path: root/contrib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 2cfc946c..dc0a544a 100644
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#compdef pacman pacman.static=pacman
+#compdef pacman pacman.static=pacman pacman-key makepkg
# copy this file to /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_pacman
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ _pacman_opts_common=(
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --upgrade commands
'-d[Skip dependency checks]'
- '-f[Overwrite conflicting files]'
'--dbonly[Only remove database entry, do not remove files]'
+ '--force[Overwrite conflicting files]'
'--needed[Do not reinstall up to date packages]'
'--recursive[Reinstall all dependencies of target packages]'
'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar*(.)"'
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ _pacman_opts_sync_actions=(
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --sync command
'-d[Skip dependency checks]'
- '-f[Overwrite conflicting files]'
'-i[View package information]'
'-l[List all packages in a repository]'
'-p[Print download URIs for each package to be installed]'
@@ -98,6 +97,7 @@ _pacman_opts_sync_modifiers=(
'--asdeps[Install packages as non-explicitly installed]'
'--asexplicit[Install packages as explicitly installed]'
+ '--force[Overwrite conflicting files]'
# handles --help subcommand
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ _pacman_get_command() {
# main dispatcher
-_pacman() {
+_pacman_zsh_comp() {
case $words[2] in
-Q*g*) # ipkg groups
_arguments -s : \
@@ -332,5 +332,203 @@ _pacman() {
-# run the main dispatcher
-_pacman "$@"
+ '-h[show help]' \
+ '-a[Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)]: :_files'
+ '-d[Remove the Specified keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '-e[Export the specified or all keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '-f[List fingreprint for specidied or all keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '-l[List the specified or all keys]:*: :_keys'
+ '-r[Fetch the specified keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '-u[Update the trustdb of pacman]'
+ '-v[Verify the file specified by the signature]: :_files -g "*.sig"'
+ '-V[Show program version]'
+ )
+ '--help[show help]'
+ '--add[Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)]: :_files'
+ '--delete[Remove the Specified keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '--export[Export the specified or all keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '--finger[List fingreprint for specidied or all keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '--list-keys[List the specified or all keys]:*: :_keys'
+ '--recv-keys[Fetch the specified keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '--updatedb[Update the trustdb of pacman]'
+ '--verify[Verify the file specified by the signature]: :_files -g "*.sig"'
+ '--version[Show program version]'
+ '--edit-key[Present a menu for key management task on keyids]:*: :_keys'
+ '--import[Imports pubring.gpg from dir(s)]: :_files -g "*.gpg"'
+ '--import-tb[Imports ownertrust values from trustdb.gpg in dir(s)]: :_files -g "*.gpg"'
+ '--init[Ensure the keyring is properly initialized]'
+ '--list-sigs[List keys and their signatures]:*: :_keys'
+ '--lsign-key[Locally sign the specified keyid]:*: :_keys'
+ '--populate[Reload the default keys from the (given) keyrings in '/usr/share/pacman/keyrings']: :_path_files -W /usr/share/pacman/keyrings'
+ '--refresh-keys[Update specified or all keys from a keyserver]:*: :_keys'
+ )
+ '--config[Use an alternate config file (instead of /etc/pacman.con)]: :_files'
+ '--gpgdir[Set an alternate directory for GnuPG (instead of /etc/pacman.d/gnupg)]: :_files -/'
+ '--keyserver[Specify a keyserver to use if necessary]'
+ )
+_pacman_key() {
+ case $words[CURRENT] in
+ --*)
+ _arguments -s : \
+ "$_pacman_key_options[@]" \
+ "$_key_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ _arguments -s : \
+ "$_pacman_key_options[@]" \
+ "$_key_shortopts[@]" \
+ "$_key_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ i=$#;
+ while [[ $words[$i] != -* ]] && [[ $words[$i] != "pacman-key" ]];do
+ i=$(($i-1))
+ done
+ case $i in
+ --*)
+ _arguments -s : \
+ "$_pacman_key_options[@]" \
+ "$_key_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ _arguments -s : \
