#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os from string import join from yaml import load, dump try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import Loader, Dumper base_distros = [ 'jessie', 'stretch', 'buster', 'sid', ] distro_upgrades = { 'jessie': 'stretch', 'stretch': 'buster', 'buster': 'sid', } # deb.debian.org runs mirror updates at 03:25, 09:25, 15:25 and 21:25 UTC and usually they run 10m... trigger_times = { 'jessie': '30 16 1 * *', 'stretch': '30 10 * * 5', 'buster': '30 10 */2 * *', 'sid': '30 4 * * *', } all_targets = [ 'gnome', 'kde', 'kde-full', 'cinnamon', 'lxde', 'xfce', 'full_desktop', 'qt4', 'qt5', 'haskell', 'developer', 'debconf-video', 'education-tasks', 'education-menus', 'education-astronomy', 'education-chemistry', 'education-common', 'education-desktop-gnome', 'education-desktop-kde', 'education-desktop-lxde', 'education-desktop-lxqt', 'education-desktop-mate', 'education-desktop-other', 'education-desktop-xfce', 'education-development', 'education-electronics', 'education-geography', 'education-graphics', 'education-language', 'education-lang-da', 'education-lang-de', 'education-lang-es', 'education-lang-fr', 'education-lang-he', 'education-lang-it', 'education-lang-ja', 'education-lang-no', 'education-lang-se', 'education-lang-zh-tw', 'education-laptop', 'education-logic-games', 'education-ltsp-server', 'education-main-server', 'education-mathematics', 'education-misc', 'education-music', 'education-networked', 'education-physics', 'education-primaryschool', 'education-services', 'education-standalone', 'education-thin-client', 'education-thin-client-server', 'education-roaming-workstation', 'education-video', 'education-workstation', 'parl-desktop-eu', 'parl-desktop-strict', 'parl-desktop-world', 'design-desktop-animation', 'design-desktop-graphics', 'design-desktop-strict', 'design-desktop-web', ] # # not all packages are available in all distros # def is_target_in_distro(distro, target): # education-ltsp-server and education-roaming-workstation are only availble since stretch… if distro in ('jessie') and target in ('education-ltsp-server', 'education-roaming-workstation'): return False # education-thin-client-server is obsolete since stretch… elif distro in ('sid', 'buster', 'stretch') and target == 'education-thin-client-server': return False # education-lang-*, parl-desktop* and design-desktop* packages only exist since stretch elif distro in ('jessie') and (target[:15] == 'education-lang-' or target[:12] == 'parl-desktop' or target[:14] == 'design-desktop'): return False # education-desktop-lxqt, education-primaryschool and education-video packages only exist since buster elif distro in ('jessie', 'stretch') and target in ('education-desktop-lxqt', 'education-primaryschool', 'education-video'): return False return True # # who gets mail for which target # def get_recipients(target): if target == 'haskell': return 'jenkins+debian-haskell qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org pkg-haskell-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org' elif target == 'gnome': return 'jenkins+debian-qa pkg-gnome-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org' elif target == 'cinnamon': return 'jenkins+debian-cinnamon pkg-cinnamon-team@lists.alioth.debian.org qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org' elif target == 'debconf-video': return 'jenkins+debconf-video qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org' elif target[:3] == 'kde' or target[:2] == 'qt': return 'jenkins+debian-qa debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org' elif target[:10] == 'education-': return 'jenkins+debian-edu debian-edu-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org' else: return 'jenkins+debian-qa qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org' # # views for different targets # def get_view(target, distro): if target == 'haskell': return 'haskell' elif target[:10] == 'education-': if