# Helper class for manipulating VM storage *volumes*, i.e. it deals # only with creation of images and keeps a name => volume path lookup # table (plugging drives or getting info of plugged devices is done in # the VM class). We'd like better coupling, but given the ridiculous # disconnect between Libvirt::StoragePool and Libvirt::Domain (hint: # they have nothing with each other to do whatsoever) it's what makes # sense. require 'libvirt' require 'guestfs' require 'rexml/document' require 'etc' class VMStorage def initialize(virt, xml_path) @virt = virt @xml_path = xml_path pool_xml = REXML::Document.new(File.read("#{@xml_path}/storage_pool.xml")) pool_name = LIBVIRT_DOMAIN_NAME pool_xml.elements['pool/name'].text = pool_name @pool_path = "/srv/workspace/vm-pools/#{pool_name}" # FIXME -- hardwiring the .../vm-pools path semms like a poor effort begin @pool = @virt.lookup_storage_pool_by_name(pool_name) rescue Libvirt::RetrieveError @pool = nil end if @pool and not(KEEP_SNAPSHOTS) VMStorage.clear_storage_pool(@pool) @pool = nil end if not(Dir.exists?(@pool_path)) # We'd like to use @pool.build, which will just create the # @pool_path directory, but it does so with root:root as owner # (at least with libvirt 1.2.21-2). libvirt itself can handle # that situation, but guestfs (at least with <= # 1:1.28.12-1+b3) cannot when invoked by a non-root user, # which we want to support. FileUtils.mkdir(@pool_path) FileUtils.chown(nil, 'libvirt-qemu', @pool_path) FileUtils.chmod("ug+wrx", @pool_path) end unless @pool pool_xml.elements['pool/target/path'].text = @pool_path @pool = @virt.define_storage_pool_xml(pool_xml.to_s) end @pool.create unless @pool.active? @pool.refresh end def VMStorage.clear_storage_pool_volumes(pool) was_not_active = !pool.active? if was_not_active pool.create end pool.list_volumes.each do |vol_name| vol = pool.lookup_volume_by_name(vol_name) vol.delete end if was_not_active pool.destroy end rescue # Some of the above operations can fail if the pool's path was # deleted by external means; let's ignore that. end def VMStorage.clear_storage_pool(pool) VMStorage.clear_storage_pool_volumes(pool) pool.destroy if pool.active? pool.undefine end def clear_pool VMStorage.clear_storage_pool(@pool) end def clear_volumes VMStorage.clear_storage_pool_volumes(@pool) end def delete_volume(name) @pool.lookup_volume_by_name(name).delete end def create_new_disk(name, options = {}) options[:size] ||= 2 options[:unit] ||= "GiB" options[:type] ||= "qcow2" # Require 'slightly' more space to be available to give a bit more leeway # with rounding, temp file creation, etc. reserved = 500 needed = convert_to_MiB(options[:size].to_i, options[:unit]) avail = convert_to_MiB(get_free_space('host', @pool_path), "KiB") assert(avail - reserved >= needed, "Error creating disk \"#{name}\" in \"#{@pool_path}\". " \ "Need #{needed} MiB but only #{avail} MiB is available of " \ "which #{reserved} MiB is reserved for other temporary files.") begin old_vol = @pool.lookup_volume_by_name(name) rescue Libvirt::RetrieveError # noop else old_vol.delete end uid = Etc::getpwnam("libvirt-qemu").uid gid = Etc::getgrnam("libvirt-qemu").gid vol_xml = REXML::Document.new(File.read("#{@xml_path}/volume.xml")) vol_xml.elements['volume/name'].text = name size_b = convert_to_bytes(options[:size].to_f, options[:unit]) vol_xml.elements['volume/capacity'].text = size_b.to_s vol_xml.elements['volume/target/format'].attributes["type"] = options[:type] vol_xml.elements['volume/target/path'].text = "#{@pool_path}/#{name}" vol_xml.elements['volume/target/permissions/owner'].text = uid.to_s vol_xml.elements['volume/target/permissions/group'].text = gid.to_s vol = @pool.create_volume_xml(vol_xml.to_s) @pool.refresh end def clone_to_new_disk(from, to) begin old_to_vol = @pool.lookup_volume_by_name(to) rescue Libvirt::RetrieveError # noop else old_to_vol.delete end from_vol = @pool.lookup_volume_by_name(from) xml = REXML::Document.new(from_vol.xml_desc) pool_path = REXML::Document.new(@pool.xml_desc).elements['pool/target/path'].text xml.elements['volume/name'].text = to xml.elements['volume/target/path'].text = "#{pool_path}/#{to}" @pool.create_volume_xml_from(xml.to_s, from_vol) end def disk_format(name) vol = @pool.lookup_volume_by_name(name) vol_xml = REXML::Document.new(vol.xml_desc) return vol_xml.elements['volume/target/format'].attributes["type"] end def disk_path(name) @pool.lookup_volume_by_name(name).path end def disk_mklabel(name, parttype) disk = { :path => disk_path(name), :opts => { :format => disk_format(name) } } guestfs_disk_helper(disk) do |g, disk_handle| g.part_init(disk_handle, parttype) end end def disk_mkpartfs(name, parttype, fstype, opts = {}) opts[:label] ||= nil opts[:luks_password] ||= nil disk = { :path => disk_path(name), :opts => { :format => disk_format(name) } } guestfs_disk_helper(disk) do |g, disk_handle| g.part_disk(disk_handle, parttype) g.part_set_name(disk_handle, 1, opts[:label]) if opts[:label] primary_partition = g.list_partitions()[0] if opts[:luks_password] g.luks_format(primary_partition, opts[:luks_password], 0) luks_mapping = File.basename(primary_partition) + "_unlocked" g.luks_open(primary_partition, opts[:luks_password], luks_mapping) luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{luks_mapping}" g.mkfs(fstype, luks_dev) g.luks_close(luks_dev) else g.mkfs(fstype, primary_partition) end end end def disk_mkswap(name, parttype) disk = { :path => disk_path(name), :opts => { :format => disk_format(name) } } guestfs_disk_helper(disk) do |g, disk_handle| g.part_disk(disk_handle, parttype) primary_partition = g.list_partitions()[0] g.mkswap(primary_partition) end end def guestfs_disk_helper(*disks) assert(block_given?) g = Guestfs::Guestfs.new() g.set_trace(1) message_callback = Proc.new do |event, _, message, _| debug_log("libguestfs: #{Guestfs.event_to_string(event)}: #{message}") end g.set_event_callback(message_callback, Guestfs::EVENT_TRACE) g.set_autosync(1) disks.each do |disk| g.add_drive_opts(disk[:path], disk[:opts]) end g.launch() yield(g, *g.list_devices()) ensure g.close end end