.. frontmatter title: TU Application date: 2015-04-14 author: Johannes Löthberg author_link: /~kyrias/about.html .. role:: sc :sc:`I finally applied for Trusted` User-ship on 2015-04-09T11:27:26+0200 after some pestering from `HalosGhost`__ and `Jelle`__. The discussion period is 5 days, and then a voting period of 7 days, so the voting period started today. They’re optimistic about it and such, but I’ve never had much of a self-confidence, and I can never think positively. Either way, I guess we’ll see the outcome in 7 days. Also started my :sc:`apl` a couple of days ago. So far I’ve only moved a couple of websites to new servers, and changed the older deploy scripts to use fabric instead. Not much work for most of the websites. .. __: https://halosgho.st/ .. __: http://vdwaa.nl/