#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014-2015 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 DEBUG=false . /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh common_init "$@" # common code defining db access . /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh DIRTY=false REP_RESULTS=/srv/reproducible-results # backup db if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "jenkins" ] ; then # prepare backup mkdir -p $REP_RESULTS/backup cd $REP_RESULTS/backup # keep 30 days and the 1st of the month DAY=(date -d "30 day ago" '+%d') DATE=$(date -d "30 day ago" '+%Y-%m-%d') if [ "$DAY" != "01" ] && [ -f reproducible_$DATE.db.xz ] ; then rm -f reproducible_$DATE.db.xz fi # actually do the backup DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') if [ ! -f reproducible_$DATE.db.xz ] ; then cp -v $PACKAGES_DB . DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') mv -v reproducible.db reproducible_$DATE.db xz reproducible_$DATE.db fi # provide copy for external backups cp -v $PACKAGES_DB $BASE/ fi # delete old temp directories OLDSTUFF=$(find $REP_RESULTS -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "tmp.*" -mtime +2 -exec ls -lad {} \;) if [ ! -z "$OLDSTUFF" ] ; then echo echo "Warning: old temp directories found in $REP_RESULTS" find $REP_RESULTS -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "tmp.*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -rv {} \; echo "These old directories have been deleted." echo DIRTY=true fi # find old schroots OLDSTUFF=$(find /schroots/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -regextype posix-extended -regex "/schroots/reproducible-.*-[0-9]{1,5}" -mtime +2 -exec ls -lad {} \;) if [ ! -z "$OLDSTUFF" ] ; then echo echo "Old schroots found in /schroots, which have been deleted:" find /schroots/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -regextype posix-extended -regex "/schroots/reproducible-.*-[0-9]{1,5}" -mtime +2 -exec sudo rm -rf --one-file-system {} \; echo "$OLDSTUFF" OLDSTUFF=$(find /schroots/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -regextype posix-extended -regex "/schroots/reproducible-.*-[0-9]{1,5}" -mtime +2 -exec ls -lad {} \;) if [ ! -z "$OLDSTUFF" ] ; then echo echo "Warning: Tried, but failed to delete these:" echo "$OLDSTUFF" echo "Manual cleanup needed!" fi echo DIRTY=true fi if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "jenkins" ] ; then # # find failed builds due to network problems and reschedule them # # only grep through the last 5h (300 minutes) of builds... # (ignore "*None.rbuild.log" because these are build which were just started) # this job runs every 4h FAILED_BUILDS=$(find $BASE/rbuild -type f ! -name "*None.rbuild.log" ! -mmin +300 -exec zgrep -l -E 'E: Failed to fetch.*(Connection failed|Size mismatch|Cannot initiate the connection to|Bad Gateway)' {} \; || true) if [ ! -z "$FAILED_BUILDS" ] ; then echo echo "The following builds have failed due to network problems and will be rescheduled now:" echo "$FAILED_BUILDS" echo echo "Rescheduling packages: " for SUITE in $(echo $FAILED_BUILDS | sed "s# #\n#g" | cut -d "/" -f8 | sort -u) ; do REQUESTER="jenkins maintenance job" REASON="maintenance reschedule: reschedule builds which failed due to network errors" CANDIDATES=$(for PKG in $(echo $FAILED_BUILDS | sed "s# #\n#g" | grep "/$SUITE/" | cut -d "/" -f10 | cut -d "_" -f1) ; do echo "$PKG" ; done) # double check those builds actually failed TO_SCHEDULE="" for pkg in $CANDIDATES ; do QUERY="SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='$SUITE' AND (r.status='FTBFS' OR r.status='depwait') AND s.name='$pkg'" TO_SCHEDULE=${TO_SCHEDULE:+"$TO_SCHEDULE "}$(sqlite3 -init $INIT $PACKAGES_DB "$QUERY") done schedule_packages $TO_SCHEDULE done DIRTY=true fi # # find packages which build didnt end correctly # QUERY=" SELECT s.id, s.name, p.date_scheduled, p.date_build_started FROM schedule AS p JOIN sources AS s ON p.package_id=s.id WHERE p.date_scheduled != '' AND p.date_build_started != '' AND p.date_build_started < datetime('now', '-36 hours') ORDER BY p.date_scheduled " PACKAGES=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TEMPDIR maintenance-XXXXXXXXXXXX) sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "$QUERY" > $PACKAGES 2> /dev/null || echo "Warning: SQL query '$QUERY' failed." if grep -q '|' $PACKAGES ; then echo echo "Packages found where the build was started more than 36h ago:" printf ".width 0 25 \n $QUERY ; " | sqlite3 -init $INIT -header -column ${PACKAGES_DB} 2> /dev/null || echo "Warning: SQL query '$QUERY' failed." echo for PKG in $(cat $PACKAGES | cut -d "|" -f1) ; do echo "sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} \"DELETE FROM schedule WHERE package_id = '$PKG';\"" sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "DELETE FROM schedule WHERE package_id = '$PKG';" done echo "Packages have been removed from scheduling." echo DIRTY=true fi rm $PACKAGES # # find packages which have been removed from the archive # PACKAGES=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TEMPDIR maintenance-XXXXXXXXXX) QUERY="SELECT name, suite, architecture FROM removed_packages LIMIT 25" sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "$QUERY" > $PACKAGES 2> /dev/null || echo "Warning: SQL query '$QUERY' failed." if grep -q '|' $PACKAGES ; then DIRTY=true echo echo "Found files relative to old packages, no more in the archive:" echo "Removing these removed packages from database:" printf ".width 25 12 \n $QUERY ;" | sqlite3 -init $INIT -header -column ${PACKAGES_DB} 2> /dev/null || echo "Warning: SQL query '$QUERY' failed." echo for pkg in $(cat $PACKAGES) ; do PKGNAME=$(echo "$pkg" | cut -d '|' -f 1) SUITE=$(echo "$pkg" | cut -d '|' -f 2) ARCH=$(echo "$pkg" | cut -d '|' -f 3) QUERY="DELETE FROM removed_packages WHERE name='$PKGNAME' AND suite='$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH'" sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "$QUERY" cd $BASE find rb-pkg/$SUITE/$ARCH rbuild/$SUITE/$ARCH dbd/$SUITE/$ARCH dbdtxt/$SUITE/$ARCH buildinfo/$SUITE/$ARCH logs/$SUITE/$ARCH logdiffs/$SUITE/$Arch -name "${PKGNAME}_*" | xargs -r rm -v || echo "Warning: couldn't delete old files from ${PKGNAME} in $SUITE/$ARCH" done cd - > /dev/null fi rm $PACKAGES # # delete jenkins html logs from reproducible_builder_* jobs as they are mostly redundant # (they only provide the extended value of parsed console output, which we dont need here.) # OLDSTUFF=$(find /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/reproducible_builder_* -maxdepth 3 -mtime +0 -name log_content.html -exec rm -v {} \; | wc -l) if [ ! -z "$OLDSTUFF" ] ; then echo echo "Removed $OLDSTUFF jenkins html logs." echo fi fi # find+terminate processes which should not be there HAYSTACK=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TEMPDIR maintenance-XXXXXXXXXXX) RESULT=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TEMPDIR maintenance-XXXXXXXXXXX) TOKILL=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TEMPDIR maintenance-XXXXXXXXXXX) PBUIDS="1234 1111 2222" ps axo pid,user,size,pcpu,cmd > $HAYSTACK for i in $PBUIDS ; do for PROCESS in $(pgrep -u $i -P 1 || true) ; do # faked-sysv comes and goes... grep ^$PROCESS $HAYSTACK | grep -v faked-sysv >> $RESULT 2> /dev/null || true done done if [ -s $RESULT ] ; then for PROCESS in $(cat $RESULT | cut -d " " -f1 | xargs echo) ; do AGE=$(ps -p $PROCESS -o etimes= || echo 0) # a single build may only take half a day, so... if [ $AGE -gt $(( 12*60*60 )) ] ; then echo "$PROCESS" >> $TOKILL fi done if [ -s $TOKILL ] ; then DIRTY=true PSCALL="" echo echo "Warning: processes found which should not be there, killing them now:" for PROCESS in $(cat $TOKILL) ; do PSCALL=${PSCALL:+"$PSCALL,"}"$PROCESS" done ps -F -p $PSCALL echo for PROCESS in $(cat $TOKILL) ; do sudo kill -9 $PROCESS 2>&1 echo "'kill -9 $PROCESS' done." done echo fi fi rm $HAYSTACK $RESULT $TOKILL # There are naughty processes spawning childs and leaving them to their grandparents PSCALL="" for i in $PBUIDS ; do for p in $(pgrep -u $i) ; do AGE=$(ps -p $p -o etimes= || echo 0) # let's be generous and consider 14 hours here... if [ $AGE -gt $(( 14*60*60 )) ] ; then PSCALL=${PSCALL:+"$PSCALL,"}"$p" fi done done if [ ! -z "$PSCALL" ] ; then echo -e "Warning: processes found which should not be there, please fix up manually:" ps -F -p "$PSCALL" echo fi # remove lockfiles older than 2 days LOCKFILES=$(find /tmp/reproducible-lockfile-* -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +2 -exec ls -lad {} \; || true) if [ ! -z "$LOCKFILES" ] ; then echo echo "Removed old lockfiles:" find /tmp/reproducible-lockfile-* -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm -rv {} \; echo fi # remove artifacts older than 3 days ARTIFACTS=$(find $BASE/artifacts/* -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +3 -exec ls -lad {} \; || true) if [ ! -z "$ARTIFACTS" ] ; then echo echo "Removed old artifacts:" find $BASE/artifacts/* -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +3 -exec rm -rv {} \; echo fi # find + chmod files with bad permissions BADPERMS=$(find $BASE/{buildinfo,dbd,rbuild,artifacts,unstable,experimental,testing,rb-pkg} ! -perm 644 -type f|| true) if [ ! -z "$BADPERMS" ] ; then DIRTY=true echo echo "Warning: Found files with bad permissions (!=644):" echo "Please fix permission manually" echo "$BADPERMS" | xargs echo chmod -v 644 echo fi if ! $DIRTY ; then echo "Everything seems to be fine." echo fi