path: root/git-interface/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git-interface/')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/git-interface/ b/git-interface/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b7eaa14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-interface/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+from copy import copy, deepcopy
+import configparser
+import mysql.connector
+import os
+import pygit2
+import re
+import sys
+import aurinfo
+config = configparser.RawConfigParser() + "/../conf/config")
+aur_db_host = config.get('database', 'host')
+aur_db_name = config.get('database', 'name')
+aur_db_user = config.get('database', 'user')
+aur_db_pass = config.get('database', 'password')
+aur_db_socket = config.get('database', 'socket')
+repo_path = config.get('serve', 'repo-path')
+def extract_arch_fields(pkginfo, field):
+ values = []
+ if field in pkginfo:
+ for val in pkginfo[field]:
+ values.append({"value": val, "arch": None})
+ for arch in ['i686', 'x86_64']:
+ if field + '_' + arch in pkginfo:
+ for val in pkginfo[field + '_' + arch]:
+ values.append({"value": val, "arch": arch})
+ return values
+def save_srcinfo(srcinfo, db, cur, user):
+ # Obtain package base ID and previous maintainer.
+ pkgbase = srcinfo._pkgbase['pkgname']
+ cur.execute("SELECT ID, MaintainerUID FROM PackageBases "
+ "WHERE Name = %s", [pkgbase])
+ (pkgbase_id, maintainer_uid) = cur.fetchone()
+ was_orphan = not maintainer_uid
+ # Obtain the user ID of the new maintainer.
+ cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = %s", [user])
+ user_id = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
+ # Update package base details and delete current packages.
+ cur.execute("UPDATE PackageBases SET ModifiedTS = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), " +
+ "PackagerUID = %s, OutOfDateTS = NULL WHERE ID = %s",
+ [user_id, pkgbase_id])
+ cur.execute("UPDATE PackageBases SET MaintainerUID = %s " +
+ "WHERE ID = %s AND MaintainerUID IS NULL",
+ [user_id, pkgbase_id])
+ cur.execute("DELETE FROM Packages WHERE PackageBaseID = %s",
+ [pkgbase_id])
+ for pkgname in srcinfo.GetPackageNames():
+ pkginfo = srcinfo.GetMergedPackage(pkgname)
+ if 'epoch' in pkginfo and int(pkginfo['epoch']) > 0:
+ ver = '%d:%s-%s' % (int(pkginfo['epoch']), pkginfo['pkgver'],
+ pkginfo['pkgrel'])
+ else:
+ ver = '%s-%s' % (pkginfo['pkgver'], pkginfo['pkgrel'])
+ # Create a new package.
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO Packages (PackageBaseID, Name, " +
+ "Version, Description, URL) " +
+ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ [pkgbase_id, pkginfo['pkgname'], ver,
+ pkginfo['pkgdesc'], pkginfo['url']])
+ db.commit()
+ pkgid = cur.lastrowid
+ # Add package sources.
+ for source_info in extract_arch_fields(pkginfo, 'source'):
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO PackageSources (PackageID, Source, " +
+ "SourceArch) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
+ [pkgid, source_info['value'], source_info['arch']])
+ # Add package dependencies.
+ for deptype in ('depends', 'makedepends',
+ 'checkdepends', 'optdepends'):
+ cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM DependencyTypes WHERE Name = %s",
+ [deptype])
+ deptypeid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ for dep_info in extract_arch_fields(pkginfo, deptype):
+ depname = re.sub(r'(<|=|>).*', '', dep_info['value'])
+ depcond = dep_info['value'][len(depname):]
+ deparch = dep_info['arch']
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO PackageDepends (PackageID, " +
+ "DepTypeID, DepName, DepCondition, DepArch) " +
+ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ [pkgid, deptypeid, depname, depcond, deparch])
+ # Add package relations (conflicts, provides, replaces).
+ for reltype in ('conflicts', 'provides', 'replaces'):
+ cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM RelationTypes WHERE Name = %s",
+ [reltype])
+ reltypeid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ for rel_info in extract_arch_fields(pkginfo, reltype):
+ relname = re.sub(r'(<|=|>).*', '', rel_info['value'])
+ relcond = rel_info['value'][len(relname):]
+ relarch = rel_info['arch']
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO PackageRelations (PackageID, " +
+ "RelTypeID, RelName, RelCondition, RelArch) " +
+ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ [pkgid, reltypeid, relname, relcond, relarch])
+ # Add package licenses.
+ if 'license' in pkginfo:
+ for license in pkginfo['license']:
+ cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM Licenses WHERE Name = %s",
+ [license])
+ if cur.rowcount == 1:
+ licenseid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ else:
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO Licenses (Name) VALUES (%s)",
+ [license])
+ db.commit()
+ licenseid = cur.lastrowid
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO PackageLicenses (PackageID, " +
+ "LicenseID) VALUES (%s, %s)",
+ [pkgid, licenseid])
+ # Add package groups.
