Key names:

Running the thing by hand:

  ./bin/lvc/run_test_suite --view --iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-8.3.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso --old-iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-8.3.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso DebianLive/apt.feature

FIXME - we don't need the OLD_ISO stuff -- make it so that it still works when not specified, so we can push the change upwards

FIXME - we need to be able to run multiple VMs in parallel, and so multiple jobs

FIXME - the VM's network currnetly needs to be started by hand

To do Git push we can use:

    curl ''
    curl ''


  update in local git, then run lvc-kick  (FIXME add lvc-kick to git)
  use the web interface to build the job (FIXME see if we can nudge the job from lvc-kick)

  ssh -Y -C -L 5900:localhost:5900 jekinstest

  Then we can look at the install (if the --vnc-server-only option has been passed to cucumber ... see bin/ with this:

    xvncviewer -ViewOnly localhost:0

  (you should make sure to use -ViewOnly, since any mouse movement can affect the ability of Sikuli to recognise things on the screen)

  (run from the local system, which gets forwarded via the ssh connection)

  When the install fails, you should get a screenshot of the last moment -- that can be grabbed and cut down for the next match)

  It seems that including a colour transition, such as the edge of a frame, in the thing you're looking for makes life easier for sikuli to find it, but may make it more fragile, we'll see)

  At present, sadly the tesseract OCR stuff spews vast numbers of vlog messages, making it unusable -- this has been fixed upstream (in sikuli IIRC, or maybe cucumber -- something that's now version 1.x but which has not yet hit Debian ... we can use that once it's packaged)