#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 . /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh common_init "$@" # common code defining db access . /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh set +x declare -A GOOD declare -A BAD declare -A UGLY declare -A SOURCELESS declare -A NOTFORUS declare -A STAR declare -A LINKTARGET declare -A SPOKENTARGET LAST24="AND build_date > datetime('now', '-24 hours') " LAST48="AND build_date > datetime('now', '-48 hours') " SUITE=sid AMOUNT=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT count(name) FROM sources") ALLSTATES="reproducible FTBR_with_buildinfo FTBR FTBFS 404 not_for_us blacklisted" MAINVIEW="all_abc" ALLVIEWS="last_24h last_48h all_abc" GOOD["all"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"reproducible\" ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) GOOD["last_24h"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"reproducible\" $LAST24 ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) GOOD["last_48h"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"reproducible\" $LAST48 ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) GOOD["all_abc"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"reproducible\" ORDER BY name" | xargs echo) COUNT_GOOD=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"reproducible\"") BAD["all"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"unreproducible\" ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) BAD["last_24h"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"unreproducible\" $LAST24 ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) BAD["last_48h"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"unreproducible\" $LAST48 ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) BAD["all_abc"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"unreproducible\" ORDER BY name" | xargs echo) COUNT_BAD=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"unreproducible\"") UGLY["all"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"FTBFS\" ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) UGLY["last_24h"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"FTBFS\" $LAST24 ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) UGLY["last_48h"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"FTBFS\" $LAST48 ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) UGLY["all_abc"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"FTBFS\" ORDER BY name" | xargs echo) COUNT_UGLY=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"FTBFS\"") SOURCELESS["all"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"404\" ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) SOURCELESS["all_abc"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"404\" ORDER BY name" | xargs echo) COUNT_SOURCELESS=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"404\"" | xargs echo) NOTFORUS["all"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"not for us\" ORDER BY build_date DESC" | xargs echo) NOTFORUS["all_abc"]=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"not for us\" ORDER BY name" | xargs echo) COUNT_NOTFORUS=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"not for us\"" | xargs echo) BLACKLISTED=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"blacklisted\" ORDER BY name" | xargs echo) COUNT_BLACKLISTED=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages WHERE status = \"blacklisted\"" | xargs echo) COUNT_TOTAL=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM