- defaults: name: udd project-type: freestyle properties: - sidebar: url: https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html text: About jenkins.debian.net icon: /userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png - sidebar: url: https://jenkins.debian.net/view/qa.debian.org/ text: Jobs for Debian QA related packages icon: /userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png - sidebar: url: http://www.profitbricks.com text: Sponsored by Profitbricks icon: /userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png description: '{my_description}<br><br>Job configuration source is <a href="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/tree/job-cfg/udd.yaml">udd.yaml</a>.' logrotate: daysToKeep: 90 numToKeep: 20 artifactDaysToKeep: -1 artifactNumToKeep: -1 publishers: - logparser: parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/debian.rules' unstable-on-warning: '{my_logparser}' fail-on-error: '{my_logparser}' - email: recipients: 'jenkins+debian-qa qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org' builders: - shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/udd-query.sh {my_params}' triggers: - timed: '{my_time}' - job-template: defaults: udd name: '{name}_list_tables' - job-template: defaults: udd name: '{name}_wheezy_multiarch_versionskew' - job-template: defaults: udd name: '{name}_jessie_multiarch_versionskew' - job-template: defaults: udd name: '{name}_sid_multiarch_versionskew' - job-template: defaults: udd name: '{name}_sid_multiarch_versionskew' - job-template: defaults: udd name: '{name}_orphaned_without_o_bug' - project: name: udd jobs: - '{name}_list_tables': my_time: '15 8 * * 1' my_params: 'list_tables' my_description: 'Just list all <a href="https://udd.debian.org" target="_blank">UDD</a> tables.' my_logparser: 'false' - '{name}_wheezy_multiarch_versionskew': my_time: '2 8 1 * *' my_params: 'multiarch_versionskew wheezy' my_description: 'Detect multi-arch versions skews in wheezy.' my_logparser: 'true' - '{name}_jessie_multiarch_versionskew': my_time: '1 8 * * *' my_params: 'multiarch_versionskew jessie' my_description: 'Detect multi-arch versions skews in jessie.' my_logparser: 'true' - '{name}_sid_multiarch_versionskew': my_time: '0 8 * * *' my_params: 'multiarch_versionskew sid' my_description: 'Detect multi-arch versions skews in sid.' my_logparser: 'true' - '{name}_orphaned_without_o_bug': my_time: '3 8 * * *' my_params: 'orphaned_without_o_bug' my_description: 'Detect orphaned packages with maintainer set to packages@qa.debian.org but without an "Orphaned" bug against the wnpp pseudo-package.' my_logparser: 'true'