class Display def initialize(domain, x_display) @domain = domain @x_display = x_display end def active? p = IO.popen(["xprop", "-display", @x_display, "-name", "#{@domain} (1) - Virt Viewer", :err => ["/dev/null", "w"]]) Process.wait( $?.success? end def start @virtviewer = IO.popen(["virt-viewer", "--direct", "--kiosk", "--reconnect", "--connect", "qemu:///system", "--display", @x_display, @domain, :err => ["/dev/null", "w"]]) # We wait for the display to be active to not lose actions # (e.g. key presses via sikuli) that come immediately after # starting (or restoring) a vm try_for(20, { :delay => 0.1, :msg => "virt-viewer failed to start"}) { active? } end def stop return if @virtviewer.nil? Process.kill("TERM", @virtviewer.close rescue IOError # throws this if the process wasn't started yet. Possibly # there's a race when doing a start() and then quickly running # stop(). end def restart stop start end end