source_packages") PERCENT_TOTAL=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT_TOTAL*100/$AMOUNT)" | bc) PERCENT_GOOD=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT_GOOD*100/$COUNT_TOTAL)" | bc) PERCENT_BAD=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT_BAD*100/$COUNT_TOTAL)" | bc) PERCENT_UGLY=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT_UGLY*100/$COUNT_TOTAL)" | bc) PERCENT_NOTFORUS=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT_NOTFORUS*100/$COUNT_TOTAL)" | bc) PERCENT_SOURCELESS=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT_SOURCELESS*100/$COUNT_TOTAL)" | bc) GUESS_GOOD=$(echo "$PERCENT_GOOD*$AMOUNT/100" | bc) SPOKENTARGET["last_24h"]="packages tested in the last 24h" SPOKENTARGET["last_48h"]="packages tested in the last 48h" SPOKENTARGET["all_abc"]="all tested packages (sorted alphabetically)" SPOKENTARGET["dd-list"]="maintainers of unreproducible packages" SPOKENTARGET["notes"]="packages with notes" SPOKENTARGET["issues"]="known issues related to reproducible builds" SPOKENTARGET["reproducible"]="packages which built reproducibly" SPOKENTARGET["FTBR"]="packages which failed to build reproducibly and don't create a .buildinfo file" SPOKENTARGET["FTBR_with_buildinfo"]="packages which failed to build reproducibly and create a .buildinfo file" SPOKENTARGET["FTBFS"]="packages which failed to build from source" SPOKENTARGET["404"]="packages where the sources failed to downloaded" SPOKENTARGET["not_for_us"]="packages which should not be build on 'amd64'" SPOKENTARGET["blacklisted"]="packages which have been blacklisted" # shop trailing slash JENKINS_URL=${JENKINS_URL:0:-1} # # gather notes # WORKSPACE=$PWD cd /var/lib/jenkins if [ -d notes.git ] ; then cd notes.git git pull else git clone git://git.debian.org/git/reproducible/notes.git notes.git fi cd $WORKSPACE PACKAGES_YML=/var/lib/jenkins/notes.git/packages.yml ISSUES_YML=/var/lib/jenkins/notes.git/issues.yml NOTES_PATH=/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/notes ISSUES_PATH=/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/issues mkdir -p $NOTES_PATH $ISSUES_PATH declare -A NOTES_PACKAGE declare -A NOTES_VERSION declare -A NOTES_ISSUES declare -A NOTES_BUGS declare -A NOTES_COMMENTS declare -A ISSUES_DESCRIPTION declare -A ISSUES_URL show_multi_values() { TMPFILE=$(mktemp) echo "$@" > $TMPFILE while IFS= read -r p ; do if [ "$p" = "-" ] || [ "$p" = "" ] ; then continue elif [ "${p:0:2}" = "- " ] ; then p="${p:2}" fi echo " $PROPERTY = $p" done < $TMPFILE unset IFS rm $TMPFILE } tag_property_loop() { BEFORE=$1 shift AFTER=$1 shift TMPFILE=$(mktemp) echo "$@" > $TMPFILE while IFS= read -r p ; do if [ "$p" = "-" ] || [ "$p" = "" ] ; then continue elif [ "${p:0:2}" = "- " ] ; then p="${p:2}" fi write_page "$BEFORE" if $BUG ; then # turn bugs into links p="#$p" else # turn URLs into links p="$(echo $p |sed -e 's|http[s:]*//[^ ]*|\0|g')" fi write_page "$p" write_page "$AFTER" done < $TMPFILE unset IFS rm $TMPFILE } issues_loop() { TTMPFILE=$(mktemp) echo "$@" > $TTMPFILE while IFS= read -r p ; do if [ "${p:0:2}" = "- " ] ; then p="${p:2}" fi write_page "" if [ "${ISSUES_URL[$p]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" fi if [ "${ISSUES_DESCRIPTION[$p]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" fi write_page "
Description" tag_property_loop "" "
" "${ISSUES_DESCRIPTION[$p]}" write_page "
" done < $TTMPFILE unset IFS rm $TTMPFILE } create_pkg_note() { BUG=false rm -f $PAGE # write_page_header() is not used as it contains the

