# Returns a hash that for each preset the running Tails is aware of # maps the source to the destination. def get_persistence_presets(skip_links = false) # Perl script that prints all persistence presets (one per line) on # the form: <mount_point>:<comma-separated-list-of-options> script = <<-EOF use strict; use warnings FATAL => "all"; use Tails::Persistence::Configuration::Presets; foreach my $preset (Tails::Persistence::Configuration::Presets->new()->all) { say $preset->destination, ":", join(",", @{$preset->options}); } EOF # VMCommand:s cannot handle newlines, and they're irrelevant in the # above perl script any way script.delete!("\n") presets = $vm.execute_successfully("perl -E '#{script}'").stdout.chomp.split("\n") assert presets.size >= 10, "Got #{presets.size} persistence presets, " + "which is too few" persistence_mapping = Hash.new for line in presets destination, options_str = line.split(":") options = options_str.split(",") is_link = options.include? "link" next if is_link and skip_links source_str = options.find { |option| /^source=/.match option } # If no source is given as an option, live-boot's persistence # feature defaults to the destination minus the initial "/". if source_str.nil? source = destination.partition("/").last else source = source_str.split("=")[1] end persistence_mapping[source] = destination end return persistence_mapping end def persistent_dirs get_persistence_presets end def persistent_mounts get_persistence_presets(true) end def persistent_volumes_mountpoints $vm.execute("ls -1 -d /live/persistence/*_unlocked/").stdout.chomp.split end Given /^I clone USB drive "([^"]+)" to a new USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |from, to| $vm.storage.clone_to_new_disk(from, to) end Given /^I unplug USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| $vm.unplug_drive(name) end Given /^the computer is set to boot from the old Tails DVD$/ do $vm.set_cdrom_boot(OLD_TAILS_ISO) end Given /^the computer is set to boot in UEFI mode$/ do $vm.set_os_loader('UEFI') @os_loader = 'UEFI' end class UpgradeNotSupported < StandardError end def usb_install_helper(name) @screen.wait('USBTailsLogo.png', 10) if @screen.exists("USBCannotUpgrade.png") raise UpgradeNotSupported end @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSB.png', 10) @screen.wait('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmWindow.png', 10) @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmYes.png', 10) @screen.wait('USBInstallationComplete.png', 30*60) end When /^I start Tails Installer$/ do step 'I start "TailsInstaller" via the GNOME "Tails" applications menu' @screen.wait('USBCloneAndInstall.png', 30) end When /^I start Tails Installer in "([^"]+)" mode$/ do |mode| step 'I start Tails Installer' case mode when 'Clone & Install' @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndInstall.png', 10) when 'Clone & Upgrade' @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndUpgrade.png', 10) when 'Upgrade from ISO' @screen.wait_and_click('USBUpgradeFromISO.png', 10) else raise "Unsupported mode '#{mode}'" end end Then /^Tails Installer detects that a device is too small$/ do @screen.wait('TailsInstallerTooSmallDevice.png', 10) end When /^I "Clone & Install" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| step 'I start Tails Installer in "Clone & Install" mode' usb_install_helper(name) end When /^I "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| step 'I start Tails Installer in "Clone & Upgrade" mode' usb_install_helper(name) end When /^I try a "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| begin step "I \"Clone & Upgrade\" Tails to USB drive \"#{name}\"" rescue UpgradeNotSupported # this is what we expect else raise "The USB installer should not succeed" end end When /^I try to "Upgrade from ISO" USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| begin step "I do a \"Upgrade from ISO\" on USB drive \"#{name}\"" rescue UpgradeNotSupported # this is what we expect else raise "The USB installer should not succeed" end end When /^I am suggested to do a "Clone & Install"$/ do @screen.find("USBCannotUpgrade.png") end When /^I am told that the destination device cannot be upgraded$/ do @screen.find("USBCannotUpgrade.png") end Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing the Tails ISO$/ do shared_iso_dir_on_host = "#{$config["TMPDIR"]}/shared_iso_dir" @shared_iso_dir_on_guest = "/tmp/shared_iso_dir" FileUtils.mkdir_p(shared_iso_dir_on_host) FileUtils.cp(TAILS_ISO, shared_iso_dir_on_host) add_after_scenario_hook { FileUtils.rm_r(shared_iso_dir_on_host) } $vm.add_share(shared_iso_dir_on_host, @shared_iso_dir_on_guest) end When /^I do a "Upgrade from ISO" on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| step 'I start Tails Installer in "Upgrade from ISO" mode' @screen.wait('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png', 10) match = @screen.find('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png') @screen.click(match.getCenter.offset(0, match.h*2)) @screen.wait('USBSelectISO.png', 10) @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeFileDiagHome.png', 10) @screen.type("l", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) @screen.wait('GnomeFileDiagTypeFilename.png', 10) iso = "#{@shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename(TAILS_ISO)}" @screen.type(iso) @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeFileDiagOpenButton.png', 10) usb_install_helper(name) end Given /^I enable all persistence presets$/ do @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 20) # Select the "Persistent" folder preset, which is checked