#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Based on reproducible_scheduler.sh © 2014-2015 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 python3-debian # # Schedule packages to be build. import sys import gzip import deb822 import aptsources.sourceslist from time import sleep from random import randint from subprocess import call from apt_pkg import version_compare from urllib.request import urlopen from reproducible_common import * from reproducible_html_indexes import build_page from reproducible_html_packages import gen_packages_html def call_apt_update(suite): # try three times, before failing the job for i in [1, 2, 3]: if not call(['schroot', '--directory', '/root', '-u', 'root', \ '-c', 'source:jenkins-reproducible-'+suite, '--', \ 'apt-get', 'update']): return else: log.warning('`apt-get update` failed. Retrying another ' + str(3-i) + ' times.') sleep(randint(1, 70) + 30) print_critical_message('`apt-get update` for suite ' + suite + ' failed three times in a row, giving up.') sys.exit(1) def update_sources_tables(suite): # download the sources file for this suite mirror = 'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian' remotefile = mirror + '/dists/' + suite + '/main/source/Sources.gz' log.info('Downloading sources file for ' + suite + ': ' + remotefile) sources = gzip.decompress(urlopen(remotefile).read()).decode('utf8') log.debug('\tdownloaded') # extract relevant info (package name and version) from the sources file new_pkgs = [] for src in deb822.Sources.iter_paragraphs(sources.split('\n')): pkg = (src['Package'], src['Version'], suite) new_pkgs.append(pkg) # get the current packages in the database query = 'SELECT name, version, suite FROM sources ' + \ 'WHERE suite="{}"'.format(suite) cur_pkgs = query_db(query) pkgs_to_add = [] updated_pkgs = [] different_pkgs = [x for x in new_pkgs if x not in cur_pkgs] log.debug('Packages different in the archive and in the db: ' + str(different_pkgs)) for pkg in different_pkgs: query = 'SELECT id, version FROM sources ' + \ 'WHERE name="{name}" AND suite="{suite}"' query = query.format(name=pkg[0], suite=pkg[2]) try: result = query_db(query)[0] except IndexError: # new package pkgs_to_add.append((pkg[0], pkg[1], pkg[2], 'amd64')) continue pkg_id = result[0] old_version = result[1] if version_compare(pkg[1], old_version) > 0: log.debug('New version: ' + str(pkg) + ' (we had ' + old_version + ')') updated_pkgs.append((pkg_id, pkg[0], pkg[1], pkg[2])) # Now actually update the database: cursor = conn_db.cursor() # updated packages log.info('Pushing ' + str(len(updated_pkgs)) + ' updated packages to the database...') cursor.executemany('REPLACE INTO sources ' + '(id, name, version, suite, architecture) ' + 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, "{arch}")'.format(arch='amd64'), updated_pkgs) conn_db.commit() # new packages log.info('Now inserting ' + str(len(pkgs_to_add)) + ' new sources in the database: ' + str(pkgs_to_add)) cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO sources ' + '(name, version, suite, architecture) ' + 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', pkgs_to_add) conn_db.commit() # RM'ed packages cur_pkgs_name = [x[0] for x in cur_pkgs] new_pkgs_name = [x[0] for x in new_pkgs] rmed_pkgs = [x for x in cur_pkgs_name if x not in new_pkgs_name] log.info('Now deleting ' + str(len(rmed_pkgs)) + ' removed packages: ' + str(rmed_pkgs)) rmed_pkgs_id = [] for pkg in rmed_pkgs: result = query_db(('SELECT id FROM sources ' + 'WHERE name="{name}" ' + 'AND suite="{suite}"').format(name=pkg, suite=suite)) rmed_pkgs_id.extend(result) log.debug('removed packages ID: ' + str([str(x[0]) for x in rmed_pkgs_id])) cursor.executemany('DELETE FROM sources ' + 'WHERE id=?', rmed_pkgs_id) cursor.executemany('DELETE FROM results ' + 'WHERE package_id=?', rmed_pkgs_id) cursor.executemany('DELETE FROM schedule ' + 'WHERE package_id=?', rmed_pkgs_id) conn_db.commit() # finally check whether the db has the correct number of packages pkgs_end = query_db('SELECT count(*) FROM sources WHERE suite="%s"' % suite) count_new_pkgs = len(set([x[0] for x in new_pkgs])) if int(pkgs_end[0][0]) != count_new_pkgs: print_critical_message('AH! The number of source in the Sources file' + ' is different than the one in the DB!') log.critical('source in the debian archive for the ' + suite + ' suite:' + str(count_new_pkgs)) log.critical('source in the reproducible db for the ' + suite + ' suite:' + str(pkgs_end[0][0])) sys.exit(1) if pkgs_to_add: log.info('Building pages for the new packages') gen_packages_html(pkgs_to_add, no_clean=True) def print_schedule_result(suite, criteria, packages): ''' `packages` is the usual list-of-tuples returned by SQL queries, where the first item is the id and the second one the package name ''' log.info('--------------------------------------------------------------') log.info('Criteria: ' + criteria) log.info('Suite: ' + suite) log.info('Amount: ' + str(len(packages))) log.info('Packages: ' + ' '.join([x[1] for x in packages])) def schedule_packages(packages): date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') pkgs = [(x[0], date) for x in packages] log.debug('IDs about to be scheduled: ' + str([x[0] for x in packages])) query = 'INSERT INTO schedule ' + \ '(package_id, date_scheduled, date_build_started) ' + \ 'VALUES (?, ?, "")' cursor = conn_db.cursor() cursor.executemany(query, pkgs) conn_db.commit() log.info('--------------------------------------------------------------') log.info('The following ' + str(len(pkgs)) + ' source packages have ' + 'been scheduled: ' + ' '.join([str(x[1]) for x in packages])) log.info('--------------------------------------------------------------') def scheduler_untested_packages(suite, limit): criteria = 'not tested before, randomly sorted' query = """SELECT DISTINCT sources.id, sources.name FROM sources WHERE sources.suite='{suite}' AND sources.