require 'json' require 'socket' require 'io/wait' class VMCommand attr_reader :cmd, :returncode, :stdout, :stderr def initialize(vm, cmd, options = {}) @cmd = cmd @returncode, @stdout, @stderr = VMCommand.execute(vm, cmd, options) end def VMCommand.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up(vm, timeout = 180) try_for(timeout, :msg => "Remote shell seems to be down") do Timeout::timeout(20) do VMCommand.execute(vm, "echo 'hello?'") end end end # The parameter `cmd` cannot contain newlines. Separate multiple # commands using ";" instead. # If `:spawn` is false the server will block until it has finished # executing `cmd`. If it's true the server won't block, and the # response will always be [0, "", ""] (only used as an # ACK). execute() will always block until a response is received, # though. Spawning is useful when starting processes in the # background (or running scripts that does the same) like our # onioncircuits wrapper, or any application we want to interact with. def VMCommand.execute(vm, cmd, options = {}) options[:user] ||= "root" options[:spawn] ||= false type = options[:spawn] ? "spawn" : "call" socket ="", vm.get_remote_shell_port) debug_log("#{type}ing as #{options[:user]}: #{cmd}") begin sleep 0.5 while socket.ready? s = socket.recv(1024) debug_log("#{type} pre-exit-debris: #{s}") if not(options[:spawn]) end socket.puts( "\nexit\n") sleep 1 s = socket.readline(sep = "\007") debug_log("#{type} post-exit-read: #{s}") if not(options[:spawn]) while socket.ready? s = socket.recv(1024) debug_log("#{type} post-exit-debris: #{s}") if not(options[:spawn]) end socket.puts( cmd + "\n") s = socket.readline(sep = "\000") debug_log("#{type} post-cmd-read: #{s}") if not(options[:spawn]) s.chomp!("\000") ensure debug_log("closing the remote-command socket") if not(options[:spawn]) socket.close end (s, s_err, x) = s.split("\037") s_err = "" if s_err.nil? (s, s_retcode, y) = s.split("\003") (s, s_out, z) = s.split("\002") s_out = "" if s_out.nil? if (s_retcode.to_i.to_s == s_retcode.to_s && x.nil? && y.nil? && z.nil?) then debug_log("returning [returncode=`#{s_retcode.to_i}`,\n\toutput=`#{s_out}`,\n\tstderr=`#{s_err}`]\nwhile discarding `#{s}`.") if not(options[:spawn]) return [s_retcode.to_i, s_out, s_err] else debug_log("failed to parse results, retrying\n") return VMCommand.execute(vm, cmd, options) end end def success? return @returncode == 0 end def failure? return not(success?) end def to_s "Return status: #{@returncode}\n" + "STDOUT:\n" + @stdout + "STDERR:\n" + @stderr end end