module Dogtail module Mouse LEFT_CLICK = 1 MIDDLE_CLICK = 2 RIGHT_CLICK = 3 end TREE_API_NODE_SEARCHES = [ :button, :child, :childLabelled, :childNamed, :dialog, :menu, :menuItem, :tab, :textentry, ] TREE_API_NODE_SEARCH_FIELDS = [ :parent, ] TREE_API_NODE_ACTIONS = [ :click, :doubleClick, :grabFocus, :keyCombo, :point, :typeText, ] TREE_API_APP_SEARCHES = TREE_API_NODE_SEARCHES + [ :dialog, :window, ] # We want to keep this class immutable so that handles always are # left intact when doing new (proxied) method calls. This way we # can support stuff like: # # app ='gedit') # menu ='Menu') # # menu.something_else() # # # i.e. the object referenced by `menu` is never modified by method # calls and can be used as expected. class Application @@node_counter ||= 0 def initialize(app_name, opts = {}) @var = "node#{@@node_counter += 1}" @app_name = app_name @opts = opts @opts[:user] ||= LIVE_USER @find_code = "dogtail.tree.root.application('#{@app_name}')" script_lines = [ "import dogtail.config", "import dogtail.tree", "import dogtail.predicate", "dogtail.config.logDebugToFile = False", "dogtail.config.logDebugToStdOut = False", "dogtail.config.blinkOnActions = True", "dogtail.config.searchShowingOnly = True", "#{@var} = #{@find_code}", ] run(script_lines) end def to_s @var end def run(code) code = code.join("\n") if code.class == Array c =$vm, code, user: @opts[:user]) if c.failure? raise"The Dogtail script raised: #{c.exception}") end return c end def child?(*args) !!child(*args) rescue false end def exist? run("dogtail.config.searchCutoffCount = 0") run(@find_code) return true rescue return false ensure run("dogtail.config.searchCutoffCount = 20") end def self.value_to_s(v) if v == true 'True' elsif v == false 'False' elsif v.class == String "'#{v}'" elsif [Fixnum, Float].include?(v.class) v.to_s else raise "#{} does not know how to handle argument type '#{v.class}'" end end # Generates a Python-style parameter list from `args`. If the last # element of `args` is a Hash, it's used as Python's kwargs dict. # In the end, the resulting string should be possible to copy-paste # into the parentheses of a Python function call. # Example: [42, {:foo => 'bar'}] => "42, foo = 'bar'" def self.args_to_s(args) return "" if args.size == 0 args_list = args args_hash = nil if args_list.class == Array && args_list.last.class == Hash *args_list, args_hash = args_list end ( (args_list.nil? ? [] : { |e| self.value_to_s(e) }) + (args_hash.nil? ? [] : { |k, v| "#{k}=#{self.value_to_s(v)}" }) ).join(', ') end # Equivalent to the Tree API's Node.findChildren(), with the # arguments constructing a GenericPredicate to use as parameter. def children(*args) non_predicates = [:recursive, :showingOnly] findChildren_opts = [] findChildren_opts_hash = if args.last.class == Hash args_hash = args.last non_predicates.each do |opt| if args_hash.has_key?(opt) findChildren_opts_hash[opt] = args_hash[opt] args_hash.delete(opt) end end end findChildren_opts = "" if findChildren_opts_hash.size > 0 findChildren_opts = ", " + self.class.args_to_s([findChildren_opts_hash]) end predicate_opts = self.class.args_to_s(args) nodes_var = "nodes#{@@node_counter += 1}" find_script_lines = [ "#{nodes_var} = #{@var}.findChildren(dogtail.predicate.GenericPredicate(#{predicate_opts})#{findChildren_opts})", "print(len(#{nodes_var}))", ] size = run(find_script_lines).stdout.chomp.to_i return do |i|"#{nodes_var}[#{i}]", @opts) end end def get_field(key) run("print(#{@var}.#{key})").stdout.chomp end def set_field(key, value) run("#{@var}.#{key} = #{self.class.value_to_s(value)}") end def text get_field('text') end def text=(value) set_field('text', value) end def name get_field('name') end def roleName get_field('roleName') end TREE_API_APP_SEARCHES.each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| args_str = self.class.args_to_s(args) method_call = "#{method.to_s}(#{args_str})""#{@var}.#{method_call}", @opts) end end TREE_API_NODE_SEARCH_FIELDS.each do |field| define_method(field) do"#{@var}.#{field}", @opts) end end end class Node < Application def initialize(expr, opts = {}) @expr = expr @opts = opts @opts[:user] ||= LIVE_USER @find_code = expr @var = "node#{@@node_counter += 1}" run("#{@var} = #{@find_code}") end TREE_API_NODE_SEARCHES.each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| args_str = self.class.args_to_s(args) method_call = "#{method.to_s}(#{args_str})""#{@var}.#{method_call}", @opts) end end TREE_API_NODE_ACTIONS.each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| args_str = self.class.args_to_s(args) method_call = "#{method.to_s}(#{args_str})" run("#{@var}.#{method_call}") end end end end