- defaults:
name: g-i-installation
description: '{my_description}{do_not_edit}'
# disabled: true
daysToKeep: 90
numToKeep: 20
artifactDaysToKeep: -1
artifactNumToKeep: -1
- timed: "{my_time}"
- shell: "{my_shell}"
- trigger:
project: '{my_trigger}'
- logparser:
parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/debian.rules'
unstable-on-warning: 'true'
fail-on-error: 'true'
- email-ext:
recipients: '{my_recipients}'
first-failure: true
fixed: true
attach-build-log: false
body: 'See $BUILD_URL and $BUILD_URL/console and $BUILD_URL/artifact/results/ if there are any.'
- archive:
artifacts: 'results/*.*, results/log/*, results/log/installer/*'
latest-only: false
- image-gallery:
- title: '{my_title}'
includes: 'results/*.png'
image-width: 300
- live-screenshot
- timeout:
timeout: 360
- sidebar: &sb01
url: https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html
text: About jenkins.debian.net
icon: /userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png
- sidebar: &sb10
url: https://jenkins.debian.net/view/g-i-installation/
text: All g-i-installation jobs
icon: /userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png
- sidebar: &sb99
url: http://www.profitbricks.co.uk
text: Sponsored by Profitbricks
icon: /userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png
- priority-sorter:
priority: '140'
- throttle:
max-total: 3
max-per-node: 3
enabled: true
option: category
- g-i-installation
- defaults:
name: g-i-installation-maintenance
description: 'Cleanup and monitor so that there is a predictable environment.{do_not_edit}'
daysToKeep: 90
numToKeep: 20
artifactDaysToKeep: -1
artifactNumToKeep: -1
- timed: "0 6 * * *"
- shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/maintenance.sh {name}'
- logparser:
parse-rules: '/srv/jenkins/logparse/debian.rules'
unstable-on-warning: 'true'
fail-on-error: 'true'
- email:
recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- sidebar: *sb01
- sidebar: *sb10
- sidebar: *sb99
- priority-sorter:
priority: '175'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation-maintenance
name: '{name}_maintenance'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_{my_desktop}'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_{my_dist}_{my_desktop}'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-{my_image}_{my_de_profile}'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_{my_dist}_{my_de_profile}'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue_{my_langname}'
# =-=-=-=
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_jessie_kfreebsd_xfce'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_wheezy_kfreebsd_xfce'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_gnome'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_gnome_brltty'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_gnome_speakup'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_xfce'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_kfreebsd_xfce'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_lxde'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_hurd_lxde'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue_dark_theme'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_presentation'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_jessie_presentation'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian_wheezy_presentation'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_wheezy_standalone_gnome'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_wheezy_standalone_lxde'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_wheezy_standalone_xfce'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_standalone'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_standalone_mate'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_main-server'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_main+ltsp-server'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_standalone'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_standalone_mate'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_main-server'
- job-template:
defaults: g-i-installation
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_main+ltsp-server'
# =-=-=-=
- job-group:
name: '{name}_debian-edu'
my_disksize: 30
- wheezy
- minimal:
my_time: '23 20 15 * *'
my_disksize: 25
- standalone:
my_time: '42 20 15 * *'
my_disksize: 25
- workstation:
my_time: '42 22 16 * *'
my_disksize: 25
- combi-server:
my_time: '42 0 16 * *'
- main-server:
my_time: '42 2 16 * *'
- '{name}_debian-edu_{my_dist}_{my_de_profile}':
my_title: 'Debian Edu ({my_dist}) {my_de_profile}'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh {my_disksize} http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-{my_dist}-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu {my_dist} {my_de_profile} profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the netinst CD image.'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- job-group:
name: '{name}_debian_wheezy_desktops'
my_optdesc: ''
- wheezy
- kde:
my_time: '42 15 2,9,16,23 * *'
- xfce:
my_time: '42 16 4 * *'
- lxde:
my_time: '42 19 4 * *'
- gnome:
my_time: '42 19 4 * *'
- '{name}_debian_{my_dist}_{my_desktop}':
my_title: 'Debian ({my_dist}) {my_desktop} desktop install{my_optdesc}'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian {my_desktop} desktop{my_optdesc} - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_trigger: ''
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/gtk/debian-installer/amd64/'
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- job-group:
name: '{name}_debian_jessie_desktops'
my_trigger: ''
my_optdesc: ''
- jessie
- kde:
my_time: '42 15 */2 * *'
- xfce:
my_time: '42 16 */2 * *'
- lxde:
my_time: '42 19 */2 * *'
- gnome:
my_time: '42 19 */2 * *'
my_trigger: 'g-i-installation_debian_{my_dist}_gnome_brltty, g-i-installation_debian_{my_dist}_gnome_speakup'
- gnome_brltty:
my_optdesc: ' with braille display support'
my_time: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org'
- gnome_speakup:
my_optdesc: ' with Speakup support'
my_time: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_{my_dist}_{my_desktop}':
my_title: 'Debian ({my_dist}) {my_desktop} desktop install{my_optdesc}'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian {my_desktop} desktop{my_optdesc} - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/amd64/daily/netboot/gtk/debian-installer/amd64/'
