#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2014-2017 Holger Levsen # # released under the GPLv=2 # # initial setup for new build nodes # - this script assumes that the user running it has unlimited sudo powers… # - it's also assumed that this script is once manually scp'ed to the new node # and run there manually once :) # let's check our assumptions first… if [ $(sudo id -u) -ne 0 ] ; then echo we need sudo… exiting. exit 1 elif [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] ; then echo please dont run this as root… exiting. exit 1 fi START=$(date +'%s') GIT_REPO="git://anonscm.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git" echo echo -n "$(date) - " set -e export LANG=C set -x sudo addgroup --system jenkins sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --home /var/lib/jenkins --ingroup jenkins --disabled-login jenkins sudo addgroup --system jenkins-adm sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --home /home/jenkins-adm --ingroup jenkins-adm --disabled-login jenkins-adm sudo usermod -G jenkins jenkins-adm sudo chown jenkins-adm.jenkins-adm /home/jenkins-adm cd ~jenkins-adm [ -x /usr/bin/git ] || sudo apt-get install -y git sudo -u jenkins-adm git clone $GIT_REPO cd jenkins.debian.net sudo mkdir -p /var/log/jenkins/ set +x ./update_jdn.sh 2>&1 | sudo tee -a /var/log/jenkins/update_jdn.log END=$(date +'%s') DURATION=$(( $END - $START )) HOUR=$(echo "$DURATION/3600"|bc) MIN=$(echo "($DURATION-$HOUR*3600)/60"|bc) SEC=$(echo "$DURATION-$HOUR*3600-$MIN*60"|bc) echo "$(date) - total duration: ${HOUR}h ${MIN}m ${SEC}s." echo