# Copyright 2015 Holger Levsen These source packages are different from unstable in our apt repository on alioth. They are available for testing using these sources.lists entries:"
write_page "deb http://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/debian/ ./"
write_page "deb-src http://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/debian/ ./"
write_page "
package | git repo | PTS link | usertagged bug | old versions in our repo (needed for reproducing old builds) | version in our repo | version in 'testing' | version in 'unstable' | version in 'experimental' |
src:$PKG | "
write_page " "
case $PKG in
URL="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/$PKG.git" ;;
URL="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/$PKG.git/?h=pu/reproducible_builds" ;;
curl $URL > $TMP2FILE
if [ "$(grep "'error'>No repositories found" $TMP2FILE 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
write_page "$URL (no git repository found)" elif [ "$(grep "'error'>Invalid branch" $TMP2FILE 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then URL="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/$PKG.git/?h=merged/reproducible_builds" curl $URL > $TMP2FILE if [ "$(grep "'error'>Invalid branch" $TMP2FILE 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then if ! $OBSOLETE_IN_SID ; then write_page "$PKG.git non-standard branch" else write_page "$PKG.git non-standard branch (but that is ok, our package aint't used in unstable)" fi else write_page "$PKG.git" write_page " (merged" if $OBSOLETE_IN_TESTING ; then write_page "and available in testing and unstable)" elif $OBSOLETE_IN_SID ; then write_page "and available in unstable)" elif $OBSOLETE_IN_EXP ; then write_page "and available in experimental)" fi fi else write_page "$PKG.git" if [ "$PKG" != "strip-nondeterminism" ] ; then if $OBSOLETE_IN_TESTING && $OBSOLETE_IN_SID && $OBSOLETE_IN_EXP ; then write_page " (unused?" write_page " Then the branch should probably renamed." elif $OBSOLETE_IN_SID && $OBSOLETE_IN_EXP ; then write_page " (only used in testing, fixed in sid," write_page " branch should probably renamed)" elif $OBSOLETE_IN_EXP ; then write_page " (only used in testing and unstable, fixed in experimental)" fi elif [ "$PKG" = "strip-nondeterminism" ] && $OBSOLETE_IN_SID ; then write_page " (this repo is always used)" fi fi if ! $OBSOLETE_IN_SID ; then let "MODIFIED_IN_SID+=1" fi write_page " | "
write_page " PTS | " URL="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=$PKG&users=reproducible-builds@lists.alioth.debian.org&archive=both" for TAG in $USERTAGS ; do URL="$URL&tag=$TAG" done write_page "bugs | " write_page "$CRUFT | " write_page "$BET | " write_page "$CTEST | " write_page "$CSID | " write_page "$CEXP | " write_page "