tag... write_page "" write_page "" write_page "" write_page "Notes for $1" write_page "
" write_page "" write_page "" if [ "${NOTES_ISSUES[$1]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" fi BUG=true if [ "${NOTES_BUGS[$1]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" write_page "" fi BUG=false if [ "${NOTES_COMMENTS[$1]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" write_page "" fi write_page "" write_page "
Version annotated:${NOTES_VERSION[$1]}
Identified issues:" issues_loop "${NOTES_ISSUES[$1]}" write_page "
Bugs noted:" tag_property_loop "" "
" "${NOTES_BUGS[$1]}" write_page "
Comments:" tag_property_loop "" "
" "${NOTES_COMMENTS[$1]}" write_page "
" write_page "Notes are stored in notes.git." write_page "
" write_page_footer } create_issue() { BUG=false write_page_header "" "Notes about issue '$1'" write_page "" write_page "" if [ "${ISSUES_URL[$1]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" fi if [ "${ISSUES_DESCRIPTION[$1]}" != "" ] ; then write_page "" write_page "" fi write_page "" write_page "" write_page "
Description:" tag_property_loop "" "
" "${ISSUES_DESCRIPTION[$1]}" write_page "
Packages known to be affected by this issue:" BETA_SIGN=false for PKG in $PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES ; do if [ "${NOTES_ISSUES[$PKG]}" != "" ] ; then TTMPFILE=$(mktemp) echo "${NOTES_ISSUES[$PKG]}" > $TTMPFILE while IFS= read -r p ; do if [ "${p:0:2}" = "- " ] ; then p="${p:2}" fi if [ "$p" = "$1" ] ; then write_page " ${LINKTARGET[$PKG]} " if ! $BETA_SIGN && [ "${STAR[$PKG]}" != "" ] ; then BETA_SIGN=true fi fi done < $TTMPFILE unset IFS rm $TTMPFILE fi done write_page "
" write_page "Notes are stored in notes.git." write_page "
" write_page_meta_sign write_page_footer } write_issues() { touch $ISSUES_PATH/stamp for ISSUE in ${ISSUES} ; do PAGE=$ISSUES_PATH/${ISSUE}_issue.html create_issue $ISSUE done cd $ISSUES_PATH for FILE in *.html ; do # if issue is older than stamp file... if [ $FILE -ot stamp ] ; then rm $FILE fi done rm stamp cd - > /dev/null } parse_issues() { ISSUES=$(cat ${ISSUES_YML} | /srv/jenkins/bin/shyaml keys) for ISSUE in ${ISSUES} ; do echo " Issue = ${ISSUE}" for PROPERTY in url description ; do VALUE="$(cat ${ISSUES_YML} | /srv/jenkins/bin/shyaml get-value ${ISSUE}.${PROPERTY} )" if [ "$VALUE" != "" ] ; then case $PROPERTY in url) ISSUES_URL[${ISSUE}]=$VALUE echo " $PROPERTY = $VALUE" ;; description) ISSUES_DESCRIPTION[${ISSUE}]=$VALUE show_multi_values "$VALUE" ;; esac fi done done } write_notes() { touch $NOTES_PATH/stamp for PKG in $PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES ; do PAGE=$NOTES_PATH/${PKG}_note.html create_pkg_note $PKG done cd $NOTES_PATH for FILE in *.html ; do PKG_FILE=/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/rb-pkg/${FILE:0:-10}.html # if note was removed... if [ $FILE -ot stamp ] ; then # cleanup old notes rm $FILE # force re-creation of package file if there was a note rm ${PKG_FILE} else # ... else re-recreate ${PKG_FILE} if it does not contain a link to the note grep _note.html ${PKG_FILE} > /dev/null || rm ${PKG_FILE} fi done rm stamp cd - > /dev/null } parse_notes() { PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES=$(cat ${PACKAGES_YML} | /srv/jenkins/bin/shyaml keys) for PKG in $PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES ; do echo " Package = ${PKG}" NOTES_PACKAGE[${PKG}]=" notes " for PROPERTY in version issues bugs comments ; do VALUE="$(cat ${PACKAGES_YML} | /srv/jenkins/bin/shyaml get-value ${PKG}.