def shipped_openpgp_keys shipped_gpg_keys = $vm.execute_successfully('gpg --batch --with-colons --fingerprint --list-key', :user => LIVE_USER).stdout openpgp_fingerprints = shipped_gpg_keys.scan(/^fpr:::::::::([A-Z0-9]+):$/).flatten return openpgp_fingerprints end Then /^the OpenPGP keys shipped with Tails will be valid for the next (\d+) months$/ do |months| invalid = shipped_openpgp_keys.each do |key| begin step "the shipped OpenPGP key #{key} will be valid for the next #{months} months" rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError invalid << key next end end assert(invalid.empty?, "The following key(s) will not be valid in #{months} months: #{invalid.join(', ')}") end Then /^the shipped (?:Debian repository key|OpenPGP key ([A-Z0-9]+)) will be valid for the next (\d+) months$/ do |fingerprint, max_months| if fingerprint cmd = 'gpg' user = LIVE_USER else fingerprint = TAILS_DEBIAN_REPO_KEY cmd = 'apt-key adv' user = 'root' end shipped_sig_key_info = $vm.execute_successfully("#{cmd} --batch --list-key #{fingerprint}", :user => user).stdout m = /\[expire[ds]: ([0-9-]*)\]/.match(shipped_sig_key_info) if m expiration_date = Date.parse(m[1]) assert((expiration_date << max_months.to_i) >, "The shipped key #{fingerprint} will not be valid #{max_months} months from now.") end end Then /^I double-click the Report an Error launcher on the desktop$/ do @screen.wait_and_double_click('DesktopReportAnError.png', 30) end Then /^the live user has been setup by live\-boot$/ do assert($vm.execute("test -e /var/lib/live/config/user-setup").success?, "live-boot failed its user-setup") actual_username = $vm.execute(". /etc/live/config/username.conf; " + "echo $LIVE_USERNAME").stdout.chomp assert_equal(LIVE_USER, actual_username) end Then /^the live user is a member of only its own group and "(.*?)"$/ do |groups| expected_groups = groups.split(" ") << LIVE_USER actual_groups = $vm.execute("groups #{LIVE_USER}").stdout.chomp.sub(/^#{LIVE_USER} : /, "").split(" ") unexpected = actual_groups - expected_groups missing = expected_groups - actual_groups assert_equal(0, unexpected.size, "live user in unexpected groups #{unexpected}") assert_equal(0, missing.size, "live user not in expected groups #{missing}") end Then /^the live user owns its home dir and it has normal permissions$/ do home = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}" assert($vm.execute("test -d #{home}").success?, "The live user's home doesn't exist or is not a directory") owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U:%G #{home}").stdout.chomp perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a #{home}").stdout.chomp assert_equal("#{LIVE_USER}:#{LIVE_USER}", owner) assert_equal("700", perms) end Then /^no unexpected services are listening for network connections$/ do netstat_cmd = $vm.execute("netstat -ltupn") assert netstat_cmd.success? for line in netstat_cmd.stdout.chomp.split("\n") do splitted = line.split(/[[:blank:]]+/) proto = splitted[0] if proto == "tcp" proc_index = 6 elsif proto == "udp" proc_index = 5 else next end laddr, lport = splitted[3].split(":") proc = splitted[proc_index].split("/")[1] # Services listening on loopback is not a threat if /127(\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}){3}/.match(laddr).nil? if SERVICES_EXPECTED_ON_ALL_IFACES.include? [proc, laddr, lport] or SERVICES_EXPECTED_ON_ALL_IFACES.include? [proc, laddr, "*"] puts "Service '#{proc}' is listening on #{laddr}:#{lport} " + "but has an exception" else raise "Unexpected service '#{proc}' listening on #{laddr}:#{lport}" end end end end When /^Tails has booted a 64-bit kernel$/ do assert($vm.execute("uname -r | grep -qs 'amd64$'").success?, "Tails has not booted a 64-bit kernel.") end Then /^there is no screenshot in the live user's Pictures directory$/ do pictures_directory = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Pictures" assert($vm.execute( "find '#{pictures_directory}' -name 'Screenshot*.png' -maxdepth 1" ).stdout.empty?, "Existing screenshots were found in the live user's Pictures directory.") end Then /^a screenshot is saved to the live user's Pictures directory$/ do pictures_directory = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Pictures" try_for(10, :msg=> "No screenshot was created in #{pictures_directory}") do !