#10497: wait_until_tor_is_working #10444: Git tests are fragile @product @check_tor_leaks @fragile Feature: Cloning a Git repository As a Tails user when I clone a Git repository all Internet traffic should flow only through Tor Background: Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected @fragile Scenario: Cloning a Git repository anonymously over HTTPS When I run "git clone https://git-tails.immerda.ch/myprivatekeyispublic/testing" in GNOME Terminal Then process "git" is running within 10 seconds And process "git" has stopped running after at most 180 seconds And the Git repository "testing" has been cloned successfully Scenario: Cloning a Git repository anonymously over the Git protocol When I run "git clone git://git.tails.boum.org/myprivatekeyispublic/testing" in GNOME Terminal Then process "git" is running within 10 seconds And process "git" has stopped running after at most 180 seconds And the Git repository "testing" has been cloned successfully Scenario: Cloning git repository over SSH Given I have the SSH key pair for a Git repository When I run "git clone tails@git.tails.boum.org:myprivatekeyispublic/testing" in GNOME Terminal Then process "git" is running within 10 seconds When I verify the SSH fingerprint for the Git repository And process "git" has stopped running after at most 180 seconds Then the Git repository "testing" has been cloned successfully