=============== yawa |travis| =============== .. |travis| image:: https://travis-ci.org/kyrias/yawa.svg :alt: Travis Build Status :target: https://travis-ci.org/kyrias/yawa ----------------------------------- Yet another wallpaper application ----------------------------------- yawa is a now feature-complete fork of hsetroot, because there hasn't been a release in over 10 years, because the upsteam website has been down for years, and for one because I dislike how it handled option parsing. So here is yawa with rewritten option parsing using glibc’s argp, all warnings fixed and more argument checking, and hopefully also more readable. (God I don’t know how upstream fucked the formating up so badly) Dependencies ============ * glibc (argp argument parsing) * imlib2 * libx11 * sphinx (man page) Building ======== :: cmake -g 'Unix Makefiles' . make sudo make install