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- job-group:
name: '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue_translations'
my_langname: ''
my_time: ''
my_trigger: ''
- spanish:
my_locale: es es_ES
my_time: '23 7 18 * *'
- japanese:
my_locale: ja ja_JA
my_time: '42 7 18 * *'
- chinese:
my_locale: zh zh_CN
my_time: '23 8 18 * *'
- korean:
my_locale: ko ko_KR
my_time: '42 8 18 * *'
- russian:
my_locale: ru ru_RU
my_time: '42 9 18 * *'
- greek:
my_locale: el el_GR
my_time: '42 9 18 * *'
- vietnamese:
my_locale: vi vi_VI
my_time: '42 9 18 * *'
- hebrew:
my_locale: he he_IL
my_time: '23 10 18 * *'
- hindi:
my_locale: hi hi_IN
my_time: '23 10 18 * *'
- tamil:
my_locale: ta ta_IN
my_time: '42 10 18 * *'
- tibetan:
my_locale: bo bo_IN
my_time: '23 11 18 * *'
- gujarati:
my_locale: gu gu_IN
my_time: '42 11 18 * *'
- kannada:
my_locale: kn kn_IN
my_time: '23 12 18 * *'
- malayalam:
my_locale: ml ml_IN
my_time: '42 12 18 * *'
- marathi:
my_locale: mr mr_IN
my_time: '23 13 18 * *'
- punjabi:
my_locale: pa pa_IN
my_time: '42 13 18 * *'
- telugu:
my_locale: te te_IN
my_time: '23 14 18 * *'
- arabic:
my_locale: ar ar_EG
my_time: '42 14 18 * *'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue_{my_langname}':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) rescue mode in {my_langname}'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 1 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso {my_locale}'
my_description: 'Just go into rescue mode via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- job-group:
name: '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-beta1-netinst_group'
my_time: ''
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- standalone:
my_disksize: 25
- standalone_mate:
my_disksize: 25
- main-server:
my_disksize: 40
- main+ltsp-server:
my_disksize: 60
- beta1-netinst:
my_image_flavour: CD
- beta1-usb:
my_image_flavour: USB
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-{my_image}_{my_de_profile}':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie {my_image}) {my_de_profile} (Default)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh {my_disksize} http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~b1-{my_image_flavour}.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie {my_de_profile} profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the {my_image} image.
This job is only triggered manually.'
# =-=-=-=
- project:
name: g-i-installation
do_not_edit: '
Job configuration source is g-i-installation.yaml.'
- '{name}_maintenance'
- '{name}_debian-edu'
- '{name}_debian_wheezy_desktops'
- '{name}_debian_jessie_desktops'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue_translations'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-beta1-netinst_group'
- '{name}_debian_wheezy_kfreebsd_xfce':
my_title: 'Debian (wheezy) kfreebsd XFCE desktop install'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-kfreebsd-amd64/current/images/netboot-9/gtk/netboot.tar.gz'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian kfreebsd-amd64 with XFCE desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using PXE netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 16 21 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_jessie_kfreebsd_xfce':
my_title: 'Debian (jessie) kfreebsd XFCE desktop install'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie-kfreebsd/main/installer-kfreebsd-amd64/current/images/netboot-10/gtk/netboot.tar.gz'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian kfreebsd-amd64 with XFCE desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using PXE netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 16 */7 * *'
#my_time: '42 16 2,9,16,23 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_gnome':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) GNOME desktop install'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian GNOME desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 8 * * *'
my_trigger: 'g-i-installation_debian_sid_gnome_brltty, g-i-installation_debian_sid_gnome_speakup'
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_gnome_brltty':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) GNOME desktop install with braille display support'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian GNOME desktop with braille display support - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: ''
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_gnome_speakup':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) GNOME desktop install with Speakup support'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian GNOME desktop with Speakup support - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: ''
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_xfce':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) Xfce desktop install'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian Xfce desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 8 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_kfreebsd_xfce':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build PXE) kfreebsd XFCE desktop install'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/kfreebsd-amd64/daily/netboot-10/gtk/netboot.tar.gz'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian kfreebsd-amd64 with XFCE desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using PXE netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 8 */7 * *'
#my_time: '42 8 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_lxde':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) LXDE desktop install'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian LXDE desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 10 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_hurd_lxde':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) LXDE desktop install on Hurd'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://people.debian.org/~sthibault/hurd-i386/installer/cdimage/daily/debian-sid-hurd-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of Debian LXDE desktop on Hurd - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg).
