# # Sniffer is a very dumb wrapper to start and stop tcpdumps instances, possibly # with customized filters. Captured traffic is stored in files whose name # depends on the sniffer name. The resulting captured packets for each sniffers # can be accessed as an array through its `packets` method. # # Use of more rubyish internal ways to sniff a network like with pcap-able gems # is waaay to much resource consumming, notmuch reliable and soooo slow. Let's # not bother too much with that. :) # # Should put all that in a Module. class Sniffer attr_reader :name, :pcap_file, :pid def initialize(name, vmnet) @name = name @vmnet = vmnet pcap_name = sanitize_filename("#{name}.pcap") @pcap_file = "#{$config["TMPDIR"]}/#{pcap_name}" end def capture(filter="not ether src host #{@vmnet.bridge_mac} and not ether proto \\arp and not ether proto \\rarp") job = IO.popen( [ "/usr/sbin/tcpdump", "-n", "-U", "--immediate-mode", "-i", @vmnet.bridge_name, "-w", @pcap_file, filter, :err => ["/dev/null", "w"] ] ) @pid = job.pid end def stop begin Process.kill("TERM", @pid) rescue # noop end end def clear if File.exist?(@pcap_file) File.delete(@pcap_file) end end end