by default. @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB) # Check all non-default persistence presets, i.e. all *after* the # "Persistent" folder, which are unchecked by default. (persistent_dirs.size - 1).times do @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB + Sikuli::Key.SPACE) end @screen.wait_and_click('PersistenceWizardSave.png', 10) @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardDone.png', 30) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.F4, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) end Given /^I create a persistent partition$/ do step 'I start "ConfigurePersistentVolume" via the GNOME "Tails" applications menu' @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardStart.png', 20) @screen.type(@persistence_password + "\t" + @persistence_password + Sikuli::Key.ENTER) @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 300) step "I enable all persistence presets" end def check_disk_integrity(name, dev, scheme) info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{dev}'").stdout info_split = info.split("\n org\.freedesktop\.UDisks2\.PartitionTable:\n") dev_info = info_split[0] part_table_info = info_split[1] assert(part_table_info.match("^ Type: +#{scheme}$"), "Unexpected partition scheme on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") end def check_part_integrity(name, dev, usage, fs_type, part_label, part_type = nil) info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{dev}'").stdout info_split = info.split("\n org\.freedesktop\.UDisks2\.Partition:\n") dev_info = info_split[0] part_info = info_split[1] assert(dev_info.match("^ IdUsage: +#{usage}$"), "Unexpected device field 'usage' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") assert(dev_info.match("^ IdType: +#{fs_type}$"), "Unexpected device field 'IdType' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") assert(part_info.match("^ Name: +#{part_label}$"), "Unexpected partition label on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") if part_type assert(part_info.match("^ Type: +#{part_type}$"), "Unexpected partition type on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'") end end def tails_is_installed_helper(name, tails_root, loader) disk_dev = $vm.disk_dev(name) part_dev = disk_dev + "1" check_disk_integrity(name, disk_dev, "gpt") check_part_integrity(name, part_dev, "filesystem", "vfat", "Tails", # EFI System Partition 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b') target_root = "/mnt/new" $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{target_root}") $vm.execute("mount #{part_dev} #{target_root}") c = $vm.execute("diff -qr '#{tails_root}/live' '#{target_root}/live'") assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in /live:\n#{c.stdout}\n#{c.stderr}") syslinux_files = $vm.execute("ls -1 #{target_root}/syslinux").stdout.chomp.split # We deal with these files separately ignores = ["syslinux.cfg", "exithelp.cfg", "ldlinux.c32", "ldlinux.sys"] for f in syslinux_files - ignores do c = $vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{f}' " + "'#{target_root}/syslinux/#{f}'") assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " + "'/syslinux/#{f}'") end # The main .cfg is named differently vs isolinux c = $vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{loader}.cfg' " + "'#{target_root}/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'") assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " + "'/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'") $vm.execute("umount #{target_root}") $vm.execute("sync") end Then /^the running Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name| loader = boot_device_type == "usb" ? "syslinux" : "isolinux" tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, "/lib/live/mount/medium", loader) end Then /^the ISO's Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name| iso = "#{@shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename(TAILS_ISO)}" iso_root = "/mnt/iso" $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{iso_root}") $vm.execute("mount -o loop #{iso} #{iso_root}") tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, iso_root, "isolinux") $vm.execute("umount #{iso_root}") end Then /^there is no persistence partition on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| data_part_dev = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "2" assert(!$vm.execute("test -b #{data_part_dev}").success?, "USB drive #{name} has a partition '#{data_part_dev}'") end Then /^a Tails persistence partition exists on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| dev = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "2" check_part_integrity(name, dev, "crypto", "crypto_LUKS", "TailsData") # The LUKS container may already be opened, e.g. by udisks after # we've run tails-persistence-setup. c = $vm.execute("ls -1 /dev/mapper/") if c.success? for candidate in c.stdout.split("\n") luks_info = $vm.execute("cryptsetup status #{candidate}") if luks_info.success? and luks_info.stdout.match("^\s+device:\s+#{dev}$") luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{candidate}" break end end end if luks_dev.nil? c = $vm.execute("echo #{@persistence_password} | " + "cryptsetup luksOpen #{dev} #{name}") assert(c.success?, "Couldn't open LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'") luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{name}" end # Adapting check_part_integrity() seems like a bad idea so here goes info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{luks_dev}'").stdout assert info.match("^ CryptoBackingDevice: +'/[a-zA-Z0-9_/]+'$") assert