#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 DEBUG=false . /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh common_init "$@" # common code defining db access . /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh SUITE="sid" # for links in page ARCH="amd64" # same VIEW=repo_stats PAGE=index_${VIEW}.html TMPFILE=$(mktemp) TMP2FILE=$(mktemp) echo "$(date) - starting to write $PAGE page." write_page_header $VIEW "Comparison between the reproducible builds apt repository and regular Debian suites)" write_page "

These source packages are different from sid in our apt repository on alioth. They are available for testing using these sources.lists entries:

write_page "deb http://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/debian/ ./"
write_page "deb-src http://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/debian/ ./"
write_page "

" write_page "

" curl http://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/debian/Sources > $TMPFILE SOURCES=$(grep-dctrl -n -s Package -r -FPackage . $TMPFILE | sort -u) for PKG in $SOURCES ; do echo "Processing $PKG..." if [ "${PKG:0:3}" = "lib" ] ; then PREFIX=${PKG:0:4} else PREFIX=${PKG:0:1} fi VERSIONS=$(grep-dctrl -n -s version -S $PKG $TMPFILE|sort -u) CRUFT="" BET="" OBSOLETE=false # # gather versions of a package # for VERSION in ${VERSIONS} ; do if [ "$BET" = "" ] ; then BET=${VERSION} continue elif dpkg --compare-versions "$BET" lt "${VERSION}" ; then BET=${VERSION} fi done SID=$(rmadison -s sid $PKG | cut -d "|" -f2|xargs echo) for VERSION in ${VERSIONS} ; do if [ "${VERSION}" != "$BET" ] ; then CRUFT="$CRUFT ${VERSION}" fi done TESTING=$(rmadison -s testing $PKG | cut -d "|" -f2|xargs echo) EXPERIMENTAL=$(rmadison -s experimental $PKG | cut -d "|" -f2|xargs echo) # # format output # CSID="" CTEST="" CEXP="" for i in $SID ; do if dpkg --compare-versions "$i" gt "$BET" ; then CSID="$CSID$i
" if [ ! -z "$BET" ] ; then CRUFT="$BET $CRUFT" BET="" OBSOLETE=true fi else CSID="$CSID$i
" fi done if [ ! -z "$TESTING" ] ; then for i in $TESTING ; do if dpkg --compare-versions "$i" gt "$BET" ; then CTEST="$CTEST$i
" else CTEST="$CTEST$i
" fi done fi if [ ! -z "$EXPERIMENTAL" ] ; then for i in $EXPERIMENTAL ; do if dpkg --compare-versions "$i" gt "$BET" ; then CEXP="$CEXP$i
" else CEXP="$CEXP$i
" fi done fi if [ ! -z "$BET" ] ; then BET="$BET" else BET=" " fi if [ ! -z "$CRUFT" ] ; then CRUFT="$(echo $CRUFT|sed 's# #
#g')" fi # # write output # write_page "" write_page " " write_page " " write_page " " write_page " " write_page " " write_page "" done write_page "
source packageold versions in our repo
(needed for reproducing old builds)
version in our repoversion in 'testing'version in 'sid'version in 'experimental'
" URL="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/$PKG.git/?h=pu/reproducible_builds" curl $URL > $TMP2FILE if [ "$(grep "'error'>No repositories found" $TMP2FILE 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then write_page "$PKG
(no git repository)" elif [ "$(grep "'error'>Invalid branch" $TMP2FILE 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then write_page "$PKG
(non-standard branch)" if $OBSOLETE ; then write_page " (probably ok)" fi else write_page "$PKG" if $OBSOLETE ; then write_page "
(unused?)" fi fi write_page "

" rm $TMPFILE $TMP2FILE write_page_footer publish_page