#!/bin/bash # Copyright © 2017 Holger Levsen (holger@layer-acht.org) # released under the GPLv=2 set -e WORKER_NAME=$1 NODE1=$2 NODE2=$3 # normally defined by jenkins and used by reproducible_common.sh JENKINS_URL=https://jenkins.debian.net DEBUG=false . /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh common_init "$@" # common code defining db access . /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh # endless loop while true ; do # # check if we really should be running # RUNNING=$(ps fax|grep -v grep|grep "$0 $1 ") if [ -z "$RUNNING" ] ; then echo "$(date --utc) - '$0 $1' already running, thus stopping this." break fi SERVICE="reproducible_build@startup.service" RUNNING=$(systemctl show $SERVICE|grep ^SubState|cut -d "=" -f2) if [ "$RUNNING" != "running" ] ; then echo "$(date --utc) - '$SERVICE' not running, thus stopping this." break fi # sleep up to 2.3 seconds (additionally to the random sleep reproducible_build.sh does anyway) /bin/sleep $(echo "scale=1 ; $(shuf -i 1-23 -n 1)/10" | bc ) # # increment BUILD_ID # BUILD_BASE=/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/debian/build_service/$WORKER_NAME OLD_ID=$(ls -1rt $BUILD_BASE|egrep -v "(latest|worker.log)" |sort -n|tail -1) let BUILD_ID=OLD_ID+1 mkdir -p $BUILD_BASE/$BUILD_ID rm -f $BUILD_BASE/latest ln -sf $BUILD_ID $BUILD_BASE/latest # # prepare variables for export # export BUILD_URL=https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/reproducible/debian/build_service/$WORKER_NAME/$BUILD_ID/ export BUILD_ID=$BUILD_ID export JOB_NAME="reproducible_builder_$WORKER_NAME" export # # actually run reproducible_build.sh # echo echo "================================================================================================" echo "$(date --utc) - running build #$BUILD_ID for $WORKER_NAME on $NODE1 and $NODE2." echo "================================================================================================" echo /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh $NODE1 $NODE2 >$BUILD_BASE/$BUILD_ID/console.log 2>&1 echo done