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule) AND sources.id NOT IN (SELECT results.package_id FROM results) ORDER BY random() LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, limit=limit) packages = query_db(query) print_schedule_result(suite, criteria, packages) return packages def scheduler_new_versions(suite, limit): criteria = 'tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date' query = """SELECT DISTINCT s.id, s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.version != r.version AND r.status != 'blacklisted' AND s.id IN (SELECT package_id FROM results) AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule) ORDER BY r.build_date LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, limit=limit) packages = query_db(query) print_schedule_result(suite, criteria, packages) return packages def scheduler_old_versions(suite, limit): criteria = 'tested at least two weeks ago, no new version available, ' + \ 'sorted by last build date' query = """SELECT DISTINCT s.id, s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND r.version = s.version AND r.status != 'blacklisted' AND r.build_date < datetime('now', '-14 day') AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule) ORDER BY r.build_date LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, limit=limit) packages = query_db(query) print_schedule_result(suite, criteria, packages) return packages def scheduler(): query = 'SELECT count(*) ' + \ 'FROM schedule AS p JOIN sources AS s ON p.package_id=s.id ' total = int(query_db(query)[0][0]) log.info('Currently scheduled packages in all suites: ' + str(total)) if total > 250: build_page('scheduled') # from reproducible_html_indexes log.info(str(total) + ' packages already scheduled' + ', nothing to do here.') return else: log.info(str(total) + ' packages already scheduled' + ', scheduling some more...') log.info('==============================================================') # untested packages untested = {} for suite in SUITES: log.info('Requesting 250 untested packages in ' + suite + '...') untested[suite] = scheduler_untested_packages(suite, 250) total += len(untested[suite]) log.info('Received ' + str(len(untested[suite])) + ' untested packages in ' + suite + ' to schedule.') log.info('==============================================================') # packages with new versions new = {} if total <= 100: many_new = 60 elif total <= 200: many_new = 40 else: many_new = 20 log.info('Requesting ' + str(many_new) + ' new versions in ' + suite + '...') for suite in SUITES: new[suite] = scheduler_new_versions(suite, many_new) total += len(new[suite]) log.info('Received ' + str(len(new[suite])) + ' new packages in ' + suite + ' to schedule.') log.info('==============================================================') # old packages old = {} if total <= 150: many_old = 25 # multiplied by 10, usually, see below elif total <= 250: many_old = 15 # also... elif total <= 350: many_old = 10 # ... else: many_old = 5 # ... for suite in SUITES: if suite != 'experimental': many_old = many_old*10 # experimental is roughly one tenth of the size of the other suites log.info('Requesting ' + str(many_old) + ' old packages in ' + suite + '...') old[suite] = scheduler_old_versions(suite, many_old) total += len(old[suite]) log.info('Received ' + str(len(old[suite])) + ' old packages in ' + suite + ' to schedule.') log.info('==============================================================') for suite in SUITES: all_scheduled_pkgs = [] all_scheduled_pkgs.extend(untested[suite]) all_scheduled_pkgs.extend(new[suite]) all_scheduled_pkgs.extend(old[suite]) query = 'SELECT count(*) ' + \ 'FROM schedule AS p JOIN sources AS s ON p.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE s.suite="{suite}"'.format(suite=suite) now_queued_here = int(query_db(query)[0][0]) + len(all_scheduled_pkgs) # build the final message text message = 'Scheduled in ' + suite + ': ' + \ str(len(untested[suite])) + ' untested packages, ' + \ str(len(new[suite])) + ' packages with new versions and ' + \ str(len(old[suite])) + ' with the same version ' + \ '(total: ' + str(total) + ' of which ' + \ str(now_queued_here) + ' are in ' + suite + ')' kgb = ['kgb-client', '--conf', '/srv/jenkins/kgb/debian-reproducible.conf', '--relay-msg'] kgb.extend(message.split()) # finally schedule_packages(all_scheduled_pkgs) call(kgb) log.info(message) log.info('### Suite ' + suite + ' done ###') log.info('==============================================================') build_page('scheduled') # from reproducible_html_indexes, build global page log.info('\n\n\n') log.info(message) if __name__ == '__main__': overall = int(query_db('SELECT count(*) FROM schedule')[0][0]) if overall > 400: build_page('scheduled') # from reproducible_html_indexes log.info(str(overall) + ' packages already scheduled, nothing to do.') sys.exit() else: log.info(str(overall) + ' packages already scheduled, scheduling some more...') for suite in SUITES: call_apt_update(suite) update_sources_tables(suite) scheduler() overall = int(query_db('SELECT count(*) FROM schedule')[0][0]) log.info(str(overall) + ' packages scheduled at the end, in all suites.')