#!../flask/bin/python """ usage: bug list [options] If no arguments are given it will open your $EDITOR where the first line is the summary following a newline and then the body of the report. Both are required. -h, --help Print this help text """ from docopt import docopt from textwrap import indent from datetime import datetime import json, requests if __name__ == '__main__': print(docopt(__doc__)) def call(args): print(args) api_endpoint = args['--uri'] + '/api/1.0/tickets' r = requests.get(api_endpoint) tickets = json.loads(r.text).get('tickets') for ticket in tickets: output = '[TBT#{}] '.format(ticket['id']) if 'deleted' in ticket and ticket['deleted'] == True: output += '[DELETED] ' output += '[{}] '.format(ticket['status']) output += '{}\n'.format(ticket['summary']) if ticket['status'] != 'open': output += 'Resolution: {}\n'.format(ticket['resolution']) if ticket['reason']: output += 'Reason: {}\n'.format(ticket['reason']) output += 'Opened by: {} <{}>\n'.format(ticket['opened_by']['nickname'], ticket['opened_by']['email']) output += 'Opened at: {} UTC\n'.format(datetime.strptime( ticket['opened_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" )) if ticket['assigned_to']: output += 'Assigned to: {} <{}>\n'.format(ticket['assigned_to']['nickname'], ticket['assigned_to']['email']) else: output += 'Assigned to: Unassigned\n' if ticket['updated_at']: output += 'Updated at: {} UTC\n'.format(datetime.strptime(ticket['opened_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" )) output += '\n' + indent('{}'.format(ticket['body']), ' ') + '\n' print(output)