$vm.execute( "find '#{pictures_directory}' -name 'Screenshot*.png' -maxdepth 1" ).stdout.empty? end end Then /^the VirtualBox guest modules are available$/ do assert($vm.execute("modinfo vboxguest").success?, "The vboxguest module is not available.") end Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing a sample PDF$/ do shared_pdf_dir_on_host = "#{$config["TMPDIR"]}/shared_pdf_dir" @shared_pdf_dir_on_guest = "/tmp/shared_pdf_dir" FileUtils.mkdir_p(shared_pdf_dir_on_host) Dir.glob("#{MISC_FILES_DIR}/*.pdf") do |pdf_file| FileUtils.cp(pdf_file, shared_pdf_dir_on_host) end add_after_scenario_hook { FileUtils.rm_r(shared_pdf_dir_on_host) } $vm.add_share(shared_pdf_dir_on_host, @shared_pdf_dir_on_guest) end Then /^the support documentation page opens in Tor Browser$/ do @screen.wait("SupportDocumentation#{@language}.png", 120) end Then /^MAT can clean some sample PDF file$/ do for pdf_on_host in Dir.glob("#{MISC_FILES_DIR}/*.pdf") do pdf_name = File.basename(pdf_on_host) pdf_on_guest = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/#{pdf_name}" step "I copy \"#{@shared_pdf_dir_on_guest}/#{pdf_name}\" to \"#{pdf_on_guest}\" as user \"#{LIVE_USER}\"" check_before = $vm.execute_successfully("mat --check '#{pdf_on_guest}'", :user => LIVE_USER).stdout assert(check_before.include?("#{pdf_on_guest} is not clean"), "MAT failed to see that '#{pdf_on_host}' is dirty") $vm.execute_successfully("mat '#{pdf_on_guest}'", :user => LIVE_USER) check_after = $vm.execute_successfully("mat --check '#{pdf_on_guest}'", :user => LIVE_USER).stdout assert(check_after.include?("#{pdf_on_guest} is clean"), "MAT failed to clean '#{pdf_on_host}'") $vm.execute_successfully("rm '#{pdf_on_guest}'") end end Then /^AppArmor is enabled$/ do assert($vm.execute("aa-status").success?, "AppArmor is not enabled") end Then /^some AppArmor profiles are enforced$/ do assert($vm.execute("aa-status --enforced").stdout.chomp.to_i > 0, "No AppArmor profile is enforced") end def get_seccomp_status(process) assert($vm.has_process?(process), "Process #{process} not running.") pid = $vm.pidof(process)[0] status = $vm.file_content("/proc/#{pid}/status") return status.match(/^Seccomp:\s+([0-9])/)[1].chomp.to_i end def get_apparmor_status(pid) apparmor_status = $vm.file_content("/proc/#{pid}/attr/current").chomp if apparmor_status.include?(')') # matches something like /usr/sbin/cupsd (enforce) # and only returns what's in the parentheses return apparmor_status.match(/[^\s]+\s+\((.+)\)$/)[1].chomp else return apparmor_status end end Then /^the running process "(.+)" is confined with AppArmor in (complain|enforce) mode$/ do |process, mode| if process == 'i2p' $vm.execute_successfully('service i2p status') pid = $vm.file_content('/run/i2p/').chomp else assert($vm.has_process?(process), "Process #{process} not running.") pid = $vm.pidof(process)[0] end assert_equal(mode, get_apparmor_status(pid)) end Then /^the running process "(.+)" is confined with Seccomp in (filter|strict) mode$/ do |process,mode| status = get_seccomp_status(process) if mode == 'strict' assert_equal(1, status, "#{process} not confined with Seccomp in strict mode") elsif mode == 'filter' assert_equal(2, status, "#{process} not confined with Seccomp in filter mode") else raise "Unsupported mode #{mode} passed" end end Then /^tails-debugging-info is not susceptible to symlink attacks$/ do secret_file = '/secret' secret_contents = 'T0P S3Cr1t -- 3yEs oN1y' $vm.file_append(secret_file, secret_contents) $vm.execute_successfully("chmod u=rw,go= #{secret_file}") $vm.execute_successfully("chown root:root #{secret_file}") script_path = '/usr/local/sbin/tails-debugging-info' script_lines = $vm.file_content(script_path).split("\n") script_lines.grep(/^debug_file\s+/).each do |line| _, user, debug_file = line.split # root can always mount symlink attacks next if user == 'root' # Remove quoting around the file debug_file.gsub!(/["']/, '') # Skip files that do not exist, or cannot be removed (e.g. the # ones in /proc). next if not($vm.execute("rm #{debug_file}").success?) # Check what would happen *if* the amnesia user managed to replace # the debugging file with a symlink to the secret. $vm.execute_successfully("ln -s #{secret_file} #{debug_file}") $vm.execute_successfully("chown --no-dereference #{LIVE_USER}:#{LIVE_USER} #{debug_file}") if $vm.execute("sudo /usr/local/sbin/tails-debugging-info | " + "grep '#{secret_contents}'", :user => LIVE_USER).success? raise "The secret was leaked by tails-debugging-info via '#{debug_file}'" end # Remove the secret so it cannot possibly interfere with the # following iterations (even though it should not). $vm.execute_successfully("echo > #{debug_file}") end end When /^I disable all networking in the Tails Greeter$/ do begin'TailsGreeterDisableAllNetworking.png') rescue FindFailed @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.PAGE_DOWN)'TailsGreeterDisableAllNetworking.png') end end Then /^the Tor Status icon tells me that Tor is( not)? usable$/ do |not_usable| picture = not_usable ? 'TorStatusNotUsable' : 'TorStatusUsable' @screen.find("#{picture}.png") end