+ if 'groups' in pkginfo:
+ for group in pkginfo['groups']:
+ cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM Groups WHERE Name = %s",
+ [group])
+ if cur.rowcount == 1:
+ groupid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ else:
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO Groups (Name) VALUES (%s)",
+ [group])
+ db.commit()
+ groupid = cur.lastrowid
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO PackageGroups (PackageID, "
+ "GroupID) VALUES (%s, %s)", [pkgid, groupid])
+ # Add user to notification list on adoption.
+ if was_orphan:
+ cur.execute("INSERT INTO CommentNotify (PackageBaseID, UserID) " +
+ "VALUES (%s, %s)", [pkgbase_id, user_id])
+ db.commit()
+def die(msg):
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % (msg))
+ exit(1)
+def die_commit(msg, commit):
+ sys.stderr.write("error: The following error " +
+ "occurred when parsing commit\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s:\n" % (commit))
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % (msg))
+ exit(1)
+if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+ die("invalid arguments")
+refname = sys.argv[1]
+sha1_old = sys.argv[2]
+sha1_new = sys.argv[3]
+user = os.environ.get("AUR_USER")
+pkgbase = os.environ.get("AUR_PKGBASE")
+if refname != "refs/heads/master":
+ die("pushing to a branch other than master is restricted")
+repo = pygit2.Repository(repo_path)
+walker = repo.walk(sha1_new, pygit2.GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL)
+if sha1_old != "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000":
+ walker.hide(sha1_old)
+db = mysql.connector.connect(host=aur_db_host, user=aur_db_user,
+ passwd=aur_db_pass, db=aur_db_name,
+ unix_socket=aur_db_socket, buffered=True)
+cur = db.cursor()
+cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM PackageBlacklist")
+blacklist = [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()]
+for commit in walker:
+ if not '.SRCINFO' in commit.tree:
+ die_commit("missing .SRCINFO",
+ for treeobj in commit.tree:
+ if repo[].size > 100000:
+ die_commit("maximum blob size (100kB) exceeded",
+ srcinfo_raw = repo[commit.tree['.SRCINFO'].id].data.decode()
+ srcinfo_raw = srcinfo_raw.split('\n')
+ ecatcher = aurinfo.CollectionECatcher()
+ srcinfo = aurinfo.ParseAurinfoFromIterable(srcinfo_raw, ecatcher)
+ errors = ecatcher.Errors()
+ if errors:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: The following errors occurred "
+ "when parsing .SRCINFO in commit\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s:\n" % (
+ for error in errors:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: line %d: %s\n" % error)
+ exit(1)
+ srcinfo_pkgbase = srcinfo._pkgbase['pkgname']
+ if srcinfo_pkgbase != pkgbase:
+ die_commit('invalid pkgbase: %s' % (srcinfo_pkgbase),
+ for pkgname in srcinfo.GetPackageNames():
+ pkginfo = srcinfo.GetMergedPackage(pkgname)
+ for field in ('pkgver', 'pkgrel', 'pkgname', 'pkgdesc', 'url'):
+ if not field in pkginfo:
+ die_commit('missing mandatory field: %s' % (field),
+ if 'epoch' in pkginfo and not pkginfo['epoch'].isdigit():
+ die_commit('invalid epoch: %s' % (pkginfo['epoch']),
+ if not re.match(r'[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.+_-]*$', pkginfo['pkgname']):
+ die_commit('invalid package name: %s' % (pkginfo['pkgname']),
+ if pkginfo['pkgname'] in blacklist:
+ die_commit('package is blacklisted: %s' % (pkginfo['pkgname']),
+ if not re.match(r'(?:http|ftp)s?://.*', pkginfo['url']):
+ die_commit('invalid URL: %s' % (pkginfo['url']),
+ for field in ('pkgname', 'pkgdesc', 'url'):
+ if len(pkginfo[field]) > 255:
+ die_commit('%s field too long: %s' % (field, pkginfo[field]),
+ for field in ('install', 'changelog'):
+ if field in pkginfo and not pkginfo[field] in commit.tree:
+ die_commit('missing %s file: %s' % (field, pkginfo[field]),
+ for fname in pkginfo['source']:
+ if "://" in fname or "lp:" in fname:
+ continue
+ if not fname in commit.tree:
+ die_commit('missing source file: %s' % (fname),
+srcinfo_raw = repo[repo[sha1_new].tree['.SRCINFO'].id].data.decode()
+srcinfo_raw = srcinfo_raw.split('\n')
+srcinfo = aurinfo.ParseAurinfoFromIterable(srcinfo_raw)
+save_srcinfo(srcinfo, db, cur, user)
+pkglist = list(srcinfo.GetPackageNames())
+if len(pkglist) > 0:
+ with open(repo_path + '/description', 'w') as f:
+ pkginfo = srcinfo.GetMergedPackage(pkglist[0])
+ f.write(pkginfo['pkgdesc'])