#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 # # A secure script to be called from remote hosts import sys import time import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Reschedule packages to re-test their reproducibility', epilog='The build results will be announced on the #debian-reproducible' ' IRC channel if -n is provided. Specifying two or more filters' ' (namely two or more -r/-i/-t/-b) means "all packages with that' ' issue AND that status AND that date". Blacklisted package ' "can't be selected by a filter, but needs to be explitely listed" ' in the package list.') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--null', action='store_true', help='The arguments are ' 'considered null-separated and coming from stdin.') parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep-artifacts', action='store_true', help='Save artifacts (for further offline study).') parser.add_argument('-n', '--notify', action='store_true', help='Notify the channel when the build finishes.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--noisy', action='store_true', help='Also notify when ' + 'the build starts, linking to the build url.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--message', default='', help='A text to be sent to the IRC channel when notifying' + ' about the scheduling.') parser.add_argument('-r', '--status', required=False, help='Schedule all package with this status.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--issue', required=False, help='Schedule all packages with this issue.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--after', required=False, help='Schedule all packages built after this date.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--before', required=False, help='Schedule all packages built before this date.') parser.add_argument('-a', '--architecture', required=False, default='amd64', help='Specify the architecture to schedule for ' + '(defaults to amd64).') parser.add_argument('-s', '--suite', required=False, default='unstable', help='Specify the suite to schedule in (defaults to unstable).') parser.add_argument('packages', metavar='package', nargs='*', help='Space seperated list of packages to reschedule.') scheduling_args = parser.parse_known_args()[0] if scheduling_args.null: scheduling_args = parser.parse_known_args(sys.stdin.read().split('\0'))[0] # these are here as an hack to be able to parse the command line from reproducible_common import * from reproducible_html_live_status import generate_schedule # this variable is expected to come from the remote host try: requester = os.environ['LC_USER'] except KeyError: log.critical(bcolors.FAIL + 'You should use the provided script to ' 'schedule packages. Ask in #debian-reproducible if you have ' 'trouble with that.' + bcolors.ENDC) sys.exit(1) # this variable is set by reproducible scripts and so it only available in calls made on the local host (=main node) try: local = True if os.environ['LOCAL_CALL'] == 'true' else False except KeyError: local = False suite = scheduling_args.suite arch = scheduling_args.architecture reason = scheduling_args.message issue = scheduling_args.issue status = scheduling_args.status built_after = scheduling_args.after built_before = scheduling_args.before packages = [x for x in scheduling_args.packages if x] artifacts = scheduling_args.keep_artifacts notify = scheduling_args.notify or scheduling_args.noisy notify_on_start = scheduling_args.noisy dry_run = scheduling_args.dry_run log.debug('Requester: ' + requester) log.debug('Dry run: ' + str(dry_run)) log.debug('Local call: ' + str(local)) log.debug('Reason: ' + reason) log.debug('Artifacts: ' + str(artifacts)) log.debug('Notify: ' + str(notify)) log.debug('Debug url: ' + str(notify_on_start)) log.debug('Issue: ' + issue if issue else str(None)) log.debug('Status: ' + status if status else str(None)) log.debug('Date: after ' + built_after if built_after else str(None) + ' before ' + built_before if built_before else str(None)) log.debug('Suite: ' + suite) log.debug('Architecture: ' + arch) log.debug('Packages: ' + ' '.join(packages)) if not suite: log.critical('You need to specify the suite name') sys.exit(1) if suite not in SUITES: log.critical('The specified suite is not being tested.') log.critical('Please choose between ' + ', '.join(SUITES)) sys.exit(1) if arch not in ARCHS: log.critical('The specified architecture is not being tested.') log.critical('Please choose between ' + ', '.join(ARCHS)) sys.exit(1) if issue or status or built_after or built_before: formatter = dict(suite=suite, arch=arch, notes_table='') log.info('Querying packages with given issues/status...') query = 'SELECT s.name ' + \ 'FROM sources AS s, {notes_table} results AS r ' + \ 'WHERE r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'AND s.architecture= "{arch}" ' + \ 'AND s.suite = "{suite}" AND r.status != "blacklisted" ' if issue: query += 'AND