info.match("^ IdUsage: +filesystem$") assert info.match("^ IdType: +ext[34]$") assert info.match("^ IdLabel: +TailsData$") mount_dir = "/mnt/#{name}" $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{mount_dir}") c = $vm.execute("mount #{luks_dev} #{mount_dir}") assert(c.success?, "Couldn't mount opened LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'") $vm.execute("umount #{mount_dir}") $vm.execute("sync") $vm.execute("cryptsetup luksClose #{name}") end Given /^I enable persistence$/ do @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistence.png', 10) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE) @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png', 10) match = @screen.find('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png') @screen.click(match.getCenter.offset(match.w*2, match.h/2)) @screen.type(@persistence_password) end def tails_persistence_enabled? persistence_state_file = "/var/lib/live/config/tails.persistence" return $vm.execute("test -e '#{persistence_state_file}'").success? && $vm.execute(". '#{persistence_state_file}' && " + 'test "$TAILS_PERSISTENCE_ENABLED" = true').success? end Given /^all persistence presets(| from the old Tails version) are enabled$/ do |old_tails| try_for(120, :msg => "Persistence is disabled") do tails_persistence_enabled? end # Check that all persistent directories are mounted if old_tails.empty? expected_mounts = persistent_mounts else assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_mounts) expected_mounts = $remembered_persistence_mounts end mount = $vm.execute("mount").stdout.chomp for _, dir in expected_mounts do assert(mount.include?("on #{dir} "), "Persistent directory '#{dir}' is not mounted") end end Given /^persistence is disabled$/ do assert(!tails_persistence_enabled?, "Persistence is enabled") end Given /^I enable read-only persistence$/ do step "I enable persistence" @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterPersistenceReadOnly.png', 10) end def boot_device # Approach borrowed from # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions boot_dev_id = $vm.execute("udevadm info --device-id-of-file=/lib/live/mount/medium").stdout.chomp boot_dev = $vm.execute("readlink -f /dev/block/'#{boot_dev_id}'").stdout.chomp return boot_dev end def device_info(dev) # Approach borrowed from # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions info = $vm.execute("udevadm info --query=property --name='#{dev}'").stdout.chomp info.split("\n").map { |e| e.split('=') } .to_h end def boot_device_type device_info(boot_device)['ID_BUS'] end Then /^Tails is running from (.*) drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |bus, name| bus = bus.downcase case bus when "ide" expected_bus = "ata" else expected_bus = bus end assert_equal(expected_bus, boot_device_type) actual_dev = boot_device # The boot partition differs between a "normal" install using the # USB installer and isohybrid installations expected_dev_normal = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "1" expected_dev_isohybrid = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "4" assert(actual_dev == expected_dev_normal || actual_dev == expected_dev_isohybrid, "We are running from device #{actual_dev}, but for #{bus} drive " + "'#{name}' we expected to run from either device " + "#{expected_dev_normal} (when installed via the USB installer) " + "or #{expected_dev_isohybrid} (when installed from an isohybrid)") end Then /^the boot device has safe access rights$/ do super_boot_dev = boot_device.sub(/[[:digit:]]+$/, "") devs = $vm.execute("ls -1 #{super_boot_dev}*").stdout.chomp.split assert(devs.size > 0, "Could not determine boot device") all_users = $vm.execute("cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd").stdout.chomp.split all_users_with_groups = all_users.collect do |user| groups = $vm.execute("groups #{user}").stdout.chomp.sub(/^#{user} : /, "").split(" ") [user, groups] end for dev in devs do dev_owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dev}").stdout.chomp dev_group = $vm.execute("stat -c %G #{dev}").stdout.chomp dev_perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a #{dev}").stdout.chomp assert_equal("root", dev_owner) assert(dev_group == "disk" || dev_group == "root", "Boot device '#{dev}' owned by group '#{dev_group}', expected " + "'disk' or 'root'.") assert_equal("660", dev_perms) for user, groups in all_users_with_groups do next if user == "root" assert(!(groups.include?(dev_group)), "Unprivileged user '#{user}' is in group '#{dev_group}' which " + "owns boot device '#{dev}'") end end info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{super_boot_dev}'").stdout assert(info.match("^ HintSystem: +true$"), "Boot device '#{super_boot_dev}' is not system internal for udisks") end Then /^all persistent filesystems have safe access rights$/ do persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint| fs_owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp fs_group = $vm.execute("stat -c %G #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp fs_perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp assert_equal("root", fs_owner) assert_equal("root", fs_group) assert_equal('775', fs_perms) end end Then /^all persistence configuration files have safe access rights$/ do persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint| assert($vm.execute("test -e #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf").success?, "#{mountpoint}/persistence.conf does not exist, while it should") assert($vm.execute("test ! -e #{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf").success?, "#{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf does exist, while it should not") $vm.execute( "ls -1 #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf #{mountpoint}/live-*.conf" ).stdout.chomp.split.each do |f| file_owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U '#{f}'").stdout.chomp file_group = $vm.execute("stat -c %G '#{f}'").stdout.chomp file_perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a '#{f}'").stdout.chomp assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_owner) assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_group) assert_equal("600", file_perms) end end end Then /^all persistent directories(| from the old Tails version) have safe access rights$/ do |old_tails| if old_tails.empty? expected_dirs = persistent_dirs else assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_dirs) expected_dirs = $remembered_persistence_dirs end persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint| expected_dirs.each do |src, dest| full_src = "#{mountpoint}/#{src}" assert_vmcommand_success $vm.execute("test -d #{full_src}") dir_perms = $vm.execute_successfully("stat -c %a '#{full_src}'").stdout.chomp dir_owner = $vm.execute_successfully("stat -c %U '#{full_src}'").stdout.chomp if dest.start_with?("/home/#{LIVE_USER}") expected_perms = "700" expected_owner = LIVE_USER else expected_perms = "755" expected_owner = "root" end assert_equal(expected_perms, dir_perms, "Persistent source #{full_src} has permission " \ "#{dir_perms}, expected #{expected_perms}") assert_equal(expected_owner, dir_owner, "Persistent source #{full_src} has owner " \ "#{dir_owner}, expected #{expected_owner}") end end end When /^I write some files expected to persist$/ do persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp assert($vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_persist", :user => owner).success?, "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}") end end When /^I remove some files expected to persist$/ do persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp assert($vm.execute("rm #{dir}/XXX_persist", :user => owner).success?, "Could not remove file in persistent directory #{dir}") end end When /^I write some files not expected to persist$/ do persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir| owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp assert($vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_gone", :user => owner).success?, "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}") end end When /^I take note of which persistence presets are available$/ do $remembered_persistence_mounts = persistent_mounts $remembered_persistence_dirs = persistent_dirs end Then /^the expected persistent files(| created with the old Tails version) are present in the filesystem$/ do |old_tails| if old_tails.empty? expected_mounts = persistent_mounts else assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_mounts) expected_mounts = $remembered_persistence_mounts end expected_mounts.each do |_, dir| assert($vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_persist").success?, "Could not find expected file in persistent directory #{dir}") assert(!$vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_gone").success?, "Found file that should not have persisted in persistent directory #{dir}") end end Then /^only the expected files are present on the persistence partition on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name| assert(!$vm.is_running?) disk = { :path => $vm.storage.disk_path(name), :opts => { :format => $vm.storage.disk_format(name), :readonly => true } } $vm.storage.guestfs_disk_helper(disk) do |g, disk_handle| partitions = g.part_list(disk_handle).map do |part_desc| disk_handle + part_desc["part_num"].to_s end partition = partitions.find do |part| g.blkid(part)["PART_ENTRY_NAME"] == "TailsData" end assert_not_nil(partition, "Could not find the 'TailsData' partition " \ "on disk '#{disk_handle}'") luks_mapping = File.basename(partition) + "_unlocked" g.luks_open(partition, @persistence_password, luks_mapping) luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{luks_mapping}" mount_point = "/" g.mount(luks_dev, mount_point) assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_mounts) $remembered_persistence_mounts.each do |dir, _| # Guestfs::exists may have a bug; if the file exists, 1 is # returned, but if it doesn't exist false is returned. It seems # the translation of C types into Ruby types is glitchy. assert(g.exists("/#{dir}/XXX_persist") == 1, "Could not find expected file in persistent directory #{dir}") assert(g.exists("/#{dir}/XXX_gone") != 1, "Found file that should not have persisted in persistent directory #{dir}") end g.umount(mount_point) g.luks_close(luks_dev) end end When /^I delete the persistent partition$/ do step 'I start "DeletePersistentVolume" via the GNOME "Tails" applications menu' @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDeletionStart.png", 20) @screen.type(" ") @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDone.png", 120) end Then /^Tails has started in UEFI mode$/ do assert($vm.execute("test -d /sys/firmware/efi").success?, "/sys/firmware/efi does not exist") end Given /^I create a ([[:alpha:]]+) label on disk "([^"]+)"$/ do |type, name| $vm.storage.disk_mklabel(name, type) end Then /^a suitable USB device is (?:still )?not found$/ do @screen.wait("TailsInstallerNoQEMUHardDisk.png", 30) end Then /^the "(?:[^"]+)" USB drive is selected$/ do @screen.wait("TailsInstallerQEMUHardDisk.png", 30) end Then /^no USB drive is selected$/ do @screen.wait("TailsInstallerNoQEMUHardDisk.png", 30) end