path: root/zsh/.zshrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zsh/.zshrc')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/zsh/.zshrc b/zsh/.zshrc
index 15a02f6..4b83f19 100644
--- a/zsh/.zshrc
+++ b/zsh/.zshrc
@@ -39,46 +39,8 @@ zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
zstyle ':completion:*' rehash yes
-function bold { printf "%s%s%s" "%{%B%}" "$1" "%{%b%}" }
-function red { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[red]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function green { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[green]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function blue { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[blue]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function cyan { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[cyan]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function magenta { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[magenta]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function yellow { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[yellow]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function black { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[black]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function white { printf "%s%s%s" "%{${fg[white]}%}" "$1" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" }
-function prompt_user_color {
- (( UID )) && print -n red || print -n magenta
-PROMPT="$(yellow "┌─[") $(yellow "$(bold %m)") \
-$($(prompt_user_color) "$(bold %n)") \
-$(blue "$(bold %~)") $(magenta $(bold '$branch'))$(yellow "]")
-$(yellow "└─╼") "
-function get_git_branch {
- if [[ -d .git ]]; then
- branch="$(< .git/HEAD)"
- branch="${branch##*/} "
- else
- branch=""
- fi
-# Print basic prompt to the window title
-function precmd {
- print -Pn "\e];%n %~\a"
- get_git_branch
-# Print the current running command's name to the window title
-function preexec {
- local cmd=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|exec|ssh|-*)]}
- print -Pn "\e];$cmd:q\a"
+source "$ZDOTDIR"/prompt.zsh
source "$ZDOTDIR"/aliases.zsh
source "$ZDOTDIR"/keybindings.zsh