path: root/_modules
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1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
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index 0000000..43ed1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ACME / Let's Encrypt module
+.. versionadded: 2016.3
+This module currently uses letsencrypt-auto, which needs to be available in the path or in /opt/letsencrypt/.
+.. note::
+ Installation & configuration of the Let's Encrypt client can for example be done using
+.. warning::
+ Be sure to set at least accept-tos = True in cli.ini!
+Most parameters will fall back to cli.ini defaults if None is given.
+# Import python libs
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import datetime
+import os
+# Import salt libs
+import salt.utils
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+LEA = salt.utils.which_bin(['certbot', 'letsencrypt',
+ 'certbot-auto', 'letsencrypt-auto',
+ '/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto'])
+LE_LIVE = '/etc/letsencrypt/live/'
+def __virtual__():
+ '''
+ Only work when letsencrypt-auto is installed
+ '''
+ return LEA is not None, 'The ACME execution module cannot be loaded: letsencrypt-auto not installed.'
+def _cert_file(name, cert_type):
+ '''
+ Return expected path of a Let's Encrypt live cert
+ '''
+ return os.path.join(LE_LIVE, name, '{0}.pem'.format(cert_type))
+def _expires(name):
+ '''
+ Return the expiry date of a cert
+ :return datetime object of expiry date
+ '''
+ cert_file = _cert_file(name, 'cert')
+ # Use the salt module if available
+ if 'tls.cert_info' in __salt__:
+ expiry = __salt__['tls.cert_info'](cert_file)['not_after']
+ # Cobble it together using the openssl binary
+ else:
+ openssl_cmd = 'openssl x509 -in {0} -noout -enddate'.format(cert_file)
+ # No %e format on my Linux'es here
+ strptime_sux_cmd = 'date --date="$({0} | cut -d= -f2)" +%s'.format(openssl_cmd)
+ expiry = float(__salt__[''](strptime_sux_cmd, output_loglevel='quiet'))
+ # expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(expiry.split('=', 1)[-1], '%b %e %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')
+ return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expiry)
+def _renew_by(name, window=None):
+ '''
+ Date before a certificate should be renewed
+ :param name: Common Name of the certificate (DNS name of certificate)
+ :param window: days before expiry date to renew
+ :return datetime object of first renewal date
+ '''
+ expiry = _expires(name)
+ if window is not None:
+ expiry = expiry - datetime.timedelta(days=window)
+ return expiry
+def cert(name,
+ aliases=None,
+ email=None,
+ webroot=None,
+ test_cert=False,
+ renew=None,
+ keysize=None,
+ server=None,
+ owner='root',
+ group='root'):
+ '''
+ Obtain/renew a certificate from an ACME CA, probably Let's Encrypt.
+ :param name: Common Name of the certificate (DNS name of certificate)
+ :param aliases: subjectAltNames (Additional DNS names on certificate)
+ :param email: e-mail address for interaction with ACME provider
+ :param webroot: True or a full path to use to use webroot. Otherwise use standalone mode
+ :param test_cert: Request a certificate from the Happy Hacker Fake CA (mutually exclusive with 'server')
+ :param renew: True/'force' to force a renewal, or a window of renewal before expiry in days
+ :param keysize: RSA key bits
+ :param server: API endpoint to talk to
+ :param owner: owner of private key
+ :param group: group of private key
+ :return: dict with 'result' True/False/None, 'comment' and certificate's expiry date ('not_after')
+ CLI example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '' acme.cert "[]" test_cert=True renew=14 webroot=/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public
+ '''
+ cmd = [LEA, 'certonly', '--quiet']
+ cert_file = _cert_file(name, 'cert')
+ if not __salt__['file.file_exists'](cert_file):
+ log.debug('Certificate {0} does not exist (yet)'.format(cert_file))
+ renew = False
+ elif needs_renewal(name, renew):
+ log.debug('Certificate {0} will be renewed'.format(cert_file))