This job is only triggered manually.'
my_time: ''
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org debian-hurd@lists.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde':
my_title: 'Debian (jessie CD) LXDE desktop install on Hurd'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 10 http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian-cd/hurd-i386/debian-hurd-2015/debian-hurd-2015-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a LXDE desktop on Debian GNU/hurd 2015 Jessie release - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg).'
my_time: '42 10 */2 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org debian-hurd@lists.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) rescue mode'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 1 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Just go into rescue mode via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 6 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_presentation':
my_title: 'Debian-Installer (sid daily build CD) used for presentations'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 1 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Use d-i for presentations via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg).'
my_time: '42 15 23 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_jessie_presentation':
my_title: 'Debian-Installer (jessie netboot) used for presentations'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 1 http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/amd64/daily/netboot/debian-installer/amd64/'
my_description: 'Use d-i for presentations via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg).'
my_time: '43 15 23 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_wheezy_presentation':
my_title: 'Debian-Installer (wheezy netboot) used for presentations'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 1 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/debian-installer/amd64/'
my_description: 'Use d-i for presentations via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg).'
my_time: '44 15 23 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian_sid_daily_rescue_dark_theme':
my_title: 'Debian (sid daily build CD) rescue mode, using theme=dark'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 1 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso'
my_description: 'Just go into rescue mode, using theme=dark, via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using netboot gtk.'
my_time: '42 6 * * 7'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_wheezy_standalone_gnome':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (wheezy) standalone (gnome)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-wheezy-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Wheezy standalone profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the netinst CD image.'
my_time: '42 18 17 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_wheezy_standalone_lxde':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (wheezy) standalone (lxde)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-wheezy-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Wheezy standalone profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the netinst CD image.'
my_time: '42 22 17 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_wheezy_standalone_xfce':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (wheezy) standalone (xfce)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-wheezy-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Wheezy standalone profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the netinst CD image.'
my_time: '42 2 * * 1'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_standalone':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily netinst) standalone (Default)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie standalone profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily netinst image.'
my_time: '42 1 */2 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_standalone_mate':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily netinst) standalone (Mate Desktop)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie standalone profile with Mate desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily netinst image.'
my_time: '42 1 */2 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_main-server':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily netinst) main-server'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 40 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie main-server profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily netinst image.'
my_time: '42 3 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-netinst_main+ltsp-server':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily netinst) main+ltsp-server'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 60 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie main+ltsp-server profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily netinst image.'
my_time: '42 0 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_standalone':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily usb) standalone (Default)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-usbstick/debian-edu-amd64-i386-BD-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie standalone profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily usb image.'
my_time: '42 1 */2 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_standalone_mate':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily usb) standalone (Mate Desktop)'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 25 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-usbstick/debian-edu-amd64-i386-BD-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie standalone profile with Mate desktop - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily usb image.'
my_time: '42 1 */2 * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_main-server':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily usb) main-server'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 40 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-usbstick/debian-edu-amd64-i386-BD-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie main-server profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily usb image.'
my_time: '42 3 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'
- '{name}_debian-edu_jessie-daily-usb_main+ltsp-server':
my_title: 'Debian Edu (jessie daily usb) main+ltsp-server'
my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/g-i-installation.sh 60 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-jessie-usbstick/debian-edu-amd64-i386-BD-1.iso'
my_description: 'Do a fully automated installation of a Debian Edu Jessie main+ltsp-server profile - via d-i preseeding (with this preseed.cfg) using the daily usb image.'
my_time: '42 0 * * *'
my_trigger: ''
my_recipients: 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org'