- defaults: name: torbrowser-launcher_setup project-type: freestyle triggers: - timed: '{my_timed}' sb_desc: torbrowser-launcher builds properties: - sidebar: &sb01 url: https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html text: About jenkins.debian.net icon: /userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png - sidebar: &sb10 url: https://jenkins.debian.net/view/torbrowser/ text: '{sb_desc} jobs' icon: /userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png - sidebar: &sb99 url: http://www.profitbricks.co.uk text: Sponsored by Profitbricks icon: /userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png description: '{my_description}<br>Job configuration source is <a href="https://anonscm.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/tree/job-cfg/torbrowser-launcher.yaml">torbrowser-launcher.yaml</a>.<br>Results are available at <a href="https://torbrowser-launcher.debian.net/">https://torbrowser-launcher.debian.net</a>.' logrotate: daysToKeep: 90 numToKeep: 30 artifactDaysToKeep: -1 artifactNumToKeep: -1 builders: - shell: '{my_shell}' publishers: - logparser: parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/torbrowser-launcher.rules' unstable-on-warning: 'true' fail-on-error: 'true' - email: recipients: '{my_recipients}' node: '{my_node}' - defaults: name: torbrowser-launcher_git project-type: freestyle triggers: - pollscm: cron: '*/6 * * * *' - timed: '{my_timed}' sb_desc: torbrowser-launcher properties: - sidebar: *sb01 - sidebar: *sb10 - sidebar: *sb99 - throttle: max-total: 3 max-per-node: 1 enabled: true option: category categories: - torbrowser-launcher description: '{my_description}<br>Job configuration source is <a href="https://anonscm.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/tree/job-cfg/torbrowser-launcher.yaml">torbrowser-launcher.yaml</a>.<br>Results are available at <a href="https://torbrowser-launcher.debian.net/">https://torbrowser-launcher.debian.net</a>.' logrotate: daysToKeep: 90 numToKeep: 20 artifactDaysToKeep: -1 artifactNumToKeep: -1 builders: - shell: '{my_shell} {my_gitbranch}' publishers: - logparser: parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/torbrowser-launcher.rules' unstable-on-warning: 'true' fail-on-error: 'true' - archive: artifacts: 'results/*.*' latest-only: false - image-gallery: - title: '{my_description}' includes: 'results/screenshot_*.png' image-width: 300 - email: recipients: '{my_recipients}' - naginator: progressive-delay-increment: 5 progressive-delay-maximum: 15 max-failed-builds: 5 regular-expression: 'Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git fetch' wrappers: - live-screenshot scm: - git: url: '{my_gitrepo}' branches: - '{my_gitbranch}' node: '{my_node}' - defaults: name: torbrowser-launcher_packages project-type: freestyle triggers: - timed: '{my_timed}' sb_desc: torbrowser-launcher properties: - sidebar: *sb01 - sidebar: *sb10 - sidebar: *sb99 - throttle: max-total: 3 max-per-node: 1 enabled: true option: category categories: - torbrowser-launcher description: '{my_description}<br>Job configuration source is <a href="https://anonscm.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/tree/job-cfg/torbrowser-launcher.yaml">torbrowser-launcher.yaml</a>.<br>Results are available at <a href="https://torbrowser-launcher.debian.net/">https://torbrowser-launcher.debian.net</a>.' logrotate: daysToKeep: 90 numToKeep: 20 artifactDaysToKeep: -1 artifactNumToKeep: -1 builders: - shell: '{my_shell}' publishers: - logparser: parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/torbrowser-launcher.rules' unstable-on-warning: 'true' fail-on-error: 'true' - archive: artifacts: 'results/*.*' latest-only: false - image-gallery: - title: '{my_description}' includes: 'results/screenshot_*.png' image-width: 300 - email: recipients: '{my_recipients}' wrappers: - live-screenshot node: '{my_node}' - job-template: defaults: torbrowser-launcher_setup name: '{name}_setup_schroot_{dist}_amd64' - job-template: defaults: torbrowser-launcher_packages name: '{name}_test_on_{dist}_amd64{opt_name}' - job-template: defaults: torbrowser-launcher_git name: '{name}_test_on_{dist}_amd64_from_git_branch_{g_i_t_branch}' - job-template: defaults: torbrowser-launcher_git name: '{name}_test_on_unstable_amd64_from_git_branch_upstream_master' - project: name: torbrowser-launcher my_weekday: '*' my_prefix: ' torbrowser-launcher' my_postfix: '' my_recipients: 'u@451f.org' my_node: '' jobs: - '{name}_setup_schroot_{dist}_amd64': dist: - unstable: { my_hour: 1 } - stretch: { my_hour: 2 } - jessie: { my_hour: 3 } - wheezy: { my_hour: 4, my_weekday: 2, my_prefix: '', my_postfix: ' python python-gtk2 python-psutil python-twisted python-lzma gnupg wmctrl' } my_description: 'Setup {dist}/amd64 schroot for testing torbrowser-launcher.' my_timed: '42 {my_hour} * * {my_weekday}' my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/schroot-create.sh torbrowser-launcher torbrowser-launcher-{dist} {dist}{my_prefix} awesome dbus xterm x11-utils x11-xserver-utils feh libnotify-bin figlet build-essential fakeroot devscripts git-buildpackage lintian python-all debhelper dh-apparmor lsb-release iceweasel ca-certificates{my_postfix}' - '{name}_test_on_{dist}_amd64{opt_name}': opt_name: '' opt_arg: '' opt_desc: 'and' my_wday: '*' dist: #- experimental: { my_hour: 1 } - unstable: { my_hour: 2 } - unstable: { my_hour: 2, opt_name: 'via_tor', my_opt_desc: ' (download via tor)', opt_arg: ' via_tor' } #- stretch: { my_hour: 3 } #- stretch: { my_hour: 3, opt_name: '_via_tor', my_opt_desc: ' (download via tor)', opt_arg: ' via_tor' } - jessie: { my_hour: 4 } - jessie: { my_hour: 4, opt_name: '_via_tor', my_opt_desc: ' (download via tor)', opt_arg: ' via_tor' } - jessie: { my_hour: 4, my_wday: 2, opt_name: '_from_backports', opt_desc: 'backports', opt_arg: ' backports' } - wheezy: { my_hour: 5, my_wday: 2, opt_name: '_from_backports', opt_desc: 'backports', opt_arg: ' backports' } - stretch: { my_hour: 3, my_wday: 2, opt_name: '_from_unstable', opt_desc: 'unstable', opt_arg: ' unstable' } #- jessie: { my_hour: 4, my_wday: 2, opt_name: '_from_experimental', opt_desc: 'experimental', opt_arg: ' experimental' } - jessie: { my_hour: 4, my_wday: 2, opt_name: '_from_unstable', opt_desc: 'unstable', opt_arg: ' unstable' } #- jessie: { my_hour: 4, my_wday: 2, opt_name: '_from_stretch', opt_desc: 'stretch', opt_arg: ' stretch' } my_description: 'Test torbrowser-launcher from {opt_desc} on {dist}/amd64.' my_timed: '23 {my_hour} * * {my_wday}' my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/test_torbrowser-launcher.sh {dist}{opt_arg}' - '{name}_test_on_{dist}_amd64_from_git_branch_{g_i_t_branch}': my_description: 'Test torbrowser-launcher{my_opt_desc} on {dist}/amd64 using the branch {my_gitbranch}.' my_timed: '23 {my_hour} 1 * *' my_gitrepo: 'git://git.debian.org/pkg-privacy/packages/torbrowser-launcher.git' my_opt_arg: '' my_opt_desc: '' g_i_t_branch: #- 'debian_experimental': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/experimental', # dist: unstable, my_hour: 2 } #- 'debian_experimental': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/experimental', # dist: jessie, my_hour: 4 } - 'debian_sid': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/sid', dist: unstable, my_hour: 2 } - 'debian_sid': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/sid', dist: stretch, my_hour: 3 } - 'debian_sid': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/sid', dist: jessie, my_hour: 4 } - 'debian_jessie': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/jessie', dist: jessie, my_hour: 4 } #- 'debian_jessie_proposed': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/jessie-proposed', # dist: jessie, my_hour: 2 } - 'debian_jessie_download_via_tor': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/jessie', my_opt_arg: ' via_tor', my_opt_desc: ' (download via tor)', dist: jessie, my_hour: 4 } - 'debian_sid_download_via_tor': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/sid', my_opt_arg: ' via_tor', my_opt_desc: ' (download via tor)', dist: jessie, my_hour: 4 } - 'debian_jessie_with_broken_settings': { my_gitbranch: 'debian/jessie', my_opt_arg: ' broken_settings', my_opt_desc: ' with a broken user configuration', dist: jessie, my_hour: 4 } my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/test_torbrowser-launcher.sh{my_opt_arg} {dist} git' - '{name}_test_on_unstable_amd64_from_git_branch_upstream_master': my_description: 'Test torbrowser-launcher on unstable/amd64 using the upstream master branch, in which the debian/sid branch is merged into.' my_timed: '23 2 * * *' my_gitrepo: 'git://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher' my_gitbranch: 'master' my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/test_torbrowser-launcher.sh unstable git merge debian/sid'