#10497: wait_until_tor_is_working #10498: SSH tests are fragile @product @fragile Feature: Logging in via SSH As a Tails user When I connect to SSH servers on the Internet all Internet traffic should flow only through Tor Background: Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected @check_tor_leaks Scenario: Connecting to an SSH server on the Internet Given I have the SSH key pair for an SSH server When I connect to an SSH server on the Internet And I verify the SSH fingerprint for the SSH server Then I have sucessfully logged into the SSH server @check_tor_leaks Scenario: Connecting to an SSH server on the LAN Given I have the SSH key pair for an SSH server And an SSH server is running on the LAN When I connect to an SSH server on the LAN Then I am prompted to verify the SSH fingerprint for the SSH server @check_tor_leaks Scenario: Connecting to an SFTP server on the Internet using the GNOME "Connect to Server" feature Given I have the SSH key pair for an SFTP server When I connect to an SFTP server on the Internet And I verify the SSH fingerprint for the SFTP server Then I successfully connect to the SFTP server