#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 # # downloads an archlinux bootstrap chroot archive, then turns it into an schroot, # then configures pacman and abs # DEBUG=false . /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh common_init "$@" # common code . /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh # define archlinux mirror to be used ARCHLINUX_MIRROR=http://mirror.one.com/archlinux/ bootstrap() { # define URL for bootstrap.tgz BOOTSTRAP_BASE=$ARCHLINUX_MIRROR/iso/ echo "$(date -u) - downloading Arch Linux latest/sha1sums.txt" BOOTSTRAP_DATE=$(curl $BOOTSTRAP_BASE/latest/sha1sums.txt 2>/dev/null| grep x86_64.tar.gz| cut -d " " -f3|cut -d "-" -f3|egrep '[0-9.]{9}') if [ -z $BOOTSTRAP_DATE ] ; then echo "Cannot determine version of boostrap file, aborting." curl $BOOTSTRAP_BASE/latest/sha1sums.txt | grep x86_64.tar.gz exit 1 fi BOOTSTRAP_TAR_GZ=$BOOTSTRAP_DATE/archlinux-bootstrap-$BOOTSTRAP_DATE-x86_64.tar.gz echo "$(date -u) - downloading Arch Linux bootstrap.tar.gz." curl -O $BOOTSTRAP_BASE/$BOOTSTRAP_TAR_GZ tar xzf archlinux-bootstrap-$BOOTSTRAP_DATE-x86_64.tar.gz mv root.x86_64/* $SCHROOT_TARGET || true # proc and sys have 0555 perms, thus mv will fail... also see below rm archlinux-bootstrap-$BOOTSTRAP_DATE-x86_64.tar.gz root.x86_64 -rf # write the schroot config echo "$(date -u ) - writing schroot configuration for $TARGET." sudo tee /etc/schroot/chroot.d/jenkins-"$TARGET" <<-__END__ [jenkins-$TARGET] description=Jenkins schroot $TARGET directory=$SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET type=directory root-users=jenkins source-root-users=jenkins union-type=aufs __END__ # finally, put it in place mv $SCHROOT_TARGET $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET mkdir $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/proc $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/sys chmod 555 $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/proc $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/sys # mktemp creates directories with 700 perms chmod 755 $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET } cleanup() { if [ -d $SCHROOT_TARGET ]; then rm -rf --one-file-system $SCHROOT_TARGET || ( echo "Warning: $SCHROOT_TARGET could not be fully removed on forced cleanup." ; ls $SCHROOT_TARGET -la ) fi rm -f $TMPLOG } SCHROOT_TARGET=$(mktemp -d -p $SCHROOT_BASE/ schroot-install-$TARGET-XXXX) trap cleanup INT TERM EXIT TARGET=reproducible-archlinux bootstrap trap - INT TERM EXIT ROOTCMD="schroot --directory /tmp -c source:jenkins-reproducible-archlinux -u root --" USERCMD="schroot --directory /tmp -c source:jenkins-reproducible-archlinux -u jenkins --" # configure proxy everywhere tee $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh <<-__END__ export http_proxy=$http_proxy export https_proxy=$http_proxy export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy export HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy export FTP_PROXY=$http_proxy export no_proxy="localhost," __END__ chmod 755 $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh # configure root user to use this for shells and login shells… echo ". /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh" | tee -a $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/root/.bashrc # configure pacman $ROOTCMD bash -l -c 'pacman-key --init' $ROOTCMD bash -l -c 'pacman-key --populate archlinux' echo "Server = $ARCHLINUX_MIRROR/\$repo/os/\$arch" | tee -a $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist $ROOTCMD bash -l -c 'pacman -Syu --noconfirm' $ROOTCMD bash -l -c 'pacman -S --noconfirm base-devel devtools abs' # configure abs $ROOTCMD bash -l -c "abs $ARCHLINUX_REPOS" # configure sudo echo 'jenkins ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pacman *' | $ROOTCMD tee -a /etc/sudoers # configure jenkins user $ROOTCMD mkdir /var/lib/jenkins $ROOTCMD chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/lib/jenkins echo ". /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh" | tee -a $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/var/lib/jenkins/.bashrc $USERCMD bash -l -c 'gpg --check-trustdb' # first run will create ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf echo "keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve" | tee -a $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/var/lib/jenkins/.gnupg/gpg.conf $USERCMD bash -l -c 'gpg --recv-keys 0x091AB856069AAA1C' echo "schroot $TARGET set up successfully in $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET - exiting now."