Secret Storage specification 0.1 Copyright (C) 2009 Stef Walter <> Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Leupold <> Errors returned by the Secrets API. An object (session, collection) already exists with the same name. The object must be unlocked before this action can be carried out. The algorithm is not supported. A session must be established before this action can be carried out. The Secret type holds a (possibly encoded) secret. Algorithm used to encode the secrets value. Algorithm dependent parameters for secret value encoding. Possibly encoded secret value A mapping from object-paths to Secret structs D-Bus object-path A secret The Secrets service manages all the sessions and collections. The object paths of all collections (ie: keyrings) The object path of the default collection, or an empty string if no collections exist. Open a unique session for the caller application. The object path of the session. Create a new collection with the specified access attributes. The display name of the new collection Whether this is a private collection or not. Lock down the entire service. Remove secrets from memory, lock all collections etc... Find items in any collection. Find secrets in any collection. Items found. Items found that require authentication. Retrieve multiple secrets from different items. Items to get secrets for. Secrets for the items. A collection was created. Collection that was created A collection was deleted. Collection that was created A collection of items containing secrets. Items in this collection. Whether this is a private collection or not. The displayable label of this collection. Whether the collection is locked and must be authenticated by the client application. The unix time when the collection was created. The unix time when the collection was last modified. Delete this collection. Search for items in this collection matching the lookup attributes. Attributes to match. Items that matched the attributes. Create an item with the given attributes, secret and label. If replace is set, then it replaces an item already present with the same values for the attributes. The lookup attributes for the new item. The secret to store in the new item. The label for the new item. Whether to replace an item with the same attributes or not. The new item, or previous item if replaced. A new item in this collection was created. The item that was created. An item in this collection was deleted. The item that was deleted. An item in this collection changed. The item that was changed. An item contains a secret, lookup attributes and has a label. Whether the item is locked and requires authentication, or not. The lookup attributes for this item. The displayable label for this item. The secret, usually transferred encrypted. The unix time when the item was created. The unix time when the item was last modified. Delete this item. A session tracks state between the service and a client application. Close this session. Negotiate key agreement and encryption. The algorithm the caller wishes to use. Input arguments for the algorithm. Output of the negotiation. Whether the negotiation is complete or requires further calls. Start asynchronous authentication of objects for the caller. Objects to authenticate or unlock. Platform specific window handle to use for showing any prompts. Complete asynchronous authentication of objects for the caller. Objects to authenticate or unlock. Objects that were successfully authenticated. An object (collection or item) was authenticated. The object that was authenticated. Whether the object was successfully unlocked.