#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' begin require "#{`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`.chomp}/cucumber/features/support/helpers/remote_shell.rb" require "#{`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`.chomp}/cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb" rescue LoadError => e raise "This script must be run from within Tails' Git directory." end $config = Hash.new def debug_log(*args) ; end class FakeVM def get_remote_shell_port # FIXME -- we really ought to be able to ask the vm to dynamically allocate the port, then tell us what it did, rather than this LIBVIRT_REMOTE_SHELL_PORT end end cmd_opts = { :spawn => false, :user => "root" } opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: cucumber/features/scripts/vm-execute [opts] COMMAND" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Runs commands in the VM guest being tested. This script " \ "must be run from within Tails' Git directory." opts.separator "" opts.separator "Options:" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.on("-u", "--user USER", "Run command as USER") do |user| cmd_opts[:user] = user end opts.on("-s", "--spawn", "Run command in non-blocking mode") do |type| cmd_opts[:spawn] = true end end opt_parser.parse!(ARGV) cmd = ARGV.join(" ") c = RemoteShell::ShellCommand.new(FakeVM.new, cmd, cmd_opts) puts "Return status: #{c.returncode}" puts "STDOUT:\n#{c.stdout}" puts "STDERR:\n#{c.stderr}" exit c.returncode