.. frontmatter title: Hello, World date: 2014-10-14 author: Johannes Löthberg author_link: /~kyrias/about.html .. role:: sc :sc:`I should probably write an` entry some time. I’ve been thinking about what to write about for a while but I can’t really think of anything that I’d want people to read. (Not that I expect anyone to actually read this, eh…) Could write about what I’m doing and how I’m poking and prodding at this site maybe? Or maybe something related to LDAP, or setting up OpenSMTPD and Dovecot, or maybe bind, or even Kerberos… All of them could be useful for future reference for myself in either case I guess. It’s almost 02:00 as I’m writing this though, so I should probably be getting to bed. I sort of feel like skipping school tomorrow though, at least the first lesson maybe, since I’m very unlikely to wake up in time even if I try… Anyway, bonum nocte…