Then /^the Unsafe Browser has started$/ do @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserHomepage.png", 360) end When /^I start the Unsafe Browser(?: through the GNOME menu)?$/ do step "I start \"Unsafe Browser\" via GNOME Activities Overview" end When /^I successfully start the Unsafe Browser$/ do step "I start the Unsafe Browser" step "I see and accept the Unsafe Browser start verification" step "I see the \"Starting the Unsafe Browser...\" notification after at most 60 seconds" step "the Unsafe Browser has started" end When /^I close the Unsafe Browser$/ do @screen.type("q", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) end def xul_application_info(application) binary = $vm.execute_successfully( 'echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/firefox', :libs => 'tor-browser' ).stdout.chomp address_bar_image = "BrowserAddressBar.png" unused_tbb_libs = ['', "", ""] case application when "Tor Browser" user = LIVE_USER cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.tor-browser/profile\.default" chroot = "" new_tab_button_image = "TorBrowserNewTabButton.png" when "Unsafe Browser" user = "clearnet" cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.unsafe-browser/profile\.default" chroot = "/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot" new_tab_button_image = "UnsafeBrowserNewTabButton.png" when "Tor Launcher" user = "tor-launcher" # We do not enable AppArmor confinement for the Tor Launcher. binary = "#{binary}-unconfined" tor_launcher_install = $vm.execute_successfully( 'echo ${TOR_LAUNCHER_INSTALL}', :libs => 'tor-browser' ).stdout.chomp cmd_regex = "#{binary}\s+-app #{tor_launcher_install}/application\.ini.*" chroot = "" new_tab_button_image = nil address_bar_image = nil # The standalone Tor Launcher uses fewer libs than the full # browser. unused_tbb_libs.concat(["", "", ""]) else raise "Invalid browser or XUL application: #{application}" end return { :user => user, :cmd_regex => cmd_regex, :chroot => chroot, :new_tab_button_image => new_tab_button_image, :address_bar_image => address_bar_image, :unused_tbb_libs => unused_tbb_libs, } end When /^I open a new tab in the (.*)$/ do |browser| info = xul_application_info(browser)[:new_tab_button_image]) @screen.wait(info[:address_bar_image], 10) end When /^I open the address "([^"]*)" in the (.*)$/ do |address, browser| step "I open a new tab in the #{browser}" info = xul_application_info(browser) open_address = do[:address_bar_image]) # This static here since we have no reliable visual indicators # that we can watch to know when typing is "safe". sleep 5 # The browser sometimes loses keypresses when suggestions are # shown, which we work around by pasting the address from the # clipboard, in one go. $vm.set_clipboard(address) @screen.type('v', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER) end recovery_on_failure = do @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC) @screen.waitVanish('BrowserReloadButton.png', 3) end if browser == "Tor Browser" retry_method = method(:retry_tor) else retry_method = { |p, &b| retry_action(10, recovery_proc: p, &b) } end do @screen.wait('BrowserReloadButton.png', 120) end end # This step is limited to the Tor Browser due to #7502 since dogtail # uses the same interface. Then /^"([^"]+)" has loaded in the Tor Browser$/ do |title| if @language == 'German' browser_name = 'Tor-Browser' reload_action = 'Aktuelle Seite neu laden' else browser_name = 'Tor Browser' reload_action = 'Reload current page' end expected_title = "#{title} - #{browser_name}" try_for(60) { @torbrowser.child(expected_title, roleName: 'frame') } # The 'Reload current page' button (graphically shown as a looping # arrow) is only shown when a page has loaded, so once we see the # expected title *and* this button has appeared, then we can be sure # that the page has fully loaded. try_for(60) { @torbrowser.child(reload_action, roleName: 'push button') } end Then /^the (.*) has no plugins installed$/ do |browser| step "I open the address \"about:plugins\" in the #{browser}" step "I see \"TorBrowserNoPlugins.png\" after at most 30 seconds" end def xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, chroot, expected_absent_tbb_libs = []) absent_tbb_libs = [] unwanted_native_libs = [] tbb_libs = $vm.execute_successfully("ls -1 #{chroot}${TBB_INSTALL}/*.so", :libs => 'tor-browser').stdout.split firefox_pmap_info = $vm.execute("pmap --show-path #{pid}").stdout for lib in tbb_libs do lib_name = File.basename lib if not /\W#{lib}$/.match firefox_pmap_info absent_tbb_libs << lib_name end native_libs = $vm.execute_successfully( "find /usr/lib /lib -name \"#{lib_name}\"" ).stdout.split for native_lib in native_libs do if /\W#{native_lib}$"/.match firefox_pmap_info unwanted_native_libs << lib_name end end end absent_tbb_libs -= expected_absent_tbb_libs assert(absent_tbb_libs.empty? && unwanted_native_libs.empty?, "The loaded shared libraries for the firefox process are not the " + "way we expect them.\n" + "Expected TBB libs that are absent: #{absent_tbb_libs}\n" + "Native libs that we don't want: #{unwanted_native_libs}") end Then /^the (.*) uses all expected TBB shared libraries$/ do |application| info = xul_application_info(application) pid = $vm.execute_successfully("pgrep --uid #{info[:user]} --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'").stdout.chomp assert(/\A\d+\z/.match(pid), "It seems like #{application} is not running") xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, info[:chroot], info[:unused_tbb_libs]) end Then /^the (.*) chroot is torn down$/ do |browser| info = xul_application_info(browser) try_for(30, :msg => "The #{browser} chroot '#{info[:chroot]}' was " \ "not removed") do !$vm.execute("test -d '#{info[:chroot]}'").success? end end Then /^the (.*) runs as the expected user$/ do |browser| info = xul_application_info(browser) assert_vmcommand_success($vm.execute( "pgrep --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'"), "The #{browser} is not running") assert_vmcommand_success($vm.execute( "pgrep --uid #{info[:user]} --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'"), "The #{browser} is not running as the #{info[:user]} user") end When /^I download some file in the Tor Browser$/ do @some_file = 'tails-signing.key' some_url = "{@some_file}" step "I open the address \"#{some_url}\" in the Tor Browser" end Then /^I get the browser download dialog$/ do @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadDialog.png', 60) @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadDialogSaveAsButton.png', 10) end When /^I save the file to the default Tor Browser download directory$/ do'BrowserDownloadDialogSaveAsButton.png') @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadFileToDialog.png', 10) @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER) end Then /^the file is saved to the default Tor Browser download directory$/ do assert_not_nil(@some_file) expected_path = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Tor Browser/#{@some_file}" try_for(10) { $vm.file_exist?(expected_path) } end When /^I open Tails homepage in the (.+)$/ do |browser| step "I open the address \"\" in the #{browser}" end Then /^Tails homepage loads in the Tor Browser$/ do title = 'Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere' step "\"#{title}\" has loaded in the Tor Browser" end Then /^Tails homepage loads in the Unsafe Browser$/ do @screen.wait('TailsHomepage.png', 60) end Then /^the Tor Browser shows the "([^"]+)" error$/ do |error| page = @torbrowser.child("Problem loading page", roleName: "document frame") headers = page.children(roleName: "heading") found = headers.any? { |heading| heading.text == error } raise "Could not find the '#{error}' error in the Tor Browser" unless found end