+ "$_pacman_key_options[@]" \
+ "$_key_shortopts[@]" \
+ "$_key_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ *) return 1;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+_keys() {
+ local keylist keys
+ keylist=$(pacman-key --list-keys 2>/dev/null | awk '
+ $1 == "pub" {
+ # key id
+ split($2, a, "/"); print a[2]
+ }
+ $1 == "uid" {
+ # email
+ if (match($NF, /<[^>]+>/))
+ print substr($NF, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2)
+ #this adds support for names as well if that is ever added
+ }
+ $1 == "uid" {
+ for (i=2;i<NF;i++) {printf "%s%s",sep, $i;sep=" "}; printf "\n"
+ }' |sed -e 's/(.*)//g' -e 's/^\ //g' -e 's/\ *$//g' |uniq
+ )
+ keys=(${(s:/:)${keylist//$'\n'/\/}})
+ _describe -t modules 'keys in keyring' keys && return 0
+ '*-s[Install missing dependencies with pacman]'
+ '*-i[Install package after successful build]'
+ '*-A[Ignore incomplete arch field in PKGBUILD]'
+ '*-c[Clean up work files after build]'
+ '*-d[Skip all dependency checks]'
+ '*-e[Do not extract source files (use existing src/ dir)]'
+ '*-f[Overwrite existing package]'
+ '*-g[Generate integrity checks for source files]'
+ '*-h[Show help message and exit]'
+ '*-L[Log package build process]'
+ '*-m[Disable colorized output messages]'
+ '*-o[Download and extract files only]'
+ '-p[Use an alternate build script (instead of 'PKGBUILD')]: :_files'
+ '*-r[Remove installed dependencies after a successful build]'
+ '*-R[Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding]'
+ '*-S[Generate a source-only tarball without downloading sources]'
+ )
+ _arguments \
+ "$_makepkg_shortopts[@]"\
+ "$_makepkg_longopts[@]"
+ '--ignorearch[Ignore incomplete arch field in PKGBUILD]'
+ '--clean[Clean up work files after build]'
+ '--nodeps[Skip all dependency checks]'
+ '--noextract[Do not extract source files (use existing src/ dir)]'
+ '--force[Overwrite existing package]'
+ '--geninteg[Generate integrity checks for source files]'
+ '--help[Show help message and exit]'
+ '--install[Install package after successful build]'
+ '--log[Log package build process]'
+ '--nocolor[Disable colorized output messages]'
+ '--nobuild[Download and extract files only]'
+ '--rmdeps[Remove installed dependencies after a successful build]'
+ '--repackage[Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding]'
+ '--syncdeps[Install missing dependencies with pacman]'
+ '--source[Generate a source-only tarball without downloading sources]'
+ '--allsource[Generate a source-only tarball including downloaded source]'
+ '--asroot[Allow makepkg to run as root user]'
+ '--check[Run check() function in the PKGBUILD]'
+ '--config[Use an alternate config file instead of '/etc/makepkg.conf']: :_files'
+ '--holdver[Prevent automatic version bumping for development PKGBUILDs]'
+ '--key[Specify key to use for gpg signing instead of the default]: :_keys'
+ '--nocheck[Do not run the check() function in the PKGBUILD]'
+ '--nosign[Do not create a signature for the package]'
+ '--pkg[Only build listed packages from a split package]'
+ '--sign[Sign the resulting package with gpg]'
+ '--skipchecksums[Do not verify checksums of the source files]'
+ '--skipinteg[do not perform any verification checks on source files]'
+ '--skippgpcheck[Do not verify source files with PGP signatures]'
+ '--noconfirm[do not ask for confirmation when resolving dependencies]'
+ '--noprogressbar[Do not show a progress bar when downloading files]'
+ )
+ case $words[CURRENT] in
+ -*)
+ _arguments -s -w : \
+ "$_makepkg_shortopts[@]" \
+ "$_makepkg_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ --* )
+ _arguments -s \
+ "$_makepkg_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ - )_makepkg_action_none ;;
+ * )
+ i=$#
+ while [[ $words[i] != -* ]] && [[ $words[$i] != "makepkg" ]];do
+ i=$((i-1));
+ done
+ case $words[$i] in
+ -*)
+ _arguments -s -w : \
+ "$_makepkg_shortopts[@]" \
+ "$_makepkg_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ --* )
+ _arguments -s \
+ "$_makepkg_longopts[@]"
+ ;;
+ - )_makepkg_action_none ;;
+ * ) return 1 ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+_pacman_comp() {
+ case "$service" in
+ makepkg)
+ _makepkg "$@";;
+ pacman-key)
+ _pacman_key "$@";;
+ pacman)
+ _pacman_zsh_comp "$@";;
+ *)
+ _message "Error";;
+ esac
+_pacman_comp "$@"