Then /^I see the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser start notification and wait for it to close$/ do |browser_type| robust_notification_wait("#{browser_type}BrowserStartNotification.png", 60) end Then /^the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser has started$/ do |browser_type| case browser_type when 'Unsafe' @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserHomepage.png", 360) when 'I2P' step 'the I2P router console is displayed in I2P Browser' end end When /^I start the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser(?: through the GNOME menu)?$/ do |browser_type| step "I start \"#{browser_type}Browser\" via the GNOME \"Internet\" applications menu" end When /^I successfully start the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser$/ do |browser_type| step "I start the #{browser_type} Browser" step "I see and accept the Unsafe Browser start verification" unless browser_type == 'I2P' step "I see the #{browser_type} Browser start notification and wait for it to close" step "the #{browser_type} Browser has started" end When /^I close the (?:Unsafe|I2P) Browser$/ do @screen.type("q", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) end Then /^I see the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser stop notification$/ do |browser_type| robust_notification_wait("#{browser_type}BrowserStopNotification.png", 60) end def xul_application_info(application) binary = $vm.execute_successfully( 'echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/firefox', :libs => 'tor-browser' ).stdout.chomp address_bar_image = "BrowserAddressBar.png" unused_tbb_libs = [''] case application when "Tor Browser" user = LIVE_USER cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.tor-browser/profile\.default" chroot = "" new_tab_button_image = "TorBrowserNewTabButton.png" when "Unsafe Browser" user = "clearnet" cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.unsafe-browser/profile\.default" chroot = "/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot" new_tab_button_image = "UnsafeBrowserNewTabButton.png" when "I2P Browser" user = "i2pbrowser" cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.i2p-browser/profile\.default" chroot = "/var/lib/i2p-browser/chroot" new_tab_button_image = "I2PBrowserNewTabButton.png" when "Tor Launcher" user = "tor-launcher" # We do not enable AppArmor confinement for the Tor Launcher. binary = "#{binary}-unconfined" tor_launcher_install = $vm.execute_successfully( 'echo ${TOR_LAUNCHER_INSTALL}', :libs => 'tor-browser' ).stdout.chomp cmd_regex = "#{binary}\s+-app #{tor_launcher_install}/application\.ini.*" chroot = "" new_tab_button_image = nil address_bar_image = nil # The standalone Tor Launcher uses fewer libs than the full # browser. unused_tbb_libs.concat(["", "", ""]) else raise "Invalid browser or XUL application: #{application}" end return { :user => user, :cmd_regex => cmd_regex, :chroot => chroot, :new_tab_button_image => new_tab_button_image, :address_bar_image => address_bar_image, :unused_tbb_libs => unused_tbb_libs, } end When /^I open a new tab in the (.*)$/ do |browser| info = xul_application_info(browser)[:new_tab_button_image]) @screen.wait(info[:address_bar_image], 10) end When /^I open the address "([^"]*)" in the (.*)$/ do |address, browser| step "I open a new tab in the #{browser}" info = xul_application_info(browser) open_address = do[:address_bar_image]) # This static here since we have no reliable visual indicators # that we can watch to know when typing is "safe". sleep 5 # The browser sometimes loses keypresses when suggestions are # shown, which we work around by pasting the address from the # clipboard, in one go. $vm.set_clipboard(address) @screen.type('v', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER) end if browser == "Tor Browser" recovery_on_failure = do @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC) @screen.waitVanish('BrowserReloadButton.png', 3) end retry_tor(recovery_on_failure) do @screen.wait('BrowserReloadButton.png', 120) end end end Then /^the (.*) has no plugins installed$/ do |browser| step "I open the address \"about:plugins\" in the #{browser}" step "I see \"TorBrowserNoPlugins.png\" after at most 30 seconds" end def xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, chroot, expected_absent_tbb_libs = []) absent_tbb_libs = [] unwanted_native_libs = [] tbb_libs = $vm.execute_successfully("ls -1 #{chroot}${TBB_INSTALL}/*.so", :libs => 'tor-browser').stdout.split firefox_pmap_info = $vm.execute("pmap --show-path #{pid}").stdout for lib in tbb_libs do lib_name = File.basename lib if not /\W#{lib}$/.match firefox_pmap_info absent_tbb_libs << lib_name end native_libs = $vm.execute_successfully( "find /usr/lib /lib -name \"#{lib_name}\"" ).stdout.split for native_lib in native_libs do if /\W#{native_lib}$"/.match firefox_pmap_info unwanted_native_libs << lib_name end end end absent_tbb_libs -= expected_absent_tbb_libs assert(absent_tbb_libs.empty? && unwanted_native_libs.empty?, "The loaded shared libraries for the firefox process are not the " + "way we expect them.\n" + "Expected TBB libs that are absent: #{absent_tbb_libs}\n" + "Native libs that we don't want: #{unwanted_native_libs}") end Then /^the (.*) uses all expected TBB shared libraries$/ do |application| info = xul_application_info(application) pid = $vm.execute_successfully("pgrep --uid #{info[:user]} --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'").stdout.chomp assert(/\A\d+\z/.match(pid), "It seems like #{application} is not running") xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, info[:chroot], info[:unused_tbb_libs]) end Then /^the (.*) chroot is torn down$/ do |browser| info = xul_application_info(browser) try_for(30, :msg => "The #{browser} chroot '#{info[:chroot]}' was " \ "not removed") do !$vm.execute("test -d '#{info[:chroot]}'").success? end end Then /^the (.*) runs as the expected user$/ do |browser| info = xul_application_info(browser) assert_vmcommand_success($vm.execute( "pgrep --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'"), "The #{browser} is not running") assert_vmcommand_success($vm.execute( "pgrep --uid #{info[:user]} --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'"), "The #{browser} is not running as the #{info[:user]} user") end When /^I download some file in the Tor Browser$/ do @some_file = 'tails-signing.key' some_url = "{@some_file}" step "I open the address \"#{some_url}\" in the Tor Browser" end Then /^I get the browser download dialog$/ do @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadDialog.png', 60) @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadDialogSaveAsButton.png', 10) end When /^I save the file to the default Tor Browser download directory$/ do'BrowserDownloadDialogSaveAsButton.png') @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadFileToDialog.png', 10) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER) end Then /^the file is saved to the default Tor Browser download directory$/ do assert_not_nil(@some_file) expected_path = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Tor Browser/#{@some_file}" try_for(10) { $vm.file_exist?(expected_path) } end