2005-04-25 Mark McLoughlin * tests/u: add test for recursive inclusion of .menu files. Also know as the "get really hosed and eat all the RAM you can find" test. 2005-04-20 Waldo Bastian * tests/s/result, tests/s/test: Test that .desktop files under $HOME correctly override .desktop files at system level * tests/t/result, tests/t/test: Test order in which elements are processed 2005-02-18 Mark McLoughlin Make it a bit more difficult in order to catch: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=167758 Thanks to Chris Lahey for the test case. * tests/o/test: put freecell.desktop in a subdirectory. 2005-02-18 Mark McLoughlin * tests/o/result, tests/o/test: test that foofoo doesn't match anything. * README: add bit about how to test the GNOME impl. 2005-02-18 Mark McLoughlin Problem pointed out by Waldo. * menutest: don't try and run the "CVS" test :) * tests/m/result, tests/n/result: items in a hidden or deleted menu should be considered allocated. 2004-12-08 Mark McLoughlin * tests/2/result, tests/2/test: test the new behaviour. 2004-08-29 Mark McLoughlin * tests/m: test for NoDisplay=true behavious in .desktop and .directory files. * data/hidden.desktop, data/hidden.directory: add. * data/apps.directory: add Type=Directory. * menutest: actually generate a test result if one doesn't exist - makes it easier to write new tests. 2003-10-23 Havoc Pennington * tests/f/test: remove from inside statement, not allowed. 2003-10-16 Havoc Pennington * menutest: cat log file on failure; print list of failed tests when we're done