#10497: wait_until_tor_is_working @product @fragile Feature: Installing packages through APT As a Tails user when I set an administration password in Tails Greeter I should be able to install packages using APT and Synaptic and all Internet traffic should flow only through Tor. Background: Given a computer And I capture all network traffic And I start the computer And the computer boots DebianLive7 And I set sudo password "asdf" And I log in to a new session And GNOME has started And Tor is ready And all notifications have disappeared And available upgrades have been checked And I save the state so the background can be restored next scenario Scenario: APT sources are configured correctly Then the only hosts in APT sources are "ftp.us.debian.org,http.debian.net,ftp.debian.org,security.debian.org" #10496: apt-get scenarios are fragile @check_tor_leaks @fragile Scenario: Install packages using apt When I update APT using apt Then I should be able to install a package using apt #10441: Synaptic test is fragile @check_tor_leaks @fragile Scenario: Install packages using Synaptic When I start Synaptic And I update APT using Synaptic Then I should be able to install a package using Synaptic