + i - 1, index + i - 1)
+ end
+function get_extension(path)
+ return string.match(path, "%.([^%.]+)$" )
+table.filter = function(t, iter)
+ for i = #t, 1, -1 do
+ if not iter(t[i]) then
+ table.remove(t, i)
+ end
+ end
+function find_and_add_entries()
+ local path = mp.get_property("path", "")
+ local dir, filename = mputils.split_path(path)
+ if #dir == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ local isplaylist = mp.get_property("playlist-count")
+ if #isplaylist > 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ local files = mputils.readdir(dir, "files")
+ if files == nil then
+ return
+ end
+ table.filter(files, function (v, k)
+ local ext = get_extension(v)
+ if ext == nil then
+ return false
+ end
+ return EXTENSIONS[string.lower(ext)]
+ end)
+ table.sort(files, function (a, b)
+ return string.lower(a) < string.lower(b)
+ end)
+ if dir == "." then
+ dir = ""
+ end
+ local pl = mp.get_property_native("playlist", {})
+ local pl_current = mp.get_property_number("playlist-pos", 0) + 1
+ -- Find the current pl entry (dir+"/"+filename) in the sorted dir list
+ local current
+ for i = 1, #files do
+ if files[i] == filename then
+ current = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if current == nil then
+ return
+ end
+ local append = {[-1] = {}, [1] = {}}
+ for direction = -1, 1, 2 do -- 2 iterations, with direction = -1 and +1
+ for i = 1, MAXENTRIES do
+ local file = files[current + i * direction]
+ local pl_e = pl[pl_current + i * direction]
+ if file == nil or file[1] == "." then
+ break
+ end
+ local filepath = dir .. file
+ if pl_e then
+ -- If there's a playlist entry, and it's the same file, stop.
+ if pl_e.filename == filepath then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if direction == -1 then
+ if pl_current == 1 then -- never add additional entries in the middle
+ mp.msg.info("Prepending " .. file)
+ table.insert(append[-1], 1, filepath)
+ end
+ else
+ mp.msg.info("Adding " .. file)
+ table.insert(append[1], filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ add_files_at(pl_current + 1, append[1])
+ add_files_at(pl_current, append[-1])
+mp.register_event("start-file", find_and_add_entries)
diff --git a/mpv/scripts/autosub.lua b/mpv/scripts/autosub.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a05206f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpv/scripts/autosub.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+-- default keybinding: b
+-- add the following to your input.conf to change the default keybinding:
+-- keyname script_binding auto_load_subs
+local utils = require 'mp.utils'
+function load_sub_fn()
+ subl = "/usr/bin/subliminal" -- use 'which subliminal' to find the path
+ mp.msg.info("Searching subtitle")
+ mp.osd_message("Searching subtitle")
+ t = {}
+ t.args = {subl, "download", "-s", "-l", "en", mp.get_property("path")}
+ res = utils.subprocess(t)
+ if res.status == 0 then
+ sub_path = string.gsub(mp.get_property("path"), "%.%w+$", ".srt")
+ mp.osd_message(sub_path)
+ mp.commandv("sub_add", sub_path)
+ mp.msg.info("Subtitle download succeeded")
+ mp.osd_message("Subtitle download succeeded")
+ else
+ mp.msg.warn("Subtitle download failed")
+ mp.osd_message("Subtitle download failed")
+ end
+mp.add_key_binding("b", "auto_load_subs", load_sub_fn)
diff --git a/mpv/scripts/stats.lua b/mpv/scripts/stats.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f844d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpv/scripts/stats.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+-- Display some stats.
+-- You can invoke the script with "i" by default or create a different key
+-- binding in input.conf using "<yourkey> script_binding stats".
+-- The style is configurable through a config file named "lua-settings/stats.conf"
+-- located in your mpv directory.
+-- Please note: not every property is always available and therefore not always
+-- visible.
