@product Feature: I2P As a Tails user I *might* want to use I2P Scenario: I2P is disabled by default Given a computer And I start the computer And the computer boots Tails And I log in to a new session And GNOME has started And Tor is ready And all notifications have disappeared Then the I2P Browser desktop file is not present And the I2P Browser sudo rules are not present And the I2P firewall rules are disabled Scenario: I2P is enabled when the "i2p" boot parameter is added Given a computer And I set Tails to boot with options "i2p" And I start the computer And the computer boots Tails And I log in to a new session And GNOME has started And Tor is ready And I2P is running And the I2P router console is ready And all notifications have disappeared Then the I2P Browser desktop file is present And the I2P Browser sudo rules are enabled And the I2P firewall rules are enabled When I start the I2P Browser through the GNOME menu Then I see "I2P_router_console.png" after at most 60 seconds