${PROPERTY} )" if [ "$VALUE" != "" ] ; then case $PROPERTY in version) NOTES_VERSION[${PKG}]=$VALUE echo " $PROPERTY = $VALUE" ;; issues) NOTES_ISSUES[${PKG}]=$VALUE show_multi_values "$VALUE" ;; bugs) NOTES_BUGS[${PKG}]=$VALUE show_multi_values "$VALUE" ;; comments) NOTES_COMMENTS[${PKG}]=$VALUE show_multi_values "$VALUE" ;; esac fi done done } validate_yaml() { VALID_YAML=true set +e cat $1 | /srv/jenkins/bin/shyaml keys > /dev/null 2>&1 || VALID_YAML=false cat $1 | /srv/jenkins/bin/shyaml get-values > /dev/null 2>&1 || VALID_YAML=false set -e echo "$1 is valid yaml: $VALID_YAML" } # # end note parsing functions... # mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/rb-pkg/ write_page() { echo "$1" >> $PAGE } set_icon() { # icons taken from tango-icon-theme (0.8.90-5) # licenced under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ STATE_TARGET_NAME="$1" case "$1" in reproducible) ICON=weather-clear.png ;; unreproducible|FTBR*) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then ICON=weather-showers-scattered.png STATE_TARGET_NAME=FTBR_with_buildinfo else ICON=weather-showers.png STATE_TARGET_NAME=FTBR fi ;; FTBFS) ICON=weather-storm.png ;; 404) ICON=weather-severe-alert.png ;; not_for_us|"not for us") ICON=weather-few-clouds-night.png STATE_TARGET_NAME="not_for_us" ;; blacklisted) ICON=error.png ;; *) ICON="" esac } init_pkg_page() { echo "" > ${PKG_FILE} echo "" >> ${PKG_FILE} echo "$1 - reproducible builds results" >> ${PKG_FILE} echo "
$1 $2" >> ${PKG_FILE} set_icon "$3" $5 echo "\"${STATE_TARGET_NAME}" >> ${PKG_FILE} echo "at $4: " >> ${PKG_FILE} } append2pkg_page() { echo "$1" >> ${PKG_FILE} } finish_pkg_page() { echo "reproducible builds
" >> ${PKG_FILE} echo "" >> ${PKG_FILE} echo "" >> ${PKG_FILE} } set_package_class() { if [ "${NOTES_PACKAGE[${PKG}]}" != "" ] ; then CLASS="class=\"noted\"" else CLASS="class=\"package\"" fi } process_packages() { for PKG in $@ ; do RESULT=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "SELECT build_date,version,status FROM source_packages WHERE name = \"$PKG\"") BUILD_DATE=$(echo $RESULT|cut -d "|" -f1) # version with epoch removed EVERSION=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d "|" -f2 | cut -d ":" -f2) if $BUILDINFO_SIGNS && [ -f "/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/buildinfo/${PKG}_${EVERSION}_amd64.buildinfo" ] ; then STAR[$PKG]="β" # used to be a star... fi # only build $PKG pages if they don't exist or are older than $BUILD_DATE or have a note PKG_FILE="/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/rb-pkg/${PKG}.html" OLD_FILE=$(find $(dirname ${PKG_FILE}) -name $(basename ${PKG_FILE}) ! -newermt "$BUILD_DATE" 2>/dev/null || true) # if no package file exists, or is older than last build_date if [ ! -f ${PKG_FILE} ] || [ "$OLD_FILE" != "" ] ; then VERSION=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d "|" -f2) STATUS=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d "|" -f3) MAINLINK="" init_pkg_page "$PKG" "$VERSION" "$STATUS" "$BUILD_DATE" "${STAR[$PKG]}" append2pkg_page "${NOTES_PACKAGE[${PKG}]}" if [ -f "/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/buildinfo/${PKG}_${EVERSION}_amd64.buildinfo" ] ; then append2pkg_page " buildinfo " MAINLINK="$JENKINS_URL/userContent/buildinfo/${PKG}_${EVERSION}_amd64.buildinfo" fi if [ -f "/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/dbd/${PKG}_${EVERSION}.debbindiff.html" ] ; then append2pkg_page " debbindiff " MAINLINK="$JENKINS_URL/userContent/dbd/${PKG}_${EVERSION}.debbindiff.html" fi RBUILD_LOG="rbuild/${PKG}_${EVERSION}.rbuild.log" if [ -f "/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/${RBUILD_LOG}" ] ; then SIZE=$(du -sh "/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/${RBUILD_LOG}" |cut -f1) append2pkg_page " rbuild ($SIZE) " if [ "$MAINLINK" = "" ] ; then MAINLINK="$JENKINS_URL/userContent/${RBUILD_LOG}" fi fi append2pkg_page " PTS " append2pkg_page " BTS " append2pkg_page " sources " append2pkg_page " debian/rules " if [ "${NOTES_PACKAGE[${PKG}]}" != "" ] ; then MAINLINK="$JENKINS_URL/userContent/notes/${PKG}_note.html" fi finish_pkg_page "$MAINLINK" fi if [ -f "/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/rbuild/${PKG}_${EVERSION}.rbuild.log" ] ; then set_package_class LINKTARGET[$PKG]="$PKG${STAR[$PKG]}" else LINKTARGET[$PKG]="$PKG" fi done } force_package_targets() { for PKG in $@ ; do set_package_class LINKTARGET[$PKG]="$PKG${STAR[$PKG]}" done } link_packages() { for PKG in $@ ; do write_page " ${LINKTARGET[$PKG]} " if ! $BETA_SIGN && [ "${STAR[$PKG]}" != "" ] ; then BETA_SIGN=true fi done } write_page_header() { rm -f $PAGE write_page "" write_page "" write_page "" write_page "$2" write_page "


