.. frontmatter title: drugs date: 2015-01-10 author: Johannes Löthberg author_link: /~kyrias/about.html .. role:: sc :sc:`Already January and a new` year again. Feels like it wasn’t so long ago I turned 18 and now it’s less than 2 months until I’m 19. Time sure seems to pass so fast when you’re looking the other way. Anyway. Back in November or December my mother called the health care center right next door because she was tired of me being unable to sleep and being depressed all the time. In late December I got a letter saying I had an appointment with a doctor in the 8th of January. The doctor I met with was rather nice. Female. She seemed like the kind of person that I would have an easier time to talk to than usual. We talked for a bit about how I felt and what was going on, and she was a bit annoyed that the people my mother had talked to only had scheduled half an hour. I don’t remember the majority of my past. I’ve suppressed most of my life really. Due to that I can’t really give any good answers for how long I’ve felt depressed and been unable to sleep properly, and so she said that since I don’t know clearly when it started that she couldn’t really call it a ‘normal depression’ right away, so she was going to talk to the psych people not too far from here and get me an appointment with someone there so that they can figure out for sure. For now though I got a prescription for cipralex 5mg for my depression and for atarax both due to the cipralex and to see if it makes it easier for me to fall asleep. In two weeks, I think, we’re going to talk again about how it’s been going, and she was going to try to get a counselor contact at the health care center for now since the waiting lists at the psychiatric ward tends to be really long. I’m also going to have to move to my sister soon, because the person my mother is renting her apartment from is breaking up with whoever and going to move back into it, so she’s going to move back to some room she used to rent couple of years ago and I’ll have to share a room with my 6 year old niece for a couple of month. She even got a rather good offer for an apartment but she doesn’t want to take it because she’s cheap. I would do almost anything to get my own place to live, or at least to be able to share place with someone else, but alas I have no choices...