diff options
authorHolger Levsen <>2017-10-23 14:23:03 +0200
committerHolger Levsen <>2017-10-23 14:23:03 +0200
commit2e98abc7a2eae041cc2cb947810d4f912924e903 (patch)
parent0cbebaf3c6315a1a1b79a36f238765d33e0307fe (diff)
new script and job to find obsolete transitional packages in (currently) buster
Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <>
3 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fb1fd417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Holger Levsen <>
+# released under the GPLv=2
+# run with any parameter for interactive mode which will fire up mutt for 10 buggy packages
+# else automatic mode is assumed, which has more output
+if [ -f /srv/jenkins/bin/ ] ; then
+ . /srv/jenkins/bin/
+ common_init "$@"
+ #normally defined in
+ export MIRROR=
+ #for quicker development:
+ #PACKAGES[0]=/home/schroots/jessie/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_jessie_main_binary-amd64_Packages
+ #PACKAGES[1]=/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_stretch_main_binary-amd64_Packages
+ #PACKAGES[2]=/home/schroots/sid/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_main_binary-amd64_Packages
+if ! which chdist ; then
+ echo "Please install devscripts."
+ exit 1
+elif ! which grep-dctrl ; then
+ echo "Please install grep-dctrl."
+ exit 1
+if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "Call $(basename $0) with 2 or 3 params:"
+ echo " 1st: suite which is being developed, eg 'buster'"
+ echo " 2nd: suites to look at, eg. 'jenkins stretch sid'"
+ echo " 3rd: any third param will enable manual mode."
+ exit 0
+SUITES="$2" # jessie stretch sid
+NEXT="$1" # buster
+if [ "$NEXT" != "buster" ] ; then
+ echo "This script needs more changes to work on other suites than buster…"
+ echo "Not many, but a very few."
+ exit 1
+# transitional packages we know bugs have been filed about…
+BUGGED="multiarch-support jadetex dh-systemd libpcap-dev transfig myspell-it myspell-sl python-gobject ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra libav-tools netcat gnupg2 libkf5akonadicore-bin qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin myspell-ca myspell-en-gb myspell-sv-se myspell-lt khelpcenter4 libqca2-plugin-ossl gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome git-core gperf-ace libalberta2-dev asterisk-prompt-it libatk-adaptor-data kdemultimedia-dev kdemultimedia-kio-plugins autoconf-gl-macros autofs5 autofs5-hesiod autofs5-ldap librime-data-stroke5 librime-data-stroke-simp librime-data-triungkox3p pmake host bibledit bibledit-data baloo libc-icap-mod-clamav otf-symbols-circos migemo condor condor-dbg condor-dev condor-doc cscope-el cweb-latex dconf-tools python-decoratortools deluge-torrent deluge-webui django-filter python-django-filter django-tables django-xmlrpc drbd8-utils libefreet1 libjs-flot conky ttf-kacst ttf-junicode ttf-isabella font-hosny-amiri ttf-hanazono ttf-georgewilliams otf-freefont ttf-freefont ttf-freefarsi ttf-liberation libhdf5-serial-dev graphviz-dev git-bzr libgd-gd2-noxpm-ocaml-dev libgd-gd2-noxpm-ocaml ganeti2 ftgl-dev kcron kttsd jfugue verilog iproute iproute-doc ifenslave-2.6 node-highlight libjs-highlight ssh-krb5 libparted0-dev cgroup-bin liblemonldap-ng-conf-perl kdelirc kbattleship kdewallpapers kde-icons-nuvola kdebase-runtime kdebase-bin kdebase-apps libconfig++8-dev libconfig8-dev libdmtx-utils libgcrypt11-dev libixp libphp-swiftmailer libpqxx3-dev libtasn1-3-bin monajat minisat2 mingw-ocaml m17n-contrib lunch qtpfsgui liblua5.1-bitop0 liblua5.1-bitop-dev libtime-modules-perl libtest-yaml-meta-perl scrollkeeper scrobble-cli libqjson0-dbg python-clientform python-gobject-dbg python-pyatspi2 python-gobject-dev python3-pyatspi2 gaim-extendedprefs ptop nowebm node-finished netsurf mupen64plus mpqc-openmpi mono-dmcs nagios-plugins nagios-plugins-basic