#!/usr/bin/env python import os,re,string xmlto = "/usr/bin/xmlto" cvs = "http://cvs.freedesktop.org/" git = "http://cgit.freedesktop.org/" specindex = "specs.idx" try: f = open(specindex, 'r') lastname = '' lastpath = '' for line in f.readlines(): (file, revision, version, path) = string.split(line) use_git = False if file.startswith("git:"): use_git = True git_data = file.split(":") git_repo = git_data[1] file = git_data[2] name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file)[1])[0] # Strip version from name if re.search("\d\.\d+$", name): name = re.sub("^(.*)-([^/]*)$", "\\1", name) if use_git: url = '%s%s/plain/%s?id=%s' % (git, git_repo, file, revision) else: url = '%s%s?rev=%s' % (cvs, file, revision) if re.search("\.xml$", file): os.system("mkdir %s 2> /dev/null" % (path)) if lastpath != path and lastname != name: os.system("rm -f %s/%s-latest.html" % (path, name)) os.system("cd %s; ln -s %s-%s.html %s-latest.html" % (path,name,version,name)) os.system("rm -f %s/latest" % (path)) os.system("cd %s; ln -s %s latest" % (path,version)) # if ( lastpath == path and lastname == name and os.path.isfile("%s/%s-%s.xml" % (path, name, version))): # print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "skipped." # continue if os.system("wget -q '%s' -O wget.xml && (diff -q wget.xml %s/%s-%s.xml || mv wget.xml %s/%s-%s.xml)" % (url, path, name, version, path, name, version)): print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "FAILED." os.system("chmod g+w wget.xml"); print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "ok" elif re.search("\.txt$", file): os.system("mkdir %s 2> /dev/null" % (path)) if lastpath != path and lastname != name: os.system("rm -f %s/%s-latest.txt" % (path, name)) os.system("cd %s; ln -s %s-%s.txt %s-latest.txt" % (path,name,version,name)) if ( lastpath == path and lastname == name and os.path.isfile("%s/%s-%s.txt" % (path, name, version))): print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "skipped." continue if os.system("wget -q '%s' -O wget.txt && (diff -q wget.txt %s/%s-%s.txt || mv wget.txt %s/%s-%s.txt)" % (url, path, name, version, path, name, version)): print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "FAILED." os.system("chmod g+w wget.txt"); print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "ok" elif re.search("\.dtd$", file): os.system("mkdir %s 2> /dev/null" % (path)) if lastpath != path and lastname != name: os.system("rm -f %s/%s-latest.dtd" % (path, name)) os.system("cd %s; ln -s %s-%s.dtd %s-latest.dtd" % (path,name,version,name)) if ( lastpath == path and lastname == name and os.path.isfile("%s/%s-%s.dtd" % (path, name, version))): print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "skipped." continue if os.system("wget -q '%s' -O wget.dtd && (diff -q wget.dtd %s/%s-%s.dtd || mv wget.dtd %s/%s-%s.dtd)" % (url, path, name, version, path, name, version)): print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "FAILED." os.system("chmod g+w wget.dtd"); print "Updating", file, "Version", version, "rev", revision, "ok" else: print "Skipping", file, ", unknown file." continue lastname = name lastpath = path except IOError: print "Can't open", specindex specs = os.listdir(".") for spec in specs: if not os.path.isdir(spec): continue versions = os.listdir(spec) for file in versions: if re.search("\.xml$", file): tmp = re.sub("(.*)(\.xml)$", "\\1", file) name = re.sub("^(.*)-([^/]*)$", "\\1", tmp) ver = re.sub("^(.*)-([^/]*)$", "\\2", tmp) print "Check", os.path.join(spec,ver), os.path.isdir(os.path.join(spec,ver)) print "Check", os.path.join(spec,name+"-"+ver+".html"), os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spec,name+"-"+ver+".html")) if ( not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(spec,ver)) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spec,name+"-"+ver+".html")) or os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(spec,file)) > os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(spec,name+"-"+ver+".html"))): os.system("rm -fR %s/%s" % (spec,ver)) os.system("rm -f %s/%s-%s.html" % (spec,name,ver)) os.system("mkdir %s/%s" % (spec,ver)) os.system("cd %s/%s; %s html ../%s" % (spec,ver,xmlto,file)) # os.system("mv index.html %s/%s-%s.html" % (spec,name,ver)) # os.system("sed -i %s/%s-%s.html -e 's/index.html/%s-%s.html/;'" % (spec,name,ver,name,ver)) os.system("cd %s;%s html-nochunks %s" % (spec,xmlto,file)) elif re.search("(?