def checkpoints cp = ['text', 'gui'].each do |m| cp["boot-d-i-#{m}-to-tasksel"] = { :description => "I have started Debian Installer in #{m} mode and stopped at the Tasksel prompt", :parent_checkpoint => nil, :steps => [ "I intend to use #{m} mode", 'I create a 6 GiB disk named "'+JOB_NAME+'"', 'I plug ide drive "'+JOB_NAME+'"', 'I start the computer', 'I select the install mode', 'I select British English', 'I accept the hostname, using "" as the domain', 'I set the root password to "rootme"', 'I set the password for "Philip Hands" to be "verysecret"', 'I select full-disk, single-filesystem partitioning', 'I note that the Base system is being installed', 'I accept the default mirror', 'I ignore Popcon', 'we reach the Tasksel prompt', ] } ['Minimal', 'non-GUI', 'Gnome', 'XFCE', 'LXDE', 'KDE'].each do |de| cp["debian-#{m}-#{de}-install"] = { :description => "I install a #{de} Debian system, in #{m} mode", :parent_checkpoint => "boot-d-i-#{m}-to-tasksel", :steps => [ 'I intend to use #{m} mode', "I select the #{de} Desktop task", 'I wait while the bulk of the packages are installed', 'I install GRUB', 'I allow reboot after the install is complete', 'I wait for the reboot', 'I power off the computer', 'the computer is set to boot from ide drive "'+JOB_NAME+'"', ] } end end return cp end def live_screenshot() debug_log("debug: publishing live screenshot.") screen_capture = @screen.capture p = screen_capture.getFilename if File.exist?(p) s = ENV['WORKSPACE'] s_path = "#{s}/screenshot.png", s_path) convert = IO.popen(['convert', s_path, '-adaptive-resize', '128x96', "#{s}/screenshot-thumb.png", :err => ['/dev/null', 'w'], ]) end end def reach_checkpoint(name) scenario_indent = " "*4 step_indent = " "*6 step "a computer" live_screenshot if VM.snapshot_exists?(name) $vm.restore_snapshot(name) post_snapshot_restore_hook else checkpoint = checkpoints[name] checkpoint_description = checkpoint[:description] parent_checkpoint = checkpoint[:parent_checkpoint] steps = checkpoint[:steps] if parent_checkpoint if VM.snapshot_exists?(parent_checkpoint) $vm.restore_snapshot(parent_checkpoint) else reach_checkpoint(parent_checkpoint) end post_snapshot_restore_hook end debug_log(scenario_indent + "Checkpoint: #{checkpoint_description}", :color => :white) step_action = "Given" if parent_checkpoint parent_description = checkpoints[parent_checkpoint][:description] debug_log(step_indent + "#{step_action} #{parent_description}", :color => :green) step_action = "And" end steps.each do |s| begin step(s) rescue Exception => e debug_log(scenario_indent + "Step failed while creating checkpoint: #{s}", :color => :red) live_screenshot raise e end live_screenshot debug_log(step_indent + "#{step_action} #{s}", :color => :green) step_action = "And" end $vm.save_snapshot(name) end live_screenshot end # For each checkpoint we generate a step to reach it. checkpoints.each do |name, desc| step_regex ="^#{Regexp.escape(desc[:description])}$") Given step_regex do reach_checkpoint(name) end end