n.package_id=s.id AND n.issues LIKE "%{issue}%" ' formatter['issue'] = issue formatter['notes_table'] = 'notes AS n,' if status: query += 'AND r.status = "{status}"' formatter['status'] = status if built_after: query += 'AND r.build_date > "{built_after}" ' formatter['built_after'] = built_after if built_before: query += 'AND r.build_date < "{built_before}" ' formatter['built_before'] = built_before results = query_db(query.format_map(formatter)) results = [x for (x,) in results] log.info('Selected packages: ' + ' '.join(results)) packages.extend(results) if len(packages) > 50 and notify: log.critical(bcolors.RED + bcolors.BOLD) call(['figlet', 'No.']) log.critical(bcolors.FAIL + 'Do not reschedule more than 50 packages ', 'with notification.\nIf you think you need to do this, ', 'please discuss this with the IRC channel first.', bcolors.ENDC) sys.exit(1) if artifacts: log.info('The artifacts of the build(s) will be saved to the location ' 'mentioned at the end of the build log(s).') if notify_on_start: log.info('The channel will be notified when the build starts') ids = [] pkgs = [] query1 = '''SELECT id FROM sources WHERE name="{pkg}" AND suite="{suite}" AND architecture="{arch}"''' query2 = '''SELECT p.date_build_started FROM sources AS s JOIN schedule as p ON p.package_id=s.id WHERE p.package_id="{id}"''' for pkg in packages: # test whether the package actually exists result = query_db(query1.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch)) # tests whether the package is already building try: result2 = query_db(query2.format(id=result[0][0])) except IndexError: log.error('%sThe package %s is not available in %s/%s%s', bcolors.FAIL, pkg, suite, arch, bcolors.ENDC) continue try: if not result2[0][0]: ids.append(result[0][0]) pkgs.append(pkg) else: log.warning(bcolors.WARN + 'The package ' + pkg + ' is ' + 'already building, not scheduling it.' + bcolors.ENDC) except IndexError: # it's not in the schedule ids.append(result[0][0]) pkgs.append(pkg) blablabla = '✂…' if len(' '.join(pkgs)) > 257 else '' packages_txt = str(len(ids)) + ' packages ' if len(pkgs) > 1 else '' trailing = ' - artifacts will be preserved' if artifacts else '' trailing += ' - with irc notification' if notify else '' trailing += ' - notify on start too' if notify_on_start else '' message = requester + ' scheduled ' + packages_txt + \ 'in ' + suite + '/' + arch if reason: message += ', reason: \'' + reason + '\'' message += ': ' + ' '.join(pkgs)[0:256] + blablabla + trailing # these packages are manually scheduled, so should have high priority, # so schedule them in the past, so they are picked earlier :) # the current date is subtracted twice, so it sorts before early scheduling # schedule on the full hour so we can recognize them easily epoch = int(time.time()) yesterday = epoch - 60*60*24 now = datetime.now() days = int(now.strftime('%j'))*2 hours = int(now.strftime('%H'))*2 minutes = int(now.strftime('%M')) time_delta = timedelta(days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes) date = (now - time_delta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') log.debug('date_scheduled = ' + date + ' time_delta = ' + str(time_delta)) # a single person can't schedule more than 200 packages in the same day; this # is actually easy to bypass, but let's give some trust to the Debian people query = '''SELECT count(*) FROM manual_scheduler WHERE requester = "{}" AND date_request > "{}"''' try: amount = int(query_db(query.format(requester, int(time.time()-86400)))[0][0]) except IndexError: amount = 0 log.debug(requester + ' already scheduled ' + str(amount) + ' packages today') if amount + len(ids) > 200 and not local: log.error(bcolors.FAIL + 'You have exceeded the maximum number of manual ' + 'reschedulings allowed for a day. Please ask in ' + '#debian-reproducible if you need to schedule more packages.' + bcolors.ENDC) sys.exit(1) # do the actual scheduling to_schedule = [] save_schedule = [] notify = 1 if notify else 0 notify = 2 if notify_on_start else 0 artifacts_value = 1 if artifacts else 0 for id in ids: to_schedule.append((id, date, artifacts_value, str(notify), requester)) save_schedule.append((id, requester, epoch)) log.debug('Packages about to be scheduled: ' + str(to_schedule)) query1 = '''REPLACE INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled, save_artifacts, notify, scheduler) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''' query2 = '''INSERT INTO manual_scheduler (package_id, requester, date_request) VALUES (?, ?, ?)''' if not dry_run: cursor = conn_db.cursor() cursor.executemany(query1, to_schedule) cursor.executemany(query2, save_schedule) conn_db.commit() else: log.info('Ran with --dry-run, scheduled nothing') log.info(bcolors.GOOD + message + bcolors.ENDC) if not (local and requester == "jenkins maintenance job") and len(ids) != 0: if not dry_run: irc_msg(message) generate_schedule(arch) # update the html page