#!/bin/bash TET_RUN="asdf" export MENUTESTDIR="${MENUTESTDIR:-/tmp/menutest}" . menutest # hack, figure out the var to use here tpstart() { tet_infoline "$*" FAIL=N } tet_startup='' tet_cleanup='' declare -i count=1 iclist='' echo $TESTS for TESTCASE in ${TESTS}; do [ ! -e "tests/${TESTCASE}/test" ] && continue; # this basically curries the arg to run_test. eval "tp${count}() { . tests/${TESTCASE}/test tpstart \"$(. tests/${TESTCASE}/test; echo ${TEST_PURPOSE-none stated})\"; if ! run_test tests/\"$TESTCASE\"; then tet_result FAIL; else tet_result PASS; fi set +x }"; iclist="${iclist} ic${count}" eval "ic${count}=tp${count}" # force subshelling, so that it doesn't pull a die on us ((count+=1)) done tet_iclist=iclist . /opt/lsb-tet3-lite/lib/posix_sh/tcm.sh tet_outputline 100 "xdg menu test" tet_tcm_main $tet_iclist