# Generated by makepkg 4.2.1 # Mon Jun 1 13:54:09 UTC 2015 pkgbase = mps-youtube-git pkgdesc = Terminal based YouTube jukebox with playlist management pkgver = 0.2.1.r0.gc410849 pkgrel = 1 url = https://github.com/np1/mps-youtube install = mps-youtube-git.install arch = any license = GPL3 depends = python depends = python-setuptools depends = python-pafy optdepends = mpv: Alternative to mplayer for playback optdepends = mplayer: Alternative to mpv for playback optdepends = ffmpeg: for transcoding downloaded content optdepends = xclip: for copying content to the clipboard provides = mps-youtube conflicts = mps-youtube source = git+https://github.com/np1/mps-youtube.git md5sums = SKIP pkgname = mps-youtube-git