+local options = require 'mp.options'
+-- Options
+local o = {
+ ass_formatting = true,
+ duration = 3,
+ debug = false,
+ -- Text style
+ font = "Source Sans Pro",
+ font_size = 11,
+ font_color = "FFFFFF",
+ border_size = 1.0,
+ border_color = "262626",
+ shadow_x_offset = 0.0,
+ shadow_y_offset = 0.0,
+ shadow_color = "000000",
+ alpha = "11",
+ -- Custom header for ASS tags to style the text output.
+ -- Specifying this will ignore the text style values above and just
+ -- use this string instead.
+ custom_header = "",
+ -- Text formatting
+ -- With ASS
+ nl = "\\N",
+ prop_indent = "\\h\\h\\h\\h\\h",
+ kv_sep = "\\h\\h",
+ b1 = "{\\b1}",
+ b0 = "{\\b0}",
+ -- Without ASS
+ no_ass_nl = "\n",
+ no_ass_prop_indent = "\t",
+ no_ass_kv_sep = " ",
+ no_ass_b1 = "\027[1m",
+ no_ass_b0 = "\027[0m",
+function main()
+ local stats = {
+ header = "",
+ file = "",
+ video = "",
+ audio = ""
+ }
+ o.ass_formatting = o.ass_formatting and has_vo_window()
+ if not o.ass_formatting then
+ o.nl = o.no_ass_nl
+ o.prop_indent = o.no_ass_prop_indent
+ o.kv_sep = o.no_ass_kv_sep
+ if not has_ansi() then
+ o.b1 = ""
+ o.b0 = ""
+ else
+ o.b1 = o.no_ass_b1
+ o.b0 = o.no_ass_b0
+ end
+ end
+ add_header(stats)
+ add_file(stats)
+ add_video(stats)
+ add_audio(stats)
+ mp.osd_message(join_stats(stats), o.duration)
+function add_file(s)
+ local sec = "file"
+ s[sec] = ""
+ append_property(s, sec, "filename", {prefix="File:", nl="", indent=""})
+ append_property(s, sec, "metadata/title", {prefix="Title:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "chapter", {prefix="Chapter:"})
+ if append_property(s, sec, "cache-used", {prefix="Cache:"}) then
+ append_property(s, sec, "demuxer-cache-duration",
+ {prefix="+", suffix=" sec", nl="", indent=o.kv_sep,
+ prefix_sep="", no_prefix_markup=true})
+ end
+function add_video(s)
+ local sec = "video"
+ s[sec] = ""
+ if not has_video() then
+ return
+ end
+ if append_property(s, sec, "video-codec", {prefix="Video:", nl="", indent=""}) then
+ append_property(s, sec, "hwdec-active",
+ {prefix="(hwdec)", nl="", indent=" ",
+ no_prefix_markup=true, no_value=true},
+ {no=true})
+ end
+ append_property(s, sec, "avsync", {prefix="A-V:"})
+ if append_property(s, sec, "drop-frame-count", {prefix="Dropped:"}) then
+ append_property(s, sec, "vo-drop-frame-count", {prefix="VO:", nl=""})
+ end
+ if append_property(s, sec, "fps", {prefix="FPS:", suffix=" (specified)"}) then
+ append_property(s, sec, "estimated-vf-fps",
+ {suffix=" (estimated)", nl="", indent=""})
+ else
+ append_property(s, sec, "estimated-vf-fps",
+ {prefix="FPS:", suffix=" (estimated)"})
+ end
+ if append_property(s, sec, "video-params/w", {prefix="Native Resolution:"}) then
+ append_property(s, sec, "video-params/h",
+ {prefix="x", nl="", indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true})
+ end
+ append_property(s, sec, "window-scale", {prefix="Window Scale:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "video-params/aspect", {prefix="Aspect Ratio:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "video-params/pixelformat", {prefix="Pixel format:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "video-params/colormatrix", {prefix="Colormatrix:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "video-params/primaries", {prefix="Primaries:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "video-params/colorlevels", {prefix="Levels:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "packet-video-bitrate", {prefix="Bitrate:", suffix=" kbps"})
+function add_audio(s)
+ local sec = "audio"
+ s[sec] = ""
+ if not has_audio() then
+ return
+ end
+ append_property(s, sec, "audio-codec", {prefix="Audio:", nl="", indent=""})
+ append_property(s, sec, "audio-params/samplerate", {prefix="Sample Rate:", suffix=" Hz"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "audio-params/channel-count", {prefix="Channels:"})
+ append_property(s, sec, "packet-audio-bitrate", {prefix="Bitrate:", suffix=" kbps"})
+function add_header(s)
+ if not o.ass_formatting then
+ s.header = ""
+ return
+ end
+ if o.custom_header and o.custom_header ~= "" then
+ s.header = set_ASS(true) .. o.custom_header
+ else
+ s.header = string.format("%s{\\fs%d}{\\fn%s}{\\bord%f}{\\3c&H%s&}{\\1c&H%s&}" ..
+ "{\\alpha&H%s&}{\\xshad%f}{\\yshad%f}{\\4c&H%s&}",
+ set_ASS(true), o.font_size, o.font, o.border_size,
+ o.border_color, o.font_color, o.alpha, o.shadow_x_offset,
+ o.shadow_y_offset, o.shadow_color)
+ end
+-- Format and append a property.
+-- A property whose value is either `nil` or empty (hereafter called "invalid")
+-- is skipped and not appended.
+-- Returns `false` in case nothing was appended, otherwise `true`.
+-- s : Table containing key `sec`.
+-- sec : Existing key in table `s`, value treated as a string.
+-- property: The property to query and format (based on its OSD representation).
+-- attr : Optional table to overwrite certain (formatting) attributes for
+-- this property.
+-- exclude : Optional table containing keys which are considered invalid values
+-- for this property. Specifying this will replace empty string as
+-- default invalid value (nil is always invalid).
+function append_property(s, sec, prop, attr, excluded)
+ excluded = excluded or {[""] = true}
+ local ret = mp.get_property_osd(prop)
+ if not ret or excluded[ret] then
+ if o.debug then
+ print("No value for property: " .. prop)
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ attr.prefix_sep = attr.prefix_sep or o.kv_sep
+ attr.indent = attr.indent or o.prop_indent
+ attr.nl = attr.nl or o.nl
+ attr.suffix = attr.suffix or ""
+ attr.prefix = attr.prefix or ""
+ attr.no_prefix_markup = attr.no_prefix_markup or false
+ attr.prefix = attr.no_prefix_markup and attr.prefix or b(attr.prefix)
+ ret = attr.no_value and "" or ret
+ s[sec] = string.format("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", s[sec], attr.nl, attr.indent,
+ attr.prefix, attr.prefix_sep, no_ASS(ret), attr.suffix)
+ return true
+function no_ASS(t)
+ return set_ASS(false) .. t .. set_ASS(true)
+function set_ASS(b)
+ if not o.ass_formatting then
+ return ""
+ end
+ return mp.get_property_osd("osd-ass-cc/" .. (b and "0" or "1"))
+function join_stats(s)
+ r = s.header .. s.file
+ if s.video and s.video ~= "" then
+ r = r .. o.nl .. o.nl .. s.video
+ end
+ if s.audio and s.audio ~= "" then
+ r = r .. o.nl .. o.nl .. s.audio
+ end
+ return r
+function has_vo_window()
+ return mp.get_property("vo-configured") == "yes"
+function has_video()
+ local r = mp.get_property("video")
+ return r and r ~= "no" and r ~= ""
+function has_audio()
+ local r = mp.get_property("audio")
+ return r and r ~= "no" and r ~= ""
+function has_ansi()
+ local is_windows = type(package) == 'table' and type(package.config) == 'string' and package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\'
+ if is_windows then
+ return os.getenv("ANSICON")
+ end
+ return true
+function b(t)
+ return o.b1 .. t .. o.b0
+mp.add_key_binding("i", mp.get_script_name(), main, {repeatable=true})