" if [ "$1" = "$MAINVIEW" ] ; then write_page "

These pages are updated every six hours. Results are obtained from several jobs running on jenkins.debian.net. Thanks to Profitbricks for donating the virtual machine it's running on!

" fi write_page "

$COUNT_TOTAL packages have been attempted to be build so far, that's $PERCENT_TOTAL% of $AMOUNT source packages in Debian $SUITE currently. Out of these, $PERCENT_GOOD% were successful, so quite wildly guessing this roughy means about $GUESS_GOOD packages should be reproducibly buildable!" if [ "${1:0:3}" = "all" ] || [ "$1" = "dd-list" ] ; then write_page " Join #debian-reproducible on OFTC to get support for making sure your packages build reproducibly too!" fi write_page "

" write_page "
  • Other views for these build results:
  • " for MY_STATE in $ALLSTATES ; do WITH="" if [ "$MY_STATE" = "FTBR_with_buildinfo" ] ; then WITH="YES" fi set_icon $MY_STATE $WITH # sets ICON and STATE_TARGET_NAME write_page "
  • " done for TARGET in issues notes $ALLVIEWS dd-list ; do if [ "$TARGET" = "$1" ] ; then continue elif [ "$TARGET" = "issues" ] ; then SPOKEN_TARGET="issues" else SPOKEN_TARGET=${SPOKENTARGET[$TARGET]} fi write_page "
  • " done write_page "
" write_page "
" } write_page_footer() { write_page "

There is more information about jenkins.debian.net and about reproducible builds of Debian available elsewhere. Last update: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z'). Copyright 2014 Holger Levsen, GPL-2 licensed. The weather icons are public domain and have been taken from the Tango Icon Library.

" write_page "" } write_page_meta_sign() { write_page "

An underlined package is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue." if $BETA_SIGN ; then write_page "A β sign after a package which is unreproducible indicates that a .buildinfo file was generated." write_page "And that means the basics for building packages reproducibly are covered." fi write_page "

" } publish_page() { cp $PAGE /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/ if [ "$VIEW" = "$MAINVIEW" ] ; then cp $PAGE /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible.html fi rm $PAGE } # # actually parse the notes # validate_yaml ${ISSUES_YML} validate_yaml ${PACKAGES_YML} if $VALID_YAML ; then parse_issues parse_notes process_packages ${PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES} force_package_targets ${PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES} write_issues write_notes else echo "Warning: ${ISSUES_YML} or ${PACKAGES_YML} contains invalid yaml, please fix." fi # # actually build the package pages # echo "Processing $COUNT_TOTAL packages... this will take a while." BUILDINFO_SIGNS=true process_packages ${BAD["all"]} BUILDINFO_SIGNS=false process_packages ${UGLY["all"]} ${GOOD["all"]} ${SOURCELESS["all"]} ${NOTFORUS["all"]} $BLACKLISTED for VIEW in $ALLVIEWS ; do BETA_SIGN=false PAGE=index_${VIEW}.html echo "Starting to write $PAGE page." write_page_header $VIEW "Overview of reproducible builds of ${SPOKENTARGET[$VIEW]}" if [ "${VIEW:0:3}" = "all" ] ; then FINISH=":" else SHORTER_SPOKENTARGET=$(echo ${SPOKENTARGET[$VIEW]} | cut -d "(" -f1) FINISH=", from $SHORTER_SPOKENTARGET these were:" fi write_page "

$COUNT_BAD packages ($PERCENT_BAD% of $COUNT_TOTAL) failed to built reproducibly in total$FINISH " link_packages ${BAD[$VIEW]} write_page "

" write_page write_page "

$COUNT_UGLY packages ($PERCENT_UGLY%) failed to build from source in total$FINISH " link_packages ${UGLY[$VIEW]} write_page "

" if [ "${VIEW:0:3}" = "all" ] && [ $COUNT_SOURCELESS -gt 0 ] ; then write_page "

For $COUNT_SOURCELESS ($PERCENT_SOURCELESS%) packages in total sources could not be downloaded: ${SOURCELESS[$VIEW]}

" fi if [ "${VIEW:0:3}" = "all" ] && [ $COUNT_NOTFORUS -gt 0 ] ; then write_page "

In total there were $COUNT_NOTFORUS ($PERCENT_NOTFORUS%) packages which are neither Architecture: 'any', 'all', 'amd64', 'linux-any', 'linux-amd64' nor 'any-amd64': ${NOTFORUS[$VIEW]}

" fi if [ "${VIEW:0:3}" = "all" ] && [ $COUNT_BLACKLISTED -gt 0 ] ; then write_page "

$COUNT_BLACKLISTED packages are blacklisted and will never be tested here: $BLACKLISTED