distro in ('jessie', 'stretch'): return 'edu_stable' else: return 'edu_devel' else: return 'chroot-installation' # # special descriptions used for some targets # spoken_names = { 'gnome': 'GNOME', 'kde': 'KDE plasma desktop', 'kde-full': 'complete KDE desktop', 'cinnamon': 'Cinnamon', 'lxde': 'LXDE', 'xfce': 'Xfce', 'qt4': 'Qt4 cross-platform C++ application framework', 'qt5': 'Qt5 cross-platform C++ application framework', 'full_desktop': 'four desktop environments and the most commonly used applications and packages', 'haskell': 'all Haskell related packages', 'developer': 'four desktop environments and the most commonly used applications and packages - and the build depends for all of these', 'debconf-video': 'all packages relevant for the DebConf videoteam', } def get_spoken_name(target): if target[:12] == 'parl-desktop': return 'the Debian Parl metapackage '+target elif target[:14] == 'design-desktop': return 'the Debian Parl metapackage '+target elif target[:10] == 'education-': return 'the Debian Edu metapackage '+target elif target in spoken_names: return spoken_names[target] else: return target # # nothing to edit below # # # This structure contains the differences between the default, upgrade and upgrade_apt+dpkg_first jobs # jobspecs = [ { 'j_ext': '', 'd_ext': '', 's_ext': '', 'dist_func': (lambda d: d), 'distfilter': (lambda d: tuple(set(d))), 'skiptaryet': (lambda t: False) }, { 'j_ext': '_upgrade_to_{dist2}', 'd_ext': ', then upgrade to {dist2}', 's_ext': ' {dist2}', 'dist_func': (lambda d: [{dist: {'dist2': distro_upgrades[dist]}} for dist in d]), 'distfilter': (lambda d: tuple(set(d) & set(distro_upgrades))), 'skiptaryet': (lambda t: False) }, ] # some functions first… # # return the list of targets, filtered to be those present in 'distro' # def get_targets_in_distro(distro): return [t for t in all_targets if is_target_in_distro(distro, t)] # # given a target, returns a list of ([dist], key) tuples, so we can handle the # edu packages having views that are distro dependant # # this groups all the distros that have matching views # def get_dists_per_key(target,get_distro_key): dists_per_key = {} for distro in base_distros: if is_target_in_distro(distro, target): key = get_distro_key(distro) if key not in dists_per_key.keys(): dists_per_key[key] = [] dists_per_key[key].append(distro) return dists_per_key # main… data = [] jobs = [] data.append( { 'defaults': { 'builders': [{ 'shell': '{my_shell}'}], 'description': '{my_description}{do_not_edit}', 'logrotate': { 'artifactDaysToKeep': -1, 'artifactNumToKeep': -1, 'daysToKeep': 120, 'numToKeep': 150}, 'name': 'chroot-installation', 'properties': [ { 'sidebar': { 'icon': '/userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png', 'text': 'About jenkins.debian.net', 'url': 'https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html'}}, { 'sidebar': { 'icon': '/userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png', 'text': 'All {my_view} jobs', 'url': 'https://jenkins.debian.net/view/{my_view}/'}}, { 'sidebar': { 'icon': '/userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png', 'text': 'Sponsored by Profitbricks', 'url': 'http://www.profitbricks.co.uk'}}, { 'priority-sorter': { 'priority': '{my_prio}'}}, { 'throttle': { 'categories': [ 'chroot-installation'], 'enabled': True, 'max-per-node': 6, 'max-total': 6, 'option': 'category'}}], 'publishers': [ { 'trigger': { 'project': '{my_trigger}'}}, { 'email-ext': { 'attach-build-log': False, 'body': 'See $BUILD_URL/console or just $BUILD_URL for more information.', 'first-failure': True, 'fixed': True, 'recipients': '{my_recipients}', 'subject': '$BUILD_STATUS: $JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER'}}, { 'logparser': { 'parse-rules': '/srv/jenkins/logparse/chroot-installation.rules', 'unstable-on-warning': True,}}, { 'naginator': { 'progressive-delay-increment': 5, 'progressive-delay-maximum': 15, 'max-failed-builds': 3, 'regular-expression': '^E: Couldn.t download .