.. frontmatter title: Hyperboria date: 2015-07-11 author: Johannes Löthberg author_link: /~kyrias/about.html .. role:: sc :sc:`I was rather bored at` work this week, so I decided to install cjdns_ on my server ``theos``, and connect to the Hyperboria_ mesh network again. Got my first peer from a nice guy in the ``#ipfs`` channel on freenode, and it's surprisingly fast considering that it's another network (currently) running on top of the public Internet. Albeit, the network *is* a tad empty at the moment, and I‘ve been trying to think of some useful service to host on Hyperboria. .. _cjdns: https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/ .. _Hyperboria: https://hyperboria.net/ Theos’ Hyperboria IP is ``fca1:fabb:7792:f28d:4623:139:10af:549``, and this website is accessible through h.theos.kyriasis.com__ .. __: http://h.theos.kyriasis.com