nagios-plugins-common nagios-plugins-standard libraspell-ruby libraspell-ruby1.8 libraspell-ruby1.9.1 rcs-latex ffgtk ruby-color-tools libfilesystem-ruby libfilesystem-ruby1.8 libfilesystem-ruby1.9 god rxvt-unicode-ml bkhive scanbuttond python-scikits-learn slurm-llnl slurm-llnl-slurmdbd python-sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput strongswan-ike strongswan-ikev1 strongswan-ikev2 sushi-plugins task tclcl-dev telepathy-sofiasip tesseract-ocr-dev trac-privateticketsplugin python-twisted-libravatar vdr-plugin-svdrpext qemulator python-weboob-core xfce4-screenshooter-plugin zeroinstall-injector libzookeeper2"
+BASEPATH=$(ls -1d /tmp/transitional-????? 2>/dev/null || true)
+if [ -z "$BASEPATH" ] ; then
+ BASEPATH=$(mktemp -t $TMPDIR -d transitional-XXXXX)
+ for SUITE in $SUITES ; do
+ mkdir -p $BASEPATH/$SUITE
+ # the "[arch=$ARCH]" is a workaround until #774685 is fixed
+ chdist --data-dir=$BASEPATH/$SUITE --arch=$ARCH create $SUITE-$ARCH "[arch=$ARCH]" $MIRROR $SUITE main
+ # in interactive mode we don't care about sources
+ if [ -n "$3" ] ; then
+ sed -i "s#deb-src#\#deb-src#g" $BASEPATH/$SUITE/$SUITE-$ARCH/etc/apt/sources.list
+ fi
+ chdist --data-dir=$BASEPATH/$SUITE --arch=$ARCH apt-get $SUITE-$ARCH update
+ echo
+ done
+for SUITE in $SUITES ; do
+ PACKAGES[$NR]=$(ls $BASEPATH/$SUITE/$SUITE-$ARCH/var/lib/apt/lists/*_dists_${SUITE}_main_binary-${ARCH}_Packages)
+ echo "PACKAGES[$NR] = ${PACKAGES[$NR]}"
+ # only in interactive mode we care about sources
+ if [ -z "$3" ] ; then
+ SOURCES[$NR]=$(ls $BASEPATH/$SUITE/$SUITE-$ARCH/var/lib/apt/lists/*_dists_${SUITE}_main_source_Sources)
+ echo "SOURCES[$NR] = ${SOURCES[$NR]}"
+ fi
+ echo
+ let NR=$NR+1
+for PKG in $(grep-dctrl -sPackage -n -FDescription "transitional.*package" --ignore-case --regex ${PACKAGES[1]}) ; do
+ if [ "${PKG:0:9}" = "iceweasel" ] || [ "${PKG:0:7}" = "icedove" ] || [ "${PKG:0:6}" = "iceowl" ] || [ "${PKG:0:9}" = "lightning" ]; then
+ echo "ignore iceweasel, icedove, iceowl, lightning and friends…: $PKG"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if echo " $BUGGED " | egrep -q " $PKG " ; then
+ echo "ignore $PKG because a bug has already been filed."
+ continue
+ fi
+ OLDSTABLE_HIT=$(grep-dctrl -sPackage -n -FDescription "transitional.*package" --ignore-case --regex ${PACKAGES[0]} |egrep "^$PKG$")
+ if [ -z "$OLDSTABLE_HIT" ] ; then
+ echo "$PKG not in $OLDSTABLE, so new transitional package, so fine."
+ else
+ SID_HIT=$(grep-dctrl -sPackage -n -FDescription "transitional.*package" --ignore-case --regex ${PACKAGES[2]} |egrep "^$PKG$")
+ if [ -z "$SID_HIT" ] ; then
+ echo "Transitional package $PKG in $OLDSTABLE and $STABLE, but not in sid, yay!"
+ else
+ echo "SIGH #$BAD_COUNTER: $PKG is a transitional package in $OLDSTABLE, $STABLE and sid. Someone should file a bug."
+ fi
+ fi
+# interactive mode
+if [ -n "$3" ] ; then
+ MAX=20
+ NR=0
+ echo "Entering manual mode, filing $MAX bugs."
+ for PKG in $BAD ; do
+ echo "firefox$PKG ;"
+ let NR=$NR+1
+ if [ $NR -eq $MAX ] ; then
+ echo "Filed $MAX bugs, ending."
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "Please open those firefox tabs… and press enter"
+ read a
+ NR=0
+ for PKG in $BAD ; do
+ SRC=$(grep-dctrl -sSource -FPackage -n $PKG --exact-match ${PACKAGES[2]} | cut -d " " -f1)
+ if [ -z "$SRC" ] ; then
+ fi
+ VERSION=$(grep-dctrl -sVersion -FPackage -n $PKG --exact-match ${PACKAGES[1]})
+ VERBOSE=$( ( for SAUCE in ${PACKAGES[0]} ${PACKAGES[1]} ${PACKAGES[2]} ; do
+ grep-dctrl -sPackage,Description,Version -FPackage $PKG --exact-match $SAUCE
+ done ) | sort -u)
+ #firefox$PKG &
+ TMPFILE=`mktemp`
+ cat >> $TMPFILE <<- EOF
+Package: $PKG
+Version: $VERSION
+Severity: normal
+usertags: transitional
+Please drop the transitional package $PKG for $NEXT,
+as it has been released with $OLDSTABLE and $STABLE already.
