Then /^I start Electrum through the GNOME menu$/ do step "I start \"Electrum Bitcoin Wallet\" via GNOME Activities Overview" end When /^a bitcoin wallet is (|not )present$/ do |existing| wallet = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.electrum/wallets/default_wallet" case existing when "" step "the file \"#{wallet}\" exists after at most 30 seconds" when "not " step "the file \"#{wallet}\" does not exist" else raise "Unknown value specified for #{existing}" end end When /^I create a new bitcoin wallet$/ do @screen.wait("ElectrumNoWallet.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10) @screen.wait("ElectrumCreateNewSeed.png", 10) @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10) @screen.wait("ElectrumWalletGenerationSeed.png", 15) @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumWalletSeedTextbox.png", 15) @screen.type('a', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) # select wallet seed @screen.type('c', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) # copy seed to clipboard seed = $vm.get_clipboard @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 15) @screen.wait("ElectrumSeedVerificationPrompt.png", 15) @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumWalletSeedTextbox.png", 15) @screen.type(seed) # Confirm seed @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10) @screen.wait("ElectrumEncryptWallet.png", 10) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB) # focus first password field @screen.type("asdf" + Sikuli::Key.TAB) # set password @screen.type("asdf" + Sikuli::Key.TAB) # confirm password @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10) @screen.wait("ElectrumPreferencesButton.png", 30) end Then /^I see a warning that Electrum is not persistent$/ do @screen.wait('GnomeQuestionDialogIcon.png', 30) end Then /^I am prompted to configure Electrum$/ do @screen.wait("ElectrumNoWallet.png", 60) end Then /^I see the main Electrum client window$/ do @screen.wait('ElectrumPreferencesButton.png', 20) end Then /^Electrum successfully connects to the network$/ do @screen.wait('ElectrumStatus.png', 180) end