" fi write_page "

$COUNT_GOOD packages ($PERCENT_GOOD%) successfully built reproducibly$FINISH " link_packages ${GOOD[$VIEW]} write_page "

" write_page_meta_sign write_page_footer publish_page done VIEW=notes PAGE=index_${VIEW}.html echo "Starting to write $PAGE page." write_page_header $VIEW "Overview of ${SPOKENTARGET[$VIEW]}" if $VALID_YAML ; then BETA_SIGN=false write_page "

Packages which have notes: " force_package_targets ${PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES} PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES=$(echo $PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES | sed -s "s# #\n#g" | sort | xargs echo) link_packages $PACKAGES_WITH_NOTES write_page "

" else write_page "

Broken .yaml files in notes.git could not be parsed, please investigate and fix!

" fi write_page "

Notes are stored in notes.git.

" write_page_meta_sign write_page_footer publish_page VIEW=issues PAGE=index_${VIEW}.html echo "Starting to write $PAGE page." write_page_header $VIEW "Overview of ${SPOKENTARGET[$VIEW]}" if $VALID_YAML ; then write_page "" ISSUES=$(echo ${ISSUES} | sed -s "s# #\n#g" | sort | xargs echo) for ISSUE in ${ISSUES} ; do write_page "" done write_page "
" else write_page "

Broken .yaml files in notes.git could not be parsed, please investigate and fix!

" fi write_page "

Notes are stored in notes.git.

" write_page_footer publish_page count_packages() { COUNT=${#@} PERCENT=$(echo "scale=1 ; ($COUNT*100/$COUNT_TOTAL)" | bc) } for STATE in $ALLSTATES ; do BETA_SIGN=false PAGE=index_${STATE}.html echo "Starting to write $PAGE page." write_page_header $STATE "Overview of ${SPOKENTARGET[$STATE]}" WITH="" case "$STATE" in reproducible) PACKAGES=${GOOD["all"]} ;; FTBR) CANDIDATES=${BAD["all"]} PACKAGES="" for PKG in $CANDIDATES ; do if [ "${STAR[$PKG]}" = "" ] ; then PACKAGES="$PACKAGES $PKG" fi done ;; FTBR_with_buildinfo) CANDIDATES=${BAD["all"]} PACKAGES="" for PKG in $CANDIDATES ; do if [ "${STAR[$PKG]}" != "" ] ; then PACKAGES="$PACKAGES $PKG" fi done WITH="YES" ;; FTBFS) PACKAGES=${UGLY["all"]} ;; 404) PACKAGES=${SOURCELESS["all"]} ;; not_for_us) PACKAGES=${NOTFORUS["all"]} ;; blacklisted) PACKAGES=${BLACKLISTED} ;; esac count_packages ${PACKAGES} write_page "

$COUNT ($PERCENT%)" set_icon $STATE $WITH # sets ICON and STATE_TARGET_NAME write_page "\"${STATE_TARGET_NAME}" write_page " ${SPOKENTARGET[$STATE]}:" link_packages ${PACKAGES} write_page "

" write_page write_page_meta_sign write_page_footer publish_page done VIEW=dd-list PAGE=index_${VIEW}.html echo "Starting to write $PAGE page." write_page_header $VIEW "Overview of ${SPOKENTARGET[$VIEW]}" TMPFILE=$(mktemp) echo "${BAD["all"]}" | dd-list -i > $TMPFILE write_page "

The following maintainers and uploaders are listed for packages which have built unreproducibly:

while IFS= read -r LINE ; do
	if [ "${LINE:0:3}" = "   " ] ; then
		PACKAGE=$(echo "${LINE:3}" | cut -d " " -f1)
		UPLOADERS=$(echo "${LINE:3}" | cut -d " " -f2-)
		if [ "$UPLOADERS" = "$PACKAGE" ] ; then
		write_page "   $PACKAGE $UPLOADERS"
		LINE="$(echo $LINE | sed 's#&#\&#g ; s#<#\<#g ; s#>#\>#g')"
		write_page "$LINE"
done < $TMPFILE
write_page "

" rm $TMPFILE write_page_footer publish_page echo "Enjoy $JENKINS_URL/userContent/reproducible.html"