*/Packages'}}], 'triggers': [{ 'timed': '{my_time}'}], 'wrappers': [{ 'timeout': { 'timeout': 360}}]}}) data.append( { 'job-template': { 'defaults': 'chroot-installation', 'name': '{name}_{dist}_{action}'}}) data.append( { 'job-template': { 'defaults': 'chroot-installation', 'name': '{name}_{dist}_install_{target}'}}) data.append( { 'job-template': { 'defaults': 'chroot-installation', 'name': '{name}_{dist}_{action}_upgrade_to_{dist2}'}}) data.append( { 'job-template': { 'defaults': 'chroot-installation', 'name': '{name}_{dist}_install_{target}_upgrade_to_{dist2}'}}) # maintenance jobs maint_distros = [] for base_distro in sorted(base_distros): dist2 = '' if base_distro in distro_upgrades.values(): trigger = 'chroot-installation_{dist}_bootstrap' for item in distro_upgrades.items(): if item[1]==base_distro and base_distro in distro_upgrades: trigger = trigger+', chroot-installation_{dist}_bootstrap_upgrade_to_{dist2}' dist2 = distro_upgrades[base_distro] else: trigger = 'chroot-installation_{dist}_bootstrap_upgrade_to_{dist2}' dist2 = distro_upgrades[base_distro] maint_distros.append({ base_distro: { 'my_time': trigger_times[base_distro], 'dist2': dist2, 'my_trigger': trigger}}) jobs.append({ '{name}_{dist}_{action}': { 'action': 'maintenance', 'dist': maint_distros, 'my_description': 'Maintainance job for chroot-installation_{dist}_* jobs, do some cleanups and monitoring so that there is a predictable environment.', 'my_prio': '135', 'my_recipients': 'qa-jenkins-scm@lists.alioth.debian.org', 'my_shell': '/srv/jenkins/bin/maintenance.sh chroot-installation_{dist}', 'my_view': 'jenkins.d.n'}}) # bootstrap jobs js_dists_trigs = [{},{},{}] for trigs, dists in get_dists_per_key('bootstrap',(lambda d: tuple(sorted(get_targets_in_distro(d))))).items(): for jobindex, jobspec in enumerate(jobspecs): js_dists = jobspec['distfilter'](dists) if (js_dists): js_disttrig = tuple((tuple(js_dists), trigs)) js_dists_trigs[jobindex][js_disttrig] = True for jobindex, jobspec in enumerate(jobspecs): jobs.extend([{ '{name}_{dist}_{action}'+jobspec['j_ext']: { 'action': 'bootstrap', 'dist': list(dists) if jobspec['j_ext'] == '' else [{dist: {'dist2': distro_upgrades[dist]}} for dist in dists], 'my_trigger': join(['chroot-installation_{dist}_install_'+t+jobspec['j_ext'] for t in list(trigs)], ', '), 'my_description': 'Debootstrap {dist}'+jobspec['d_ext']+'.', 'my_prio': 131, 'my_time': '', 'my_recipients': get_recipients('bootstrap'), 'my_shell': '/srv/jenkins/bin/chroot-installation.sh {dist} none'+jobspec['s_ext'], 'my_view': get_view('bootstrap', None), }} for (dists, trigs) in js_dists_trigs[jobindex].keys()]) # now all the other jobs targets_per_distview = [{},{},{}] for target in sorted(all_targets): for view, dists in get_dists_per_key(target,(lambda d: get_view(target, d))).items(): for jobindex, jobspec in enumerate(jobspecs): if jobspec['skiptaryet'](target): continue js_dists = jobspec['distfilter'](dists) if (js_dists): distview = tuple((tuple(js_dists), view)) if distview not in targets_per_distview[jobindex].keys(): targets_per_distview[jobindex][distview] = [] targets_per_distview[jobindex][distview].append(target) for jobindex, jobspec in enumerate(jobspecs): jobs.extend([{ '{name}_{dist}_install_{target}'+jobspec['j_ext']: { 'dist': jobspec['dist_func'](list(dists)), 'target': [{t: { 'my_spokenname': get_spoken_name(t), 'my_recipients': get_recipients(t)}} for t in dv_targs], 'my_description': 'Debootstrap {dist}, then install {my_spokenname}'+jobspec['d_ext']+'.', 'my_shell': '/srv/jenkins/bin/chroot-installation.sh {dist} {target}'+jobspec['s_ext'], 'my_view': view, }} for (dists, view), dv_targs in targets_per_distview[jobindex].items()]) data.append({'project': { 'name': 'chroot-installation', 'do_not_edit': '

Job configuration source is chroot-installation.yaml.py.', 'my_prio': '130', 'my_trigger': '', 'my_time': '', 'jobs': jobs}}) sys.stdout.write(dump(data, Dumper=Dumper))