+Thanks for maintaining $SRC!
+ mutt -s "please drop transitional package $PKG" -i $TMPFILE
+ let NR=$NR+1
+ if [ $NR -eq $MAX ] ; then
+ echo "Filed $MAX bugs, ending."
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # non-interactive mode
+ for PKG in $BAD ; do
+ echo
+ ( for SAUCE in ${PACKAGES[0]} ${PACKAGES[1]} ${PACKAGES[2]} ; do
+ grep-dctrl -sPackage,Description,Version -FPackage $PKG --exact-match $SAUCE
+ done ) | sort -u
+ done
+ echo
+ echo $BAD | dd-list --sources ${SOURCES[2]} -i
+echo "Found $BAD_COUNTER bad packages (=transitional dummy package in $OLDSTABLE, $STABLE and sid) and $GOOD_COUNTER removed transitional packages (=doesn't exist in sid) plus we know about $BUGGED_COUNTER open bugs about obsolete transitional packages."
+echo "In the future, this script should probably complain about transitional packages in stretch and buster, and suggest to file wishlist bugs for those. Though probably it's more useful to file wishlist bugs against packages depending on those, first (or do both)… and should those latter be normal severity?"
+if [ "${BASEPATH:0:5}" = "/tmp/" ] ; then
+ rm $BASEPATH -r
+ du -sch $BASEPATH
+ echo "please rm $BASEPATH manually."
diff --git a/job-cfg/obsolete-transitional.yaml b/job-cfg/obsolete-transitional.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96f48638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/job-cfg/obsolete-transitional.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+- defaults:
+ name: obsolete-transitional
+ project-type: freestyle
+ properties:
+ - sidebar:
+ url:
+ text: About
+ icon: /userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png
+ - sidebar:
+ url:
+ text: Haskell packages metadata consistency
+ icon: /userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png
+ - sidebar:
+ url:
+ text: Sponsored by Profitbricks
+ icon: /userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png
+ description: '{my_description}{do_not_edit}'
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 365
+ numToKeep: 365
+ artifactDaysToKeep: -1
+ artifactNumToKeep: -1
+ builders:
+ - shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/bin/ {my_distro} "{my_suites}"'
+ publishers:
+ - logparser:
+ parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/obsolete-transitional.rules'
+ unstable-on-warning: 'false'
+ fail-on-error: 'false'
+ - email:
+ recipients: '{my_recipients}'
+ #- plot:
+ # - title: Stats
+ # yaxis: Packages
+ # group: PlotGroup
+ # csv-file-name: package-plan-stats.csv
+ # series:
+ # - file: stats.csv
+ # format: csv
+ # # inclusion-flag: exclude-by-string
+ # # exclude: total
+ # - title: Totals
+ # yaxis: Packages
+ # group: PlotGroup
+ # style: area
+ # series:
+ # - file: stats.csv
+ # format: csv
+ # # inclusion-flag: include-by-string
+ # # exclude: total
+ - naginator:
+ progressive-delay-increment: 5
+ progressive-delay-maximum: 15
+ max-failed-builds: 5
+ regular-expression: 'Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git fetch'
+- job-template:
+ defaults: obsolete-transitional
+ name: '{name}'
+ triggers:
+ - pollscm:
+ cron: '*/6 * * * *'
+ - timed: '0 16 * * *' # every day at 16:00 UTC
+- project:
+ name: obsolete-transitional
+ do_not_edit: '<br>Find obsolete transitional packages.'
+ jobs:
+ - '{name}_buster':
+ my_distro: 'buster'
+ my_suites: 'jessie stretch sid'
+ my_description: 'Find obsolete transitional packages in buster.'
+ my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-qa'
diff --git a/logparse/obsolete-transitional.rules b/logparse/obsolete-transitional.rules
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fa9b8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logparse/obsolete-transitional.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# see
+ok /not really/
+# suppress warnings from commit messages
+ok /HEAD is now at .+/
+# match line starting with 'error ', case-insensitive
+error /(?i)^error /
+# list of warnings here...
+warning /[Ww]arning/
+warning /WARNING/
+# create a quick access link to lines in the report containing 'INFO'
+info /INFO/