require 'socket' def assert_not_ipaddr(s) err_msg = "'#{s}' looks like a LAN IP address." assert_raise(IPAddr::InvalidAddressError, err_msg) do end end def read_and_validate_ssh_config srv_type conf = $config[srv_type] begin required_settings = ["private_key", "public_key", "username", "hostname"] required_settings.each do |key| assert(conf.has_key?(key)) assert_not_nil(conf[key]) assert(!conf[key].empty?) end rescue NoMethodError raise( < LIVE_USER) unless server_type == 'Git' || lan read_and_validate_ssh_config server_type secret_key = $config[server_type]["private_key"] public_key = $config[server_type]["public_key"] else secret_key = $config["Unsafe_SSH_private_key"] public_key = $config["Unsafe_SSH_public_key"] end $vm.execute_successfully("echo '#{secret_key}' > '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/id_rsa'", :user => LIVE_USER) $vm.execute_successfully("echo '#{public_key}' > '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/'", :user => LIVE_USER) $vm.execute_successfully("chmod 0600 '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/'id*", :user => LIVE_USER) end Given /^I (?:am prompted to )?verify the SSH fingerprint for the (?:Git|SSH) (?:repository|server)$/ do @screen.wait("SSHFingerprint.png", 60) sleep 1 # brief pause to ensure that the following keystrokes do not get lost @screen.type('yes' + Sikuli::Key.ENTER) end def get_free_tcp_port server ='', 0) return server.addr[1] ensure server.close end Given /^an SSH server is running on the LAN$/ do @sshd_server_port = get_free_tcp_port @sshd_server_host = $vmnet.bridge_ip_addr sshd =, @sshd_server_port) sshd.start add_lan_host(@sshd_server_host, @sshd_server_port) add_after_scenario_hook { sshd.stop } end When /^I connect to an SSH server on the (Internet|LAN)$/ do |location| case location when 'Internet' read_and_validate_ssh_config "SSH" when 'LAN' @ssh_port = @sshd_server_port @ssh_username = 'user' @ssh_host = @sshd_server_host end ssh_port_suffix = "-p #{@ssh_port}" if @ssh_port cmd = "ssh #{@ssh_username}@#{@ssh_host} #{ssh_port_suffix}" step 'process "ssh" is not running' recovery_proc = do step 'I kill the process "ssh"' if $vm.has_process?("ssh") step 'I run "clear" in GNOME Terminal' end retry_tor(recovery_proc) do step "I run \"#{cmd}\" in GNOME Terminal" step 'process "ssh" is running within 10 seconds' step 'I verify the SSH fingerprint for the SSH server' end end Then /^I have sucessfully logged into the SSH server$/ do @screen.wait('SSHLoggedInPrompt.png', 60) end Then /^I connect to an SFTP server on the Internet$/ do read_and_validate_ssh_config "SFTP" @sftp_port ||= 22 @sftp_port = @sftp_port.to_s recovery_proc = do step 'I kill the process "ssh"' step 'I kill the process "nautilus"' end retry_tor(recovery_proc) do step 'I start "Nautilus" via GNOME Activities Overview' nautilus ='nautilus') nautilus.child(roleName: 'frame') nautilus.child('Other Locations', roleName: 'label').click connect_bar = nautilus.child('Connect to Server', roleName: 'label').parent connect_bar .child(roleName: 'filler', recursive: false) .child(roleName: 'text', recursive: false) .text = "sftp://" + @sftp_username + "@" + @sftp_host + ":" + @sftp_port connect_bar.button('Connect', recursive: false).click step "I verify the SSH fingerprint for the SFTP server" end end Then /^I verify the SSH fingerprint for the SFTP server$/ do try_for(30) do'gnome-shell').child?('Log In Anyway') end # Here we'd like to click on the button using Dogtail, but something # is buggy so let's just use the keyboard. @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER) end Then /^I successfully connect to the SFTP server$/ do try_for(60) do'nautilus') .child?("#{@sftp_username} on #{@sftp_host}") end end