+ cmd.append('--renew-by-default')
+ renew = True
+ else:
+ return {
+ 'result': None,
+ 'comment': 'Certificate {0} does not need renewal'.format(cert_file),
+ 'not_after': expires(name)
+ }
+ if server:
+ cmd.append('--server {0}'.format(server))
+ if test_cert:
+ if server:
+ return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Use either server or test_cert, not both'}
+ cmd.append('--test-cert')
+ if webroot:
+ cmd.append('--authenticator webroot')
+ if webroot is not True:
+ cmd.append('--webroot-path {0}'.format(webroot))
+ else:
+ cmd.append('--authenticator standalone')
+ if email:
+ cmd.append('--email {0}'.format(email))
+ if keysize:
+ cmd.append('--rsa-key-size {0}'.format(keysize))
+ cmd.append('--domains {0}'.format(name))
+ if aliases is not None:
+ for dns in aliases:
+ cmd.append('--domains {0}'.format(dns))
+ res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](' '.join(cmd))
+ if res['retcode'] != 0:
+ return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Certificate {0} renewal failed with:\n{1}'.format(name, res['stderr'])}
+ if renew:
+ comment = 'Certificate {0} renewed'.format(name)
+ else:
+ comment = 'Certificate {0} obtained'.format(name)
+ ret = {'comment': comment, 'not_after': expires(name)}
+ res = __salt__['file.check_perms'](_cert_file(name, 'privkey'), {}, owner, group, '0600', follow_symlinks=True)
+ if res is None:
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] += ', but setting permissions failed.'
+ elif not res[0].get('result', False):
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] += ', but setting permissions failed with \n{0}'.format(res[0]['comment'])
+ else:
+ ret['result'] = True
+ ret['comment'] += '.'
+ return ret
+def certs():
+ '''
+ Return a list of active certificates
+ CLI example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '' acme.certs
+ '''
+ return __salt__['file.readdir'](LE_LIVE)[2:]
+def info(name):
+ '''
+ Return information about a certificate
+ .. note::
+ Will output tls.cert_info if that's available, or OpenSSL text if not
+ :param name: CommonName of cert
+ CLI example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt ''
+ '''
+ cert_file = _cert_file(name, 'cert')
+ # Use the salt module if available
+ if 'tls.cert_info' in __salt__:
+ info = __salt__['tls.cert_info'](cert_file)
+ # Strip out the extensions object contents;
+ # these trip over our poor state output
+ # and they serve no real purpose here anyway
+ info['extensions'] = info['extensions'].keys()
+ return info
+ # Cobble it together using the openssl binary
+ else:
+ openssl_cmd = 'openssl x509 -in {0} -noout -text'.format(cert_file)
+ return __salt__[''](openssl_cmd, output_loglevel='quiet')
+def expires(name):
+ '''
+ The expiry date of a certificate in ISO format
+ :param name: CommonName of cert
+ CLI example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '' acme.expires
+ '''
+ return _expires(name).isoformat()
+def has(name):
+ '''
+ Test if a certificate is in the Let's Encrypt Live directory
+ :param name: CommonName of cert
+ Code example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ if __salt__['acme.has'](''):
+'That is one nice certificate you have there!')
+ '''
+ return __salt__['file.file_exists'](_cert_file(name, 'cert'))
+def renew_by(name, window=None):
+ '''
+ Date in ISO format when a certificate should first be renewed
+ :param name: CommonName of cert
+ :param window: number of days before expiry when renewal should take place
+ '''
+ return _renew_by(name, window).isoformat()
+def needs_renewal(name, window=None):
+ '''
+ Check if a certicate needs renewal
+ :param name: CommonName of cert
+ :param window: Window in days to renew earlier or True/force to just return True
+ Code example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ if __salt__['acme.needs_renewal'](''):
+ __salt__['acme.cert']('', **kwargs)
+ else:
+'Your certificate is still good')
+ '''
+ if window is not None and window in ('force', 'Force', True):
+ return True
+ return _renew_by(name, window) <=