require 'date' require 'timeout' require 'test/unit' # Make all the assert_* methods easily accessible in any context. include Test::Unit::Assertions def assert_vmcommand_success(p, msg = nil) assert(p.success?, msg.nil? ? "Command failed: #{p.cmd}\n" + \ "error code: #{p.returncode}\n" \ "stderr: #{p.stderr}" : \ msg) end # Call block (ignoring any exceptions it may throw) repeatedly with one # second breaks until it returns true, or until `t` seconds have # passed when we throw Timeout::Error. As a precondition, the code # block cannot throw Timeout::Error. def try_for(t, options = {}) options[:delay] ||= 1 begin Timeout::timeout(t) do loop do begin return true if yield rescue Timeout::Error => e if options[:msg] raise RuntimeError, options[:msg], caller else raise e end rescue Exception # noop end sleep options[:delay] end end rescue Timeout::Error => e if options[:msg] raise RuntimeError, options[:msg], caller else raise e end end end def wait_until_tor_is_working try_for(240) { @vm.execute( '. /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/; tor_is_working').success? } end def convert_bytes_mod(unit) case unit when "bytes", "b" then mod = 1 when "KB" then mod = 10**3 when "k", "KiB" then mod = 2**10 when "MB" then mod = 10**6 when "M", "MiB" then mod = 2**20 when "GB" then mod = 10**9 when "G", "GiB" then mod = 2**30 when "TB" then mod = 10**12 when "T", "TiB" then mod = 2**40 else raise "invalid memory unit '#{unit}'" end return mod end def convert_to_bytes(size, unit) return (size*convert_bytes_mod(unit)).to_i end def convert_to_MiB(size, unit) return (size*convert_bytes_mod(unit) / (2**20)).to_i end def convert_from_bytes(size, unit) return size.to_f/convert_bytes_mod(unit).to_f end def cmd_helper(cmd) IO.popen(cmd + " 2>&1") do |p| out = p.readlines.join("\n") p.close ret = $? assert_equal(0, ret, "Command failed (returned #{ret}): #{cmd}:\n#{out}") return out end end def tails_iso_creation_date(path) label = cmd_helper("/sbin/blkid -p -s LABEL -o value #{path}") assert(label[/^TAILS \d+(\.\d+)+(~rc\d+)? - \d+$/], "Got invalid label '#{label}' from Tails image '#{path}'") return label[/\d+$/] end def sort_isos_by_creation_date Dir.glob("#{Dir.pwd}/*.iso").sort_by {|f| tails_iso_creation_date(f)} end def get_newest_iso return sort_isos_by_creation_date.last end def get_oldest_iso return sort_isos_by_creation_date.first end # This command will grab all router IP addresses from the Tor # consensus in the VM. def get_tor_relays cmd = 'awk "/^r/ { print \$6 }" /var/lib/tor/cached-microdesc-consensus' @vm.execute(cmd).stdout.chomp.split("\n") end def save_pcap_file pcap_copy = "#{$tmp_dir}/pcap_with_leaks-#{}" FileUtils.cp(@sniffer.pcap_file, pcap_copy) puts "Full network capture available at: #{pcap_copy}" end