def persistent_mounts { "cups-configuration" => "/etc/cups", "nm-system-connections" => "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections", "claws-mail" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.claws-mail", "gnome-keyrings" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.gnome2/keyrings", "gnupg" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.gnupg", "bookmarks" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.mozilla/firefox/bookmarks", "pidgin" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.purple", "openssh-client" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.ssh", "Persistent" => "/home/#{$live_user}/Persistent", "apt/cache" => "/var/cache/apt/archives", "apt/lists" => "/var/lib/apt/lists", } end def persistent_volumes_mountpoints @vm.execute("ls -1 -d /live/persistence/*_unlocked/").stdout.chomp.split end Given /^I create a new (\d+) ([[:alpha:]]+) USB drive named "([^"]+)"$/ do |size, unit, name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background, {:size => size, :unit => unit}) end Given /^I clone USB drive "([^"]+)" to a new USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |from, to| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background, to) end Given /^I unplug USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @vm.unplug_drive(name) end Given /^the computer is set to boot from the old Tails DVD$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @vm.set_cdrom_boot($old_tails_iso) end Given /^the computer is set to boot in UEFI mode$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @vm.set_os_loader('UEFI') @os_loader = 'UEFI' end class ISOHybridUpgradeNotSupported < StandardError end def usb_install_helper(name) @screen.wait('USBCreateLiveUSB.png', 10) # Here we'd like to select USB drive using #{name}, but Sikuli's # OCR seems to be too unreliable. # @screen.wait('USBTargetDevice.png', 10) # match = @screen.find('USBTargetDevice.png') # region_x = match.x # region_y = match.y + match.h # region_w = match.w*3 # region_h = match.h*2 # ocr =, region_y, region_w, region_h).text # STDERR.puts ocr # # Unfortunately this results in almost garbage, like "|]dev/sdm" # # when it should be /dev/sda1 @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSB.png', 10) if @screen.exists("USBSuggestsInstall.png") raise ISOHybridUpgradeNotSupported end @screen.wait('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmWindow.png', 10) @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmYes.png', 10) @screen.wait('USBInstallationComplete.png', 60*60) end When /^I start Tails Installer$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTails.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTailsInstaller.png", 20) end When /^I "Clone & Install" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background step "I start Tails Installer" @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndInstall.png', 30) usb_install_helper(name) end When /^I "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background step "I start Tails Installer" @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndUpgrade.png', 30) usb_install_helper(name) end When /^I try a "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background begin step "I \"Clone & Upgrade\" Tails to USB drive \"#{name}\"" rescue ISOHybridUpgradeNotSupported # this is what we expect else raise "The USB installer should not succeed" end end When /^I am suggested to do a "Clone & Install"$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.find("USBSuggestsInstall.png") end def shared_iso_dir_on_guest "/tmp/shared_iso_dir" end Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing the Tails ISO$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @vm.add_share(File.dirname($tails_iso), shared_iso_dir_on_guest) end When /^I do a "Upgrade from ISO" on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background step "I start Tails Installer" @screen.wait_and_click('USBUpgradeFromISO.png', 10) @screen.wait('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png', 10) match = @screen.find('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png'), match.h*2)) @screen.wait('USBSelectISO.png', 10) @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeFileDiagTypeFilename.png', 10) iso = "#{shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename($tails_iso)}" @screen.type(iso + Sikuli::Key.ENTER) usb_install_helper(name) end Given /^I enable all persistence presets$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 20) # Mark first non-default persistence preset @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB*2) # Check all non-default persistence presets 12.times do @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE + Sikuli::Key.TAB) end @screen.wait_and_click('PersistenceWizardSave.png', 10) @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardDone.png', 20) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.F4, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) end Given /^I create a persistent partition with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTails.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsConfigurePersistentVolume.png", 20) @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardWindow.png', 40) @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardStart.png', 20) @screen.type(pwd + "\t" + pwd + Sikuli::Key.ENTER) @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 300) step "I enable all persistence presets" end def check_part_integrity(name, dev, usage, type, scheme, label) info = @vm.execute("udisks --show-info #{dev}").stdout info_split = info.split("\n partition:\n") dev_info = info_split[0] part_info = info_split[1] assert(dev_info.match("^ usage: +#{usage}$"), "Unexpected device field 'usage' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") assert(dev_info.match("^ type: +#{type}$"), "Unexpected device field 'type' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") assert(part_info.match("^ scheme: +#{scheme}$"), "Unexpected partition scheme on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") assert(part_info.match("^ label: +#{label}$"), "Unexpected partition label on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") end def tails_is_installed_helper(name, tails_root, loader) dev = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "1" check_part_integrity(name, dev, "filesystem", "vfat", "gpt", "Tails") target_root = "/mnt/new" @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{target_root}") @vm.execute("mount #{dev} #{target_root}") c = @vm.execute("diff -qr '#{tails_root}/live' '#{target_root}/live'") assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in /live:\n#{c.stdout}") syslinux_files = @vm.execute("ls -1 #{target_root}/syslinux").stdout.chomp.split # We deal with these files separately ignores = ["syslinux.cfg", "exithelp.cfg", "ldlinux.sys"] for f in syslinux_files - ignores do c = @vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{f}' " + "'#{target_root}/syslinux/#{f}'") assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " + "'/syslinux/#{f}'") end # The main .cfg is named differently vs isolinux c = @vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{loader}.cfg' " + "'#{target_root}/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'") assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " + "'/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'") @vm.execute("umount #{target_root}") @vm.execute("sync") end Then /^the running Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background loader = boot_device_type == "usb" ? "syslinux" : "isolinux" tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, "/lib/live/mount/medium", loader) end Then /^the ISO's Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background iso = "#{shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename($tails_iso)}" iso_root = "/mnt/iso" @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{iso_root}") @vm.execute("mount -o loop #{iso} #{iso_root}") tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, iso_root, "isolinux") @vm.execute("umount #{iso_root}") end Then /^there is no persistence partition on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background data_part_dev = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "2" assert(!@vm.execute("test -b #{data_part_dev}").success?, "USB drive #{name} has a partition '#{data_part_dev}'") end Then /^a Tails persistence partition with password "([^"]+)" exists on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd, name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background dev = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "2" check_part_integrity(name, dev, "crypto", "crypto_LUKS", "gpt", "TailsData") # The LUKS container may already be opened, e.g. by udisks after # we've run tails-persistence-setup. c = @vm.execute("ls -1 /dev/mapper/") if c.success? for candidate in c.stdout.split("\n") luks_info = @vm.execute("cryptsetup status #{candidate}") if luks_info.success? and luks_info.stdout.match("^\s+device:\s+#{dev}$") luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{candidate}" break end end end if luks_dev.nil? c = @vm.execute("echo #{pwd} | cryptsetup luksOpen #{dev} #{name}") assert(c.success?, "Couldn't open LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'") luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{name}" end # Adapting check_part_integrity() seems like a bad idea so here goes info = @vm.execute("udisks --show-info #{luks_dev}").stdout assert info.match("^ cleartext luks device:$") assert info.match("^ usage: +filesystem$") assert info.match("^ type: +ext[34]$") assert info.match("^ label: +TailsData$") mount_dir = "/mnt/#{name}" @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{mount_dir}") c = @vm.execute("mount #{luks_dev} #{mount_dir}") assert(c.success?, "Couldn't mount opened LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'") @vm.execute("umount #{mount_dir}") @vm.execute("sync") @vm.execute("cryptsetup luksClose #{name}") end Given /^I enable persistence with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistence.png', 10) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE) @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png', 10) match = @screen.find('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png')*2, match.h/2)) @screen.type(pwd) end def tails_persistence_enabled? persistence_state_file = "/var/lib/live/config/tails.persistence" return @vm.execute("test -e '#{persistence_state_file}'").success? && @vm.execute('. #{persistence_state_file} && ' + 'test "$TAILS_PERSISTENCE_ENABLED" = true').success? end Given /^persistence is enabled$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background try_for(120, :msg => "Persistence is disabled") do tails_persistence_enabled? end # Check that all persistent directories are mounted mount = @vm.execute("mount").stdout.chomp for _, dir in persistent_mounts do assert(mount.include?("on #{dir} "), "Persistent directory '#{dir}' is not mounted") end end Given /^persistence is disabled$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background assert(!tails_persistence_enabled?, "Persistence is enabled") end Given /^I enable read-only persistence with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd| step "I enable persistence with password \"#{pwd}\"" next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterPersistenceReadOnly.png', 10) end def boot_device # Approach borrowed from # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions boot_dev_id = @vm.execute("udevadm info --device-id-of-file=/lib/live/mount/medium").stdout.chomp boot_dev = @vm.execute("readlink -f /dev/block/'#{boot_dev_id}'").stdout.chomp return boot_dev end def boot_device_type # Approach borrowed from # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions boot_dev_info = @vm.execute("udevadm info --query=property --name='#{boot_device}'").stdout.chomp boot_dev_type = (boot_dev_info.split("\n").select { |x| x.start_with? "ID_BUS=" })[0].split("=")[1] return boot_dev_type end Then /^Tails is running from USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background assert_equal("usb", boot_device_type) actual_dev = boot_device # The boot partition differs between a "normal" install using the # USB installer and isohybrid installations expected_dev_normal = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "1" expected_dev_isohybrid = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "4" assert(actual_dev == expected_dev_normal || actual_dev == expected_dev_isohybrid, "We are running from device #{actual_dev}, but for USB drive " + "'#{name}' we expected to run from either device " + "#{expected_dev_normal} (when installed via the USB installer) " + "or #{expected_dev_normal} (when installed from an isohybrid)") end Then /^the boot device has safe access rights$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background super_boot_dev = boot_device.sub(/[[:digit:]]+$/, "") devs = @vm.execute("ls -1 #{super_boot_dev}*").stdout.chomp.split assert(devs.size > 0, "Could not determine boot device") all_users = @vm.execute("cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd").stdout.chomp.split all_users_with_groups = all_users.collect do |user| groups = @vm.execute("groups #{user}").stdout.chomp.sub(/^#{user} : /, "").split(" ") [user, groups] end for dev in devs do dev_owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dev}").stdout.chomp dev_group = @vm.execute("stat -c %G #{dev}").stdout.chomp dev_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a #{dev}").stdout.chomp assert_equal("root", dev_owner) assert(dev_group == "disk" || dev_group == "root", "Boot device '#{dev}' owned by group '#{dev_group}', expected " + "'disk' or 'root'.") assert_equal("1660", dev_perms) for user, groups in all_users_with_groups do next if user == "root" assert(!(groups.include?(dev_group)), "Unprivileged user '#{user}' is in group '#{dev_group}' which " + "owns boot device '#{dev}'") end end info = @vm.execute("udisks --show-info #{super_boot_dev}").stdout assert(info.match("^ system internal: +1$"), "Boot device '#{super_boot_dev}' is not system internal for udisks") end Then /^persistent filesystems have safe access rights$/ do persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint| fs_owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp fs_group = @vm.execute("stat -c %G #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp fs_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp assert_equal("root", fs_owner) assert_equal("root", fs_group) assert_equal('775', fs_perms) end end Then /^persistence configuration files have safe access rights$/ do persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint| assert(@vm.execute("test -e #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf").success?, "#{mountpoint}/persistence.conf does not exist, while it should") assert(@vm.execute("test ! -e #{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf").success?, "#{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf does exist, while it should not") @vm.execute( "ls -1 #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf #{mountpoint}/live-*.conf" ).stdout.chomp.split.each do |f| file_owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U '#{f}'").stdout.chomp file_group = @vm.execute("stat -c %G '#{f}'").stdout.chomp file_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a '#{f}'").stdout.chomp assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_owner) assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_group) assert_equal("600", file_perms) end end end Then /^persistent directories have safe access rights$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background expected_perms = "700" persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint| # We also want to check that dotfiles' source has safe permissions all_persistent_dirs = persistent_mounts.clone all_persistent_dirs["dotfiles"] = "/home/#{$live_user}/" persistent_mounts.each do |src, dest| next unless dest.start_with?("/home/#{$live_user}/") f = "#{mountpoint}/#{src}" next unless @vm.execute("test -d #{f}").success? file_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a '#{f}'").stdout.chomp assert_equal(expected_perms, file_perms) end end end When /^I write some files expected to persist$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp assert(@vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_persist", user=owner).success?, "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}") end end When /^I remove some files expected to persist$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp assert(@vm.execute("rm #{dir}/XXX_persist", user=owner).success?, "Could not remove file in persistent directory #{dir}") end end When /^I write some files not expected to persist$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp assert(@vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_gone", user=owner).success?, "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}") end end Then /^the expected persistent files are present in the filesystem$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| assert(@vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_persist").success?, "Could not find expected file in persistent directory #{dir}") assert(!@vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_gone").success?, "Found file that should not have persisted in persistent directory #{dir}") end end Then /^only the expected files should persist on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background step "a computer" step "the computer is set to boot from USB drive \"#{name}\"" step "the network is unplugged" step "I start the computer" step "the computer boots Tails" step "I enable read-only persistence with password \"asdf\"" step "I log in to a new session" step "persistence is enabled" step "GNOME has started" step "all notifications have disappeared" step "the expected persistent files are present in the filesystem" step "I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off" end When /^I delete the persistent partition$/ do next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTails.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsDeletePersistentVolume.png", 20) @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardWindow.png", 40) @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDeletionStart.png", 20) @screen.type(" ") @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDone.png", 120) end Then /^Tails has started in UEFI mode$/ do assert(@vm.execute("test -d /sys/firmware/efi").success?